- Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
- Download the latest release from here.
- Place the file into a folder.
- With your computer's terminal, navigate to the
file and run the app. - Refer to the features below for details of the commands available in Duke.
Shows a message containing all possible commands accepted by Duke
Format: help
Adds a Todo to the task list
Format: todo DESCRIPTION
todo eat dinner
todo take dog out for a run
Expected outcome:
Added successfully: [T][✘]eat dinner
Added successfully: [T][✘]take dog out for a run
Adds a Deadline to the task list
Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE_TIME<yyyy-MM-dd HHmm>
deadline Finish homework /by 2020-09-21 1800
Expected outcome:
Added successfully: [D][✘]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)
Adds an Event to the task list
Format: event DESCRIPTION /at FROM_DATE_TIME<yyyy-MM-dd HHmm> /to TO_DATE_TIME<yyyy-MM-dd HHmm>
event Math exam /at 2020-10-22 0900 /to 2020-10-22 1000
Expected outcome:
Added successfully: [E][✘]Math exam (at: Oct 22 2020 09:00 AM to Oct 22 2020 10:00 AM)
Shows a list of all tasks in the task list
Format: list
Expected outcome:
Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][✘]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)
2. [E][✘]Math exam (at: Oct 22 2020 09:00 AM to Oct 22 2020 10:00 AM)
Shows a list of all tasks happening on a given day in the task list
Format: list DATE
list 2020-10-30
list 2020-09-21
Expected outcomes:
List is empty!
(because there are no tasks matching '2020-10-30')Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][✘]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)
Find tasks whose name contain any of the given keywords.
Format: find KEYWORD
find dinner
find homework
Expected outcomes:
List is empty!
(because there are no tasks matching the keyword 'dinner')Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][✘]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)
Delete the task of a given index
Format: delete INDEX
delete 2
delete 13
Expected outcomes:
Noted, I have deleted this task
[E][✘]Math exam (at: Oct 22 2020 09:00 AM to Oct 22 2020 10:00 AM)
(index given is valid)Did you give me the wrong task number?
(because the index given is out of bounds)
Changes a task's done status to done
Format: done INDEX
done 1
done 13
Expected outcomes:
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][✓]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)
(index given is valid)Did you give me the wrong task number?
(because the index given is out of bounds)
Exits the program
Format: bye
Expected outcome:
Tasks saved successfully.
Bye! See you again soon :)
Duke saves all data automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.
Action | Format, Examples |
help | help |
list | list list DATE e.g., list 2020-09-21 |
todo | todo DESCRIPTION e.g., todo eat dinner |
deadline | deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE_TIME e.g., deadline Finish homework /by 2020-09-21 1800 |
event | event DESCRIPTION /at FROM_DATE_TIME /to TO_DATE_TIME e.g., event Math exam /at 2020-10-22 0900 /to 2020-10-22 1000 |
find | find KEYWORD e.g., find dinner find assignment |
delete | delete INDEX e.g., delete 13 |
done | done INDEX e.g., done 13 |
bye | bye |