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This branch is 43 commits ahead of nus-cs2113-AY2021S1/ip:master.

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User Guide

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest release from here.
  3. Place the file into a folder.
  4. With your computer's terminal, navigate to the ip.jar file and run the app.
  5. Refer to the features below for details of the commands available in Duke.


Viewing help: help

Shows a message containing all possible commands accepted by Duke

Format: help

Adding a Todo: todo

Adds a Todo to the task list

Format: todo DESCRIPTION


  • todo eat dinner
  • todo take dog out for a run

Expected outcome:

  • Added successfully: [T][✘]eat dinner
  • Added successfully: [T][✘]take dog out for a run

Adding a Deadline: deadline

Adds a Deadline to the task list

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE_TIME<yyyy-MM-dd HHmm>


  • deadline Finish homework /by 2020-09-21 1800

Expected outcome:

  • Added successfully: [D][✘]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)

Adding an Event: event

Adds an Event to the task list

Format: event DESCRIPTION /at FROM_DATE_TIME<yyyy-MM-dd HHmm> /to TO_DATE_TIME<yyyy-MM-dd HHmm>


  • event Math exam /at 2020-10-22 0900 /to 2020-10-22 1000

Expected outcome:

  • Added successfully: [E][✘]Math exam (at: Oct 22 2020 09:00 AM to Oct 22 2020 10:00 AM)

Listing all tasks: list

Shows a list of all tasks in the task list

Format: list

Expected outcome:

  • Here are the tasks in your list:
    1. [D][✘]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)
    2. [E][✘]Math exam (at: Oct 22 2020 09:00 AM to Oct 22 2020 10:00 AM)

Listing all tasks on a given day: list

Shows a list of all tasks happening on a given day in the task list

Format: list DATE


  • list 2020-10-30
  • list 2020-09-21

Expected outcomes:

  • List is empty! (because there are no tasks matching '2020-10-30')
  • Here are the tasks in your list:
    1. [D][✘]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)

Locating tasks by name: find

Find tasks whose name contain any of the given keywords.

Format: find KEYWORD


  • find dinner
  • find homework

Expected outcomes:

  • List is empty! (because there are no tasks matching the keyword 'dinner')
  • Here are the tasks in your list:
    1. [D][✘]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM)

Deleting a task: delete

Delete the task of a given index

Format: delete INDEX


  • delete 2
  • delete 13

Expected outcomes:

  • Noted, I have deleted this task
    [E][✘]Math exam (at: Oct 22 2020 09:00 AM to Oct 22 2020 10:00 AM) (index given is valid)
  • Did you give me the wrong task number? (because the index given is out of bounds)

Editing a task's done status: done

Changes a task's done status to done

Format: done INDEX


  • done 1
  • done 13

Expected outcomes:

  • Nice! I've marked this task as done:
    [D][✓]Finish homework (by: Sep 21 2020 06:00 PM) (index given is valid)
  • Did you give me the wrong task number? (because the index given is out of bounds)

Exiting the program: bye

Exits the program

Format: bye

Expected outcome:

  • Tasks saved successfully.
    Bye! See you again soon :)

Saving the data

Duke saves all data automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
help help
list list list DATE e.g., list 2020-09-21
todo todo DESCRIPTION e.g., todo eat dinner
deadline deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE_TIME e.g., deadline Finish homework /by 2020-09-21 1800
event event DESCRIPTION /at FROM_DATE_TIME /to TO_DATE_TIME e.g., event Math exam /at 2020-10-22 0900 /to 2020-10-22 1000
find find KEYWORD e.g., find dinner find assignment
delete delete INDEX e.g., delete 13
done done INDEX e.g., done 13
bye bye


Starter code for the Duke project






No packages published


  • Java 96.6%
  • Shell 2.0%
  • Batchfile 1.4%