🌍 I'm a front-end development engineer with experience in large-scale e-commerce projects, blockchain development and open source full-stack internationalisation projects.
- Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, Golang
- Frameworks: Jquery, Vue, React, Uniapp, Moralis
- Development Tools: Vercel, Node.js, VSCode, HBuilderX
- Project Experience: SASS to C and B project, cross-border e-commerce, Blockchain obligations
An open-source full-stack project focused on seamless internationalization, built with Vue3, Node.js, Express, MySQL and Redis . Link to project
TranslationTools is a React application for automated translation based on the Baidu Translation api, designed to help users easily translate text content, JSON content.
Email:[email protected]
- vue3+element-plus+vue-i18n internationalisation case study
- JavaScript programme for automated translation
Thanks for visiting! Feel free to reach out or check out my work 😊