A modified and fixed version of Mojang's mojam game Catacomb Snatch.
Major Features: Dual Stick Ccontrols Chat System Pause Screen Level Selection C418 and Ansou's Title and Ending music
It also contains bug fixes and underlying code improvement.
A good place to find custom levels for download is here
If you find any bugs, have any suggestions at all, or just want to talk email me at rekh127 [at] gmail [dot] com
A major bug that is still present is the bug with sound on linux. To work around this for now install the Oracle 7 JDK or JRE. To do this on Ubuntu you can use the ppa:webupd8team/java. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-jdk7-installer If you don't wish to do this or you are on another distribution you can manually install the download from oracle.com
W - move up
A - move left
S - move down
D - move right
Up - shoot up
Left - shoot left
Down - shoot down
Right - shoot right
(hold up/down with left/right to move/shoot diagonally)
R/X/Space - build rail (place car if in base)
E/Z - buy/pickup
Esc - pause
Enter/T - chat
(in chat Enter to send Esc to cancel)
*Pause Menu
*Chat System
*Hide/Show FPS option on Pause Menu
*Dual Stick controls
*C418's Title and Anosou's Ending songs
*Level select
*Railcars pickup/drop off locations
*Harvester crash bug
*Turrets shooting at neutral entities
*improved MP latency
*Mobs spawning outside the map
*fixed improper scoring
Known Issues:
*Sound bugs on linux (missing sounds with sun 6, unstable openjdk6/7)
-workaround install Oracle 7 jdk/jre
*Open Folder on linux