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A package for rapid implementation and testing of new interatomic potentials and molecular simulation algorithms. Requires v0.5 or v0.6 of Julia. Current development is for Julia v0.6.x. Documentation is essentially non-existent but the inline documentations is reasonably complete.
The design of JuLIP
is heavily inspired by ASE.
The main motivation for JuLIP
is that, while ASE
is pure Python and hence
relies on external software to efficiently evaluate interatomic potentials,
Julia allows the implementation of fast potentials in pure Julia, often in just
a few lines of code. ASE
bindings compatible with JuLIP
are provided by
Contributions are welcome, especially for producing examples and tutorials. Any
questions or suggestions, please ask on .
Install JuLIP, from the Julia REPL:
and run
to make sure the installation succeeded. If a test fails, please open an issue.
Most likely you will also want to ASE bindings; please see ASE.jl for more detail.
The following are some minimal examples to just get something to run. More intersting examples will hopefully follow soon.
using JuLIP
at = bulk(:Si, cubic=true) * 4
deleteat!(at, 1)
set_calculator!(at, StillingerWeber())
set_constraint!(at, FixedCell(at))
# Visualisation is current not working
# JuLIP.Visualise.draw(at) # (this will only work in a ipynb)
see the BulkSilicon.ipynb
notebook under examples
for an extended
using JuLIP
r0 = rnn(:Al)
pot = let A = 4.0, r0 = r0
@analytic r -> 6.0 * exp(- A * (r/r0 - 1.0)) - A * (r0/r)^6
pot = pot * SplineCutoff(2.1 * r0, 3.5 * r0)
# `pot` can now be used as a calculator to do something interesting ...
using JuLIP
# and EAM-like site potential
f(R) = sqrt( 1.0 + sum( exp(-norm(r)) for r in R ) )
# wrap it into a site potential type => can be used as AbstractCalculator
V = ADPotential(f)
# evaluate V and ∇V
R0 = [ @SVector rand(3) for n = 1:nneigs ]
@show V(R0)
@show (@D V(R0))