Structural and functional brain connectivity reconstruction toolbox.
CATO is a modular software package for the reconstruction of structural and functional brain connectivity based on diffusion weighted imaging data and resting-state functional MRI data. The modular design of the toolbox enables researchers to run end-to-end reconstructions from raw MRI data to connectomes, customize their analysis and/or utilize other software packages during the data processing. To facilitate integrative analysis of structural and functional connectivity, CATO can reconstruct structural and functional connectivity with respect to the same brain parcellation for common (sub)cortical atlases.
The toolbox is presented in:
Structural and functional connectivity reconstruction with CATO-A Connectivity Analysis TOolbox
Siemon C. de Lange, Koen Helwegen, and Martijn P. van den Heuvel - NeuroImage, 2023
CATO binaries and source code can be downloaded from the releases section on this repository.
CATO can also be used inside the CATO Docker image.
An installation guide and more information about additionally needed software is provided on the installation section on the CATO website.
Details about how to use CATO, and an examples of using the structural and functional connectivity reconstruction pipelines are provided on the "Getting started" section on the CATO website.
Full documentation is provided on the CATO website