This script functions as a reentrant wrapper that will breakfast -> garbo -> preRun prep -> CS ascend with script of choice -> postRun prep -> garbo -> nightcap while keeping breakpoints at notable moments.
To install, run
git checkout main
To use the script, type the following into CLI
ploop help
- Clan VIP
- stooper
- All CBB recipes
- If own left-hand man, a lavaco lamp
- Inserts ptrack breakpoints. Run ptrack help in CLI to learn how to view them
- Supports perming skills + using big book of every skill if karma > 2000. (Recommend removing from ur breakfast if you SC ascend to avoid burning ur karma)
- Ensures 1 pizza of legend each (some CS scripts pull)
- uses glenn's golden dice for garbo
- uses lodestone for garbo
- asdon fuels if you own asdon
- uses burning cape for RO if in price threshold
- Puts lavaco lamp on lefthand man or tries to equip solid shifting time weirdness at nightcap
If you want ploop to acquire an item not on this list, run ploop help to see how to add an item to its acquisition list!
- acquires every legendary CBB pizza if in price range
- acquires borrowed time
- acquires non-Euclidean angle
- acquires abstraction: Category
- acquires tobiko marble soda
- acquires wasabi marble soda
- acquires one-day ticket to Dinseylandfill
- sets up garden