鬼(👹) on 地図(🗺) - Tag Game
This app, "Oni On Cheese", is that people can play tag in large area with google maps. Users can see each user's marker of location on google maps.
- Front-end
- React, Redux
- Functionalities
- react-google-maps, react-redux, react-router-dom, redux-thunk
- Design
- reactstrap, react-spinners
- Others
- react-scripts
- Functionalities
- LocalStorage (For saving username on local machine.)
- Geolocation API (To get users' location.)
- Socket.io (To communicate with others in real time.)
- Test
- Jest (Testing framework.)
- Sinon (For making mock objects/functions.)
- Enzyme (For components test.)
- React, Redux
- Back-end
- Express (Web framework.)
- Socket.io, Socket.io-redis
- Redis (To store data and using it as pub/sub feature.)
- Babel (To write code in ES6/7 way.)
- Heroku
- Deploy this app.
- Bot
- When issues and pull requests are created, updated and deleted, Sending the information to Slack. (Our dev channel.
- Test
- Jest
- Sinon
To install dependencies.
$ yarn install
To start server in dev environment (Backend)
$ yarn server:dev
To start dev server (For frontend. (React))
$ yarn hack
To create production files.
$ yarn build
To run all tests (front-end and back-end).
$ yarn jest
To run eslint to lint files under src
and server
$ yarn eslint
- Show “👹” icon instead of a normal marker to indicates who is “Oni” now.
- Be able to set room name.
- Show only rooms that includes at least 1 member.
- SNS authentication to get the user’s icon and use that instead of markers.
- Set Game Timer to make this app more game.
- Create some items that has some abilities. (Invisible, Invincible, etc)
Ryuta, Tsuyoshi