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This site is for the dvcoders club. We are a group of students at Diablo Valley College with a passion for Computer Science and Software Development.

This site is to display our current work, meeting information, and projects.

Getting The Site Running

This site is built upon the Jeykll static site engine. For more information regarding Jeykll please refer to their documentation.

To get this project up and running locally, follow the installation instructions here, pull the code to your local machine, open a terminal and cd ~/working/project/directory then jekyll serve -b ''.

Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000/


If you'd like to contribute please follow the Fork & Pull Github Pull Request workflow.

Fork this repository then open a Pull Request on your forked repo with as the base branch.

Follow good committing practice, two space indentation on html, css, and javascript files. Use relevant file-names with hyphen formatting user-authentication-data.json.