Assets Attribute: All audio clips used, HeroHurt.mp3 piano-background-4.wav keyboard-typing-looping-FreeSound.wav stomp224_lakefountain_Freesound.wav dogbarking.wav MenuBGM.mp3
are attributed to the user on who contribute voluntarily.
are attributed to the user on who contributed voluntarily.
Ambience Nature_Adobe.wav Pond Ambience with Duck Honk_Adobe.wav HeroMove.wav Pay Bill_Adobe.wav
are from Adobe Sound Effect Library which is totally free to use.
script for implementing the background music are inspired by user11458208 on stackoverflow:
script for implementing SoundManager System, Renderer Sorter and Saving System is inspired by tutorials of Code Monkey.
All visual assets as well as UI elements were illustrated by ourselves. No external resources were used.