A framework for Telegram Bot API written OCaml and built on Lwt & Cohttp libraries.
You can pin the upstream version of the library using the OPAM package manager.
$ opam pin https://github.com/dx3mod/tgbot.git
Typical bot example — "echo bot" sending your message back. Taken from examples/echobot.ml.
(* Your incoming updates dispatcher. *)
module Dispr (Bot : Tgbot.Bot.S) = struct
open Tgbot_api.Types
open Lwt.Infix
include Tgbot.Dispatcher.Plugs
include Tgbot.Logger.Dev (* log incoming messages *)
(* Incoming message handler. *)
let on_message (message : Message.t) =
Bot.send_message ~chat_id:message.chat.id message.text >|= ignore
let () =
Lwt_main.run @@
let token = "YOUR TOKEN" in
Tgbot.run_long_polling ~token (module Dispr)
In the example we use high-level abstraction for handling incoming messages by dispatcher pattern. You can find a more low-level version of the example here.
See more examples in the example/
The is an open source project under the MIT license. Contributions are very welcome! Please be sure to read the CONTRIBUTING.md before your first commit.