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Cartera is a mobile web3 wallet integrator. It acts as an abtraction layer over various wallet SDKs to provide a shared interface for common wallet operations. Cartera has the built-in support of the following SDKs:

WalletConnect V1 WalletConnect V2 CoinbaseWallet SDK


The repo is currently private. To access it, create a personal access token on Github and add it to the repo link.

Add your github user name and token as shell env vars:

export github_username=[GITHUB_USERNAME]
export github_token=[GITHUB_TOKEN]

Add the following to the project's gradle repositories settings:

    repositories {
        maven {
            val github_username = System.getenv("github_username")
            val github_token = System.getenv("github_token")
            name = "GitHubPackages"
            url = uri("")
            credentials {
                username = github_username
                password = github_token

And then add the dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation "dydxprotocol:cartera-android:0.0.1"


To build from a local copy of the library, update cartera/build.gradle to the following

apply from: 'publishLocal.gradle'
//apply from: 'publishRemote.gradle'

Build and push the code to Maven Local repo with:

./gradlew publishLibraryDebugPublicationToMavenLocal

Then add "-local-debug" to the library import from the main app's build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation "dydxprotocol:cartera-android:0.0.1-local-debug"

SDK Configuration

To enable the built-in SDK support, create a configuration object for each of the SDKs as follows:

object WalletProvidersConfigUtil {
    fun getWalletProvidersConfig(): WalletProvidersConfig {
        val walletConnectV1Config = WalletConnectV1Config(
            "dYdX Trading App",

        val walletConnectV2Config = WalletConnectV2Config(
            "<WalletConnectV2 Token>",
            "dYdX Trading App",

        val walletSegueConfig = WalletSegueConfig(

        return WalletProvidersConfig(

Then set the configuration on your activity onCreate():

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val launcher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
            val uri = ?: return@registerForActivityResult

        CarteraConfig.shared = CarteraConfig(
            walletProvidersConfig = WalletProvidersConfigUtil.getWalletProvidersConfig(),
            application = applicationContext as Application,
            launcher = launcher
        CarteraConfig.shared?.registerWallets(context = applicationContext)

Coinbase SDK requires deeplinks to wallet apps, so add the following to AndroidManifest.xml to access the wallet apps:

        <!-- Explicit apps you know in advance about: -->
        <package android:name="io.metamask"/>
        <package android:name="org.toshi"/>
        <package android:name=""/>
        <package android:name="com.wallet.crypto.trustapp"/>
        <package android:name=""/>
        <package android:name="vip.mytokenpocket"/>
        <package android:name="me.rainbow"/>
        <package android:name=""/>
        <package android:name="pro.huobi"/>

Wallet Configuration

There is a list of supported wallets specified in wallets_config.json. Call the following to register those wallets with Cartera:


Alternatively, you can specify a path of your own wallet config JSON data as follows:

CarteraConfig.shared.registerWallets(context, <config_json>")

Wallet Operations

Once configured, you can obtain a list of supported wallets, along with their status (e.g., installed or not) with

    val wallets = CarteraConfig.shared.wallets

To operate on a wallet, create a CarteraProvider and, optionally, set its walletStatusDelegate:

    val provider: CarteraProvider by lazy {
        val provider = CarteraProvider(context)
        provider.walletStatusDelegate = this

The following code would ask the selected wallet to sign a personal message:

    val request = WalletRequest(wallet = wallet, address = null, chainId = 5)
    provider.signMessage(request = request,
        message = "Test Message",
        connected = { info ->
           // connected
        completion = { signature, error ->
            if (error != null) {
                // error
            } else {
                // success


For reference, there is a sample app in the repo.