This repository contains several extra files to get more out of some FPGA cores. The majority of these files are extra JSON and MRA for more games that currently run on released cores, but were not included in their releases for whatever reason. If any of this stuff gets added to those releases in the future, it'll be removed from here.
Additionally, there are some combination cores which combine various released Arcade cores into a single Arcade Multi core. If you have every core installed on your Pocket, this should help reduce the volume of cores in the Arcade category.
Current extras and edits are collected into the following 5 releases:
- Jotego Extras
- Donkey Kong Extras
- Vectrex Extras
- Toaplan V2 Combination Core
- Capcom Z80 Combination Core
- Williams 6809 Combination Core
Jotego has done some amazing work in the FPGA scene for the Mister and Pocket. To date, he has released the most amount of arcade cores on the Pocket, including CPS1, CPS2, Sega System 16, The Simpsons, TMNT, and so many more. Please support Jotego on Patreon.
Included in pocket-extras
are several games that work on the release including:
- CPS1 and CPS1.5 Conversions to CPS2, including The Punisher, Street Fighter II Championship Edition, and Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition
- CPS1 Conversions to CPS1.5, including Mega Man Power Battle and Street Fighter Zero
- Arcade_Offset hacks for CPS2 and CPS1
CPS Conversions were done by terminator2k2.
In particular, for Arcade_Offset, the color blind hacks for Super Puzzle Fighter are included. However, I changed the MRA files slightly. Originally, those MRA files created roms with identical names to the main rom. I changed the MRA files so they create a separate rom.
For example: For Super Puzzle Fighter II X' Prime (Euro 2100823)
, the rom is named spf2xe.rom
. Previously, for Super Puzzle Fighter II X' Prime (Euro 2100823) [CB V.1]
it would use the same name. I changed it so it now makes this rom: spf2xec1.rom
. The JSON files in the repo will look for this rom.
For almost every JSON file I have in the repo, I've also included the MRA file. And, each JSON has the corresponding Presets.
There are some extra MRA files, other games and hacks floating around out there that create ROMs that work on released Jotego cores. Those have been included and are as follows.
- Bubble Bobble Ultra for JTbubl (instructions here)
- Puzzle Club for JTshouse (thanks to terminator2k2)
The Donkey Kong and Radar Scope cores were created by Eric Lewis, and he developed them to load a single rom at a time. When you select the core, it'll immediately boot into Donkey Kong. Modern arcade cores allow you to choose a JSON file for the game you want to play, which allows the core to play multiple games, rather than just one. Donkey Kong has many many romhacks, so I made some edits to the data.json
which allows JSON to be selected.
Included in pocket-extras
- edits to allow game selection
- JSON and MRA files for all Donkey Kong games from Mister
- JSON and MRA files for romhacks from
Additionally, all of these will run on the RadarScope core, so I made the same edits and additions there.
Thanks to GoldZabu for all the Hacks! :)
For instructions building the Hacks, look here.
The Vectrex core was created by Obsidian. The base implementation only includes JSON files for the official release set of 29ish games.
Vectrex Extras is a collection of JSON files based on a particular rom-pack that includes Homebrew games, Hacks, and much more. It's set up as a new core implementation of Vectrex so the new JSON files do not conflict with the JSON files in v0.9.1 of the Vectrex core.
**Note: The distribution does not contain the actual RBF core flie. Please source it yourself from Obsidian's distribution.
**Note 2: The particular rom-pack for Vectrex Extras can be found on Just search for openfpga vectrex extras.
Please read full instructions: here
The Coin-Op Collection group has developed cores for several games based on the Toaplan Version 2 Hardware arcade board on the Analogue Pocket. In 2022, pram0d released Battle Garegga, Battle Bakraid, Sorcer Strike, Kingdom Grand Prix, Armed Police Batrider, and Snow Bros 2 for the Pocket. And recently, atrac17 released Truxton 2, Pipi & Bibs, and Teki Paki.
All of them have been released as Single Game cores. You can find those implementations here: Coin-OpCollection/Distribution-OpenFPGA
I've taken all of these cores and combined them into a single Arcade Multi core. This should help clean up your Arcade folder on the openFPGA menu.
**Note: This distribution does not contain the actual RBF core files. Please download the cores from Coin-Op, and copy the RBF files into the correct locations.
**Note 2: All JSON files are expecting the full set name rather than a truncated 8 character one. (Similar to Jotego's approach)
Please read full instructions: here
In the mid-80s, Capcom used the Z80 cpu to power its Arcade games. This began with the arcade classic 1942, and includes many others. Jotego has implemented cores for all of these games, but they've all been released as separate cores with slightly different implementations. Many of them have the same resolution, so I have combined them into a single core.
This combines the following cores: 1942, 1943, Black Tiger, Commando, Exed Exes, Gun.Smoke, Section Z, Legendary Wings, Trojan, and Hyper Dyne Side Arms
**Note: As usual, this distribution does not contain the actual RBF core files. Please source them from Jotego's repository.
**Note 2: There are also several additional roms (including rom hacks) for 1942, 1943, and Commando.
Please read full instructions: here
Robotron, Joust, and Defender are some of the most memorable and classic of arcade games. These were all developed by Williams Electronics in the early 80s using the 6809 cpu. Obsidian recently brought these FPGA implementations to the Pocket. There are 3 different cores covering the slightly different chipsets. These cores have been collected into a single combination core.
**Note: As usual, this distribution doesn't contain the RBF core files. Please source them from Obsidian's repositories.
**Note 2: Alternate versions and Rom hacks have been included when available.
Please read the full instructions: here
Many of these MRA files require some extra work in order to generate the roms correctly. The pocket updaters should pull down the correct files for each of these JSON, so you can skip making them yourself, if you'd like.
Thank you to Matt Pannella and Retro Driven for that!