- Matthew Peterschmidt
- Jun Ki Kwon (Jun)
- Daniel Zeng
- Eri Kawakami
- What is Data Visualization?
- Notes about the Dataset
- Code
- Overview of the Theft Trends
- Analysis
Data Visualization is any effort to help people understand the significance of data by placing it in a visual context. We use specific software to look for patterns, trends, and correlations that may go unrecognized otherwise.
We wragnled the data from the UCPD Records Department. The data we received consisted of the records of all bikes stolen from 2010-2017.
Our main language we will use is R and maybe Python at the end of it if we have time. We will be using Jupyter notebooks, gmaps and plotly. We will also be using plyr and dplyer packages on R to help clean and analyze the data.
Code for organizing our data set has been finalized (Cred to Eri and Daniel). Goal by next week is to work our way through all the categories, before finally being able to do visualizations and whatnot.