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Obsidian Asciidoc editor plugin

A plugin that allows you to edit and view documents in the asciidoc language.

The plugin supports both view and edit modes, which can be switched using standard Toggle reading view hotkey.

Global file search is not supported by Obsidian due to the limitations of the Obsidian API. But you can use the omnisearch plugin


Plugin is not compatible with other asciidoctor plugins, i.e.:

  • asciidoc-reader
  • asciidoc-blocks

If you are experiencing error Failed to load plugin "asciidoctor-editor" please try to disable plugins described above.



How to use

  • Clone this repo.
  • Make sure your NodeJS is at least v16 (node --version).
  • npm i or yarn to install dependencies.
  • npm run dev to start compilation in watch mode.

Manually installing the plugin

  • Copy over main.js, styles.css, manifest.json to your vault VaultFolder/.obsidian/plugins/your-plugin-id/.

Please bump this Obsidian API feature request