Fabricated on-test APIs for e-Luminous global edition. The API is hosted in Heroku. You can watch API Live here
This sub project is created only to call API for front-end development and Mobile development. For front-end development we'll use React and for Mobile development we'll use Flutter.
There are two types of levels A Level
and O level
for Institutions. Admin will check the Levels when creating curriculmn
URL: /api/level/addLevel
Verb: POST
Body: {
"levelName": "A"
Initially we'll work on only Physics and Chemistry group. It can only be accessed from Admin.
URL: /api/group/addGroup
Verb: POST
Body: {
"groupName": "Chemistry"
AddGroup response in Postman
Level and Group table has many to many relation between them. So to do POST and GET request Admin need to hit this third table.
URL: /api/levelGroup/addLevelGroup
Verb: POST
Body: {
"mLevelId": 1,
"mGroupId": 2
AddLevelGroup response in Postman
This API will be hit by Teacher when he will create a classroom for the students.
URL: /api/classrooms/addClassroom
Body: {
"classroomTitle": "Tai Pai",
"accessCode": "aaa",
"colorPicker": "blue",
"levelGroup": {
"mLevelId": 1,
"mGroupId": 1
AddClassroom response in Postman
This API call will get all the classroom of the particular teacher and students.
URL: /api/classrooms/getClassrooms
Body: Not Required
GetClassroom response in Postman
By calling this API Teacher can update his/her classroom information and save it.
URL: /api/classrooms/upgradeClassroom
Body: {
"classroomId": 3,
"classroomTitle": "Physics Batch-2022",
"accessCode": "axYuisnkl",
"colorPicker": "#1FAC45A",
"levelGroup": {
"mLevelId": 1,
"mGroupId": 1
UpgradeClassroom response in Postman