released this
25 Dec 14:44
New features:
New admin style added “K-admin inspired”
Grid View for Admin interface added (#2794 )
Option to convert image formats from png or gif to jpeg during import added
Pre-release language packs are now also visible in the language manager
News-List template now support special styling for the first item
Support added for multiple news templates (#2795 )
Auto Carousel option added to news (#2809 )
Social login Yahoo added
Multisite navigation support (when using the ‘multisite’ plugin)
Fixes & Improvements
HybridAuth upgraded to v2.9.6 and LinkedIn login fixed
Fixes for the installation routine on specific server configurations
Several fixes to the SEF URLs across all areas
Several fixes to the caching functionality (especially in ‘news’)
Fixed issue with plugin preferences not saving correctly when value is '0'
‘Voux’ is now set as the default theme during installation
LAN fixes, improvements and clean up
Several fixes and improvements for backwards compatibility
Performance improvements (database, update checks, loading of Glyps)
PHP 7 compatibility improvements
Fixes to admin and user permissions
PHP notices and warnings clean up
And many many more bugfixes
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