A static analyzer for security purposes
Only PHP language is currently supported
- Download the latest phar archive in releases folder (or builds folder for dev versions).
- Optional : configure your analysis with a yaml file.
- Optional : use the up-to-date security files configuration in package/src/uptodate_data folder.
- Progpilot takes two optional arguments :
- your YAML configuration file (if not the default configuration will be used)
- your files and folders that have to be analysed
php progpilot.phar --configuration ./configuration.yml example1.php example2.php ./folder1/ ./folder2/
Use getcomposer to install progpilot.
Your composer.json looks like this one :
"name": "Example",
"description": "Example of use of Progpilot",
"require": {
"designsecurity/progpilot": "@dev",
"ircmaxell/php-cfg": "@dev"
Then run composer :
composer install
Then you could try the following example.
- For more informations : look at the chapter about API explaination
- Use this code to analyze source_code1.php :
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
$context = new \progpilot\Context;
$analyzer = new \progpilot\Analyzer;
$results = $context->outputs->get_results();
- When source_code1.php contains this code :
$var7 = $_GET["p"];
$var4 = $var7;
echo "$var4";
- The simplified output will be :
array(1) {
array(11) {
array(1) {
string(5) "$var4"
array(1) {
string(4) "echo"
string(3) "xss"
All files (composer.json, example1.php, source_code1.php) used in this example are in the projects/example folder.
For more examples look at this page.
You can configure an analysis (the definitions of sinks, sources, sanitizers and validators) according to your own context.
You can define traditional variables like _GET, _POST or _COOKIE as untrusted and for example the return of the function shell_exec() too like in the following configuration :
"sources": [
{"name": "_GET", "is_array": true, "language": "php"},
{"name": "_POST", "is_array": true, "language": "php"},
{"name": "_COOKIE", "is_array": true, "language": "php"},
{"name": "shell_exec", "is_function": true, "language": "php"}
See more available options in the corresponding chapter about specifying an analysis
Learn more about the development of Progpilot