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This library is a wrapper around the WebGPU API. It provides a simple API for creating a renderer, a camera, a scene, meshes, lights, materials, and textures. It aims to make it easy to create 3D scenes and render them using WebGPU, by abstracting away the low-level details of the API.


The code below creates a WebGPU renderer, a camera, a scene, and two meshes - a plane and a sphere. It then renders the scene and animates the sphere to go up and down as if it is bouncing on the plane.

// get the canvas element that has id="gfx-main"
const canvas = document.getElementById("gfx-main")

const renderer = new WebGPURenderer(canvas)

const camera = new FrustumViewCamera(45, canvas.width / canvas.height, 0.1, 1000)
camera.position = ([0, 5, 20])
camera.lookAt([0, -5, 0])

const scene = new Scene(camera)

const pointLight = new PointLight(new Color(0.8, 0.5, 0.8), 1)
pointLight.translateXYZ([4, 1, 0])

const plane = new Plane(20, 20, 8, 8)
const phongMaterial = new PhongMaterial()
const planeMesh = new Mesh(plane, phongMaterial)
planeMesh.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2)

const sphere = new Sphere(1, 32, 32)
const simpleMaterial = new SimpleMaterial(new Color(1, 0, 0))
const sphereMesh : Mesh = new Mesh(sphere, simpleMaterial)

let translate = -0.05
const animation = () => {
    if (sphereMesh.position[1] > 0 || sphereMesh.position[1] < -4.2) {
    translate = -translate


renderer.Initialize().then(() => {

Version 1.1

This is version 1.1 of the library. It is still in development, and there are many features that are not yet implemented. Currently, the library supports the following:

Version 1.0:

  • WebGPU renderer
  • Frustum/Parallel view camera
  • Scene
  • Mesh
  • Cone/Cylinder/Plane/Sphere/Cube/Triangle geometry
  • Simple/Normal/Phong material
  • Point/Directional/Spot/Ambient light
  • Texture
  • .obj file loader

Version 1.1 updates:

  • CPU and memory optimizations
    • model matrices are only updated when necessary
    • geometry buffers are only updated when necessary and are copied to the GPU on initialization
    • fixed a bug with group meshes not being rendered correctly
    • added pipeline caching for each buffer object id and material bind group caching for each material
  • Added initial helper functions on the BufferGeometry class to work with triangles

Future Versions

The following features are planned for the next 2.0 version:

  • Ray tracing renderer with compute shaders and ray tracing acceleration structures (BVH)
  • Post-processing filters
  • Shadow mapping for the WebGPU renderer
  • Environment mapping
  • Scene navigation using mouse and keyboard


During the development of this library, three.js was a source of inspiration for the API design. Furthermore, the code for the geometry classes was adapted from the three.js source code.


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