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=== Easy Property Listings Extension - Jupix Integration ===
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Contributors: mervb1
Donate link:
Tags: extension, easy property listings, listings, widget
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 5.3.2

Stable Tag: 2.0.0

License: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version

Email listing alerts to registered users based on their criteria and listing matching.

== Description ==

JUPIX Integration plugin for Easy Property Listings

This plugin once activated will convert the default values in Easy Property Listings using the format contained in this plugin. This will allow you to import listings using WP All Import PRO in its native file format.

Contribute to this plugin to improve the integration and ask for assistance where necessary via the jupix integration topic here.

== Installation ==

1. Upload plugin zip contents to wp-contents/plugin/ directory and activate the plugin.

== Change log ==

= 2.0.0: October 3, 2017 =

Initial public release.