Change - optimise readOnly + disableLazyLoading
#2626 - Support EntityBeanIntercept as an interface with InterceptReadWrite and InterceptReadOnly options
Remove deprecated API
#2662 - Remove deprecated Ebean, EbeanServer, EbeanServerFactory, ServerConfig migrate to DB, Database, DatabaseFactory, DatabaseConfig
Use System.Logger rather than slf4j-api
#2650 - Bump ebean-ddl-runner (sync version with ebean-migration)
#2648 - Bump avaje classpath scanner to 7.1, ignores module-info, uses System.Logger (not slf4j-api)
#2683 - Bump ebean-datasource to 8.0 with use of System.Logger (from slf4j-api)
#2682 - Bump ebean-migration to 13.6.0 (bumps classpath scanner and ebean-ddl-runner)
#2681 #2647 - When Postgres + isAllQuotedIdentifiers true + using DataSourceConfig THEN datasourceConfig.addProperty("quoteReturningIdentifiers", false);
#2680 - Add documentation how to release Ebean in own (non nexus) repository with maven-deploy-plugin
#2677 #2679 - Fix for trim failing on mutation of lastAccessTime
#2675 - Modify DefaultOrmQuery to have non-final copy() methods to allow ebean-mocker to be updated
#2674 - Bump to ebean-test-docker 5.0
#2647 - RETURNING column name is quoted excessively
#2653 - Developing in eclipse becomes a pain documentation