#2730 - Secondary @OneToMany
fetch query is not happening if the same Entity type is fetched
#2737 - Mapping of TimeZone doesn't have enough characters
#2727 - Stateless update on one-to-many relationship with children soft delete results in a hard delete instead of only inserting new child bug
#2741 - Bump avaje-config to 2.1 and modify ebean-test to support use of ${docker.host} in test container jdbc urls
#2734 - maven build - exluding maven descriptor (pom and properties) from built artifacts
#2732 - ebean-agent - skip transactional profiling aware enhancement on query beans
#2731 - Change ebean-querybean annotations from Retention RUNTIME to CLASS refactor
#2723 - Gradle plugin enhancement with Kotlin 1.7.0 bug
#2740 - Bump ebean-test-containers to 6.2
#2736 - ENH: findDto nonsupport setter chain (accessor style setters, both fluid style and non fluid style)