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Releases: ebean-orm/ebean


16 Mar 10:02
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#2584 - Small code change for Hazelcast 4.1.5
#2594 - [DDL-Refactor] History table generation
#2587 - [Ddl refactor] Alter Table changes are grouped by table name.

Regression fixes

#2581 - Softdelete on @OneToMany is ignored after refresh() (since 12.11.5) bug regression
#2583 - Fix for regression, BackgroundExecutor is bounded (since 12.6.2)
#2582 - Behaviour change: Backgroundexecutor is bounded (since 12.6.2) bug regression


#2598 - H2 + @lob String fails with - Error[Value too long for column "CHARACTER VARYING": "... (1048577)" [22001-210]] bug
#2556 - DB2 reorg table support
#2596 - DDl-Refactor: Add DB2 Reorg support and history support
#2595 - NPE by lazy loading a cached bean
#2593 - Tidy SqlTreeBuilder to not add duplicate BeanProperties bug
#2575 - [DDL-ClickHouse] fixes for ClickHouse platform
#2580 - Bug: Wrong join in query with @Inheritance and @DbForeignKey
#2590 - Provide custom BackgroundExecutorWrapper to pass thread locals
#2591 - [DDL-refactor] Sorted the statements, so that they are going to the correct buffers
#2589 - No effective DDL change - refactor whitespace and add buffer comments

#2588 - [postgis-jdbc] Bump postgis-jdbc dependency from 2.2.1 to 2.5.1 dependencies
#2586 - [Clickhouse] Refactored columnNotNull
#2585 - Fix DDL Default handling & Prepared PlatformDdl to to have only one 'alterColumn' method
#2578 - Bump to ebean-ddl-runner 1.3
#2579 - Bump to ebean-migration 12.16.0, support both basePlatform and platform for finding/running migrations reason-for-version-bump


01 Mar 09:57
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#2577 - Refactor internals remove no longer needed DdlAutoCommit platform option refactor
#2576 - [H2] Change H2HistoryTrigger to use microsecond precision bug
#2574 - [DDL-Cockroach] Fixes for Cockroach platform
#2573 - [DDL-hana] HANA always requires stored procedures
#2571 - [DDL-SqLite] Modified SqLite platform to generate at least non failing migration scripts
#2570 - [DDL-Oracle] Fix drop default and ignore erros when trying to drop non existent objects
#2569 - [DDL-common] Extended DbMigrationTest to run on all platforms
#2568 - Removed unused imports and add missing Override statements (no effective code change)
#2567 - Tidy up ddl generation (no effective code change)
#2559 - ENH: Support different ColumnDefinition for different database platforms enhancement
#2557 - Refactored DDL generation
#2563 - ENH: Different ColumnDefinition for different platforms
#2558 - Bug: save with cascade of @OnetoOne + @Version model sets version to 1
#2551 - Move DbMigration-Tests to ebean-test
#2555 - ClickHouseDb - decimal[] array type missing
#2554 - generate mysql StoredProcs for column deletion also for mariadb
#2553 - Add Yugabyte-Platform to DefaultDbMigration
#2552 - DTimedMetricTest fails sometimes (flaky test)
#2549 - Fix DefaultPersister to expose non RuntimeExceptions on insert/update/delete. Not hide NoClassDefFoundError etc bug
#2550 - CockroachDB - Now supports LIKE ESCAPE and no longer needs Autocommit for DDL
#2547 - CockroachDB identity DDL - Changing to use standard GENERATED ... AS IDENTITY syntax
#2548 - CockroachDB - Modify tests, use BigDecimal over Double etc


02 Feb 20:34
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Reason for version bump

#2501 - Bump h2database to v2.1.x from 1.4.199 with associated H2Platform changes
#2512 - ADD: different DB2 platforms, Split DBPlatform into multiple platforms reason-for-version-bump
#2509 - Support jedis 4.1.0 client (ScanParams, ScanResult in different package now),

H2 Database

#2501 - Bump h2database to v2.1.x from 1.4.199 with associated H2Platform changes

DB2 support

#2512 - ADD: different DB2 platforms
#2506, #2533, #2534, #2535, #2545, #2546, #2518, #2519, #2520, #2523, #2524, #2525, #2526, #2527, #2528, #2522, #2514, #2532, #2521, #2531

Yugabyte support

#2516 - Yugabyte platform support - Automatic detection and DDL support
#2529, #2546, #2545, #2535, #2534, #2533, #2529

Other Issues

#2494 - Optionally allow use of stored procedures for MySql to drop columns in db migration
#2403 - Reintroduce stored procedures to drop columns on MySql
#2500 - Refactor internals split result load functionality from SqlTreeNode into SqlTreeLoad
#2502 - Fix: composite id in select distinct queries
#2504 - Cannot delete bean with more than 2100 child beans on SqlServer
#2505 - Refactor UUID generator. Add uuid-property to serverConfig (#57)
#2508 - Bump ebean-datasource to 7.5
#2515 - Add maxInBinding - Oracle support for large delete by ids
#2511 - Unselect LOBs when making a distinct select
#2517 - FIX: Datasource was not initialized in offline mode.
#2536 - ebean-test - bump Postgres default container to 14
#2538 - Performance - cache the path maps used for load context
#2507 - Script runner does not work with file system path enhancement
#2415 - SQL for Index and Foreign Key didn't get generated if I map ID column after @manytoone bug
#2544 - Support @DBArray of BigDecimal
#2530 - H2 Array Support seems incomplete (h2database 1.x -> 2.x upgrade)


17 Jan 09:46
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#2492 - Fix for Oracle platform when insert only default values bug
#2473 - Oracle - column alias - Ebean generates invalid sql query when upgrade from 12.8.0 to version 12.13.1 bug
#2476 - BeanDescriptor.createEntityBean works differently for entities with and without an explicit constructor
#2491 #2476 - Fix for element collection on bean with default constructor
#2488 #2487 - ebean-test support Docker In Docker - docker container's hostname rather than hardcoded "localhost"
#2485 - Fix utf8 problems with specialchars
#2447 - Traverse class hierarchy, when searching for ScalarType
#2486 - Fix some tests failing on Windows
#2475 - Fix locale problem with TestCsvReader and TestCsvReaderWithCallback.


20 Dec 03:53
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Reason for version bump

With #2304 MariaDB will now use DB sequences when sequences are explicitly mapped, this is a behavior change.
Also with #2471 apps using DataSource supplied via jndi now should perform that lookup and provide the DataSource explicitly to DatabaseConfig.


#2304 - Support for Sequences in MariaDB
#2472 - BeanPersistController and isCascade() for delete requests (following #2458) bug
#2471 - Bump avaje-config to 1.7 (from 1.5) with removed jndi lookup for DataSource behaviour change
#2470 - Bump jedis to version 3.8.0 dependencies
#2468 - Unify JDBC URL for SqlServer (analog to testconfig-files)
#2469 - Add metaHas and metaFindAll in AnnotationUtil
#2466 - Remove unused LoadErrorHandler interface


17 Dec 08:13
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#2460 Bump ebean-migration to 12.12.3
#2459 #2458 - Add BeanPersistController.isCascade() to identify cascade vs "top level" persist requests
#2454 #2445 - Put back DB2 maxTableNameLength=18, maxConstraintNameLength=18
#2452 - server-wide defaultJsonMutation SOURCE is not honored by DbJson scalar types (e.g. List) bug
#2451 - Initial add of ebean-kotlin module, home of kotlin extension
#2448 - Fix maven warning
#2450 - Using TCK Tested JDK builds of OpenJDK Making the switch to Zulu
#2445 - Improve testing, add DB2 Docker testing support to ebean-test
#2446 - NPE Fix with .setCountDistinct(CountDistinctOrder.NO_ORDERING)


26 Nov 09:03
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#2444 - exists and findCount queries produce NPE on entity defined with IdClass - SqlTreeProperties.add( bug
#2433 - Postgres JSONB dirty checking - trim json
#2436 - SQL Update doesn't handle named parameters for array types in Postgres
#2435 - DBArray is not loaded in asDto Postgres queries bug
#2432 - Q: Ebean-elasticsearch paging query problem
#2442 - findMap() with beanCache should use idPoperty if mapKey = null
#2441 - FIX: Assume InfoInherit infoType when it has no children
#2440 - FIX: Json deserialize references
#2439 - Path properties query with all props
#2438 - FIX: typeGetAll did not work with repeated annotations on one class


03 Nov 22:43
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#2427 - FIX: When a bean is modified in persistence context and searched again, it will loose the change
#2437 - FIX: Subsequent findEach / findList does not work reliable [Fixes regression in 12.3.3]


21 Oct 08:42
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#2424 - Review error thrown when transaction register(Callback) called when no active transaction exists
#2422 #2423 - Use @NonNullApi to explicitly reflect non-null return types and params by default
#2418 - Change Database.beanState() to throw IllegalArgumentException when bean isn't an entity bean bug
#2420 - BeanState.loadErrors() returns empty map rather than null
#2421 - Change database.diff() to return empty map rather than null with null bean argument
#2419 - Add explicit @Nullable on findOne() methods
#2412 - Remove: ReadJson.resetContext as it is not used
#2411 - Weak reference based persistence context for streaming queries refactor
#2413 - Change DefaultPersistenceContect to use beginIterate / endIterate


12 Oct 01:12
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#2406 - Memory leak in Query.findEach bug
#2408 - Fix reuse of io.ebean.Update when using setParameter with Collection bug