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Releases: ebean-orm/ebean


01 Sep 00:49
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Major bug

#2813 #2816 - Sometimes subquery use wrong alias in SQL


#2457 #2810 - Move Joda time support into separate optional ebean-joda-time module
When using Joda time types please check the classpath to ensure that it contains the ebean-joda-time dependency.


#2805 - [breaking-api] Extract csv reader into it's own ebean-csv-reader module
When using the CsvReader please check the classpath to ensure that it contains the ebean-csv-reader dependency and look at the details of the change in #2805.


#2801 - Remove the OnQueryOnly (rollback) feature
#2800 - Refactor database platform - remove unused tableExists() method, rename getters to accessors


#2812 - IntelliJ inspect various improvements
#2811 - Refactor method names SpiJsonReader and DocStore types
#2809 - Refactor move BasicTypeConverter to ebean-core-type module
#2808 - Refactor move package - server.type.DataBind to server.bind, server.text.json -> server.json
#2807 - Refactor move ScalarTypeBaseDate, ScalarTypeBaseDateTime, ScalarTypeBaseVarchar to ebean-core-type module
#2806 - Refactor ScalarType, remove convertFromMillis() method (no longer needed)
#2804 - Refactor move ScalarTypeBase + remove loadIgnore()
#2803 - Refactor ScalarType methods from getters to accessors
#2802 - Remove ScalarType.isDateTimeCapable() ... (only used by CSV reader)


24 Aug 23:59
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#2799 - Remove unused DatabasePlatform.treatEmptyStringsAsNull
#2798 - SQL Anywhere: invalid escape character on like expression
#2649 #2797 - Migrate Ebean to use of JDK System.Logger (make SLF4J-API an optional dependency)
#2796 - Add missing final modifier on methods of query bean types


18 Aug 04:35
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#2787 - Revert "Migrate to Jakarta JAXB (jakarta.xml.bind <- javax.xml.bind)"


#2782 #2783 #2793 - Support MariaDB driver 3.x - Illegal fetch size, batched jdbc exception translation, SqlRow blob reading bug
#2788 - Unable to map _float4 Postgres type to @DBArray List Java type

#2784 #2785 - Correct documentation for TQRootBean.findSingleAttribute with @nullable
#2786 - ebean version unknown. When running the springboot packaged application
#2794 - ebean-test-containers - Handle SQLServer specific occasional fail on start
#2791 - Refactor Just use String.intern() now that we are on min Java 11 runtime.
#2795 - Refactor rename internal methods - io.ebeaninternal.server.query
#2779 - Refactor rename internal methods for SpiQueryPlan and DbReadContext


09 Aug 03:48
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#2722 - Migrate to Jakarta JAXB (jakarta.xml.bind <- javax.xml.bind)


#2770 - Add SqlQuery usingTransaction() for consistency and deprecate ExtendedServer API
#2772 - Add ebean-annotation to BOM
#2766 #2767 - Reference bean created from JSON can invoke lazy loading by default (didn't prior to 12.13.1)
#2762 #2765 - NullPointerException while using findCount with forUpdate bug
#2733 #2745 - Rename ModuleInfoLoader to EntityClassRegister and _Ebean$ModuleInfo to EbeanEntityRegister


#2778 - Support a naming convention function that can be applied to metrics names for reporting


01 Aug 21:18
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#2753 #2754 #2755 #2756 #2746 - Bugs findSingleAttributeList projecting a OneToMany property
#2763 - Fix: toJson must use setIntercept if target bean is passed
#2750 - Stateless update populates OneToMany with softdeleted records during serializing
#2748 - Second fetch inside transaction doubles the fetched @OneToMany rows when .setLoadBeanCache(false)
#2742 - ModelContainer.applyChangeSet( - IllegalArgumentException: No rule for
#2764 - Fix: DDL will get wrong hint for special migration


#2757 - Add notIn(Query) to query beans
#2768 - ENH: Add eqIfPresent() - a helper expression for fluid style when some EQ are optional enhancement
#2760 - Add ServerMetrics.asJson() ... to support conversion of collected metrics to json
#2749 - Bump ebean-datasource, ebean-annotation, ebean-types, persistence-api
#2743 - Postgres DDL - For create table, improve column ordering for tighter storage


06 Jul 11:06
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#2730 - Secondary @OneToMany fetch query is not happening if the same Entity type is fetched
#2737 - Mapping of TimeZone doesn't have enough characters
#2727 - Stateless update on one-to-many relationship with children soft delete results in a hard delete instead of only inserting new child bug

#2741 - Bump avaje-config to 2.1 and modify ebean-test to support use of ${} in test container jdbc urls
#2734 - maven build - exluding maven descriptor (pom and properties) from built artifacts
#2732 - ebean-agent - skip transactional profiling aware enhancement on query beans
#2731 - Change ebean-querybean annotations from Retention RUNTIME to CLASS refactor
#2723 - Gradle plugin enhancement with Kotlin 1.7.0 bug
#2740 - Bump ebean-test-containers to 6.2


#2736 - ENH: findDto nonsupport setter chain (accessor style setters, both fluid style and non fluid style)


14 Jun 04:33
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#2719 - DDL - Refactor DDL for Postgres and YugabyteDB to just create a default partition table
#2718 - [Yugabyte] Fix such that builtin table partition functions are included in DDL (when we use table partitioning) bug
#2717 - Support Postgres JSONB/JSON with String - @DbJsonb String content;
#2716 - Refactor ScalarType interface to make use of default methods refactor
#2715 - [ebean-test-containers] Fix for Postgis to support extraDb (second database), Update Oracle container
#2713 - Improve javadoc of Finder, BeanFinder, BeanRepository - deprecate use of BeanFinder server field (migrate to database)
#2712 - Bump jedis to 4.2.3 (from 4.2.2) dependencies
#2711 - Gradle: Change querybean generator from isolating to aggregating
#2710 - JSONB fields are not considered dirty after modified in BeanPersistController preUpdate bug
#2708 - Part 1: Fix read/write/query LocalTime values (when time zone configured to be used)
#2706 - ENH: Add support for findSingleAttributeSet()


24 May 02:07
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#2704 #2702 - IllegalArgumentException: No rule for io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.RenameTable
#2703 - ebean-test-docker was renamed to ebean-test-containers
#2701 - [DDL] Postgres DDL generation for table partitioning with schema - helper method to add partitions does not work bug


18 May 08:25
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#2697 - Postgres DDL - With Postgres table partitioning, add partition column to primary key
#2695 - DDL Generation for @UniqueConstraint ignores the name - should be the index name when given
#2694 - Postgres DDL - For Postgres table partitioning, remove the "suppressPrimaryKeyOnPartition" mode
#2693 - DDL - Add support for creating schema via database migrations (and create all ddl)
#2692 - [querybean generation] Compile error, incorrect generation with nested inner class/record @embeddable and @IdClass


16 May 00:41
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#2690 - Bug - OneToMany orphanRemoval = true, replace collection adding back …
#2687 - Annoying message while using OpenTelemetry: msg: defaulted common supertype for type <...> due to err:java.lang.IllegalStateException: ClassLoader is null?
#2691 - Improve logging summary when insert bean with no @id ...


#2688 #2685 - Bump to ebean-test-docker 5.3 with newBuilder() -> builder() with deprecation dependencies
#2686 - [ebean-test] Allow docker configuration options to be at ebean.test.X as well as ebean.test..X