export only explictly downloaded packages:
conda env export --from-history --name rob_fab_reach > environment.yml
create new from environment.yml file:
conda env create
make sure .pre-commit-config.yaml file is up to date
language_version: python (use system version of python)
run this: pre-commit install
in .vscode/settings.json make sure formatonsave = TRUE
In compas_fab 0.27.0 the ROS IK timeout definition is updated to allow floats
saved data folders:
- default output data folder is called
where saved will be over-written by reachability code - new saved folders for notrack and track cases
- note that saved rob3 results are same in both folders (i.e., rob3 is never mobile)
- generates the discretized reachability map for robots and vectors. combines them into a single total file. vizualize in grasshopper
- Need to compose-up on the
docker file inECL_Robotic_cell
repo for this to run
- takes the output from grasshopper, which checks the planar arches against the reachability map, and is exported as a .json file
- turns all the output data into a latex table that can be copied into the table
- individual results are saved in
folder. output for the paper is in the format '_a##' based on the inclination angle
- work in progress...
- idea was to use gradient descent on the discrete reachability maps to plan where to put an object to maximize reachability