This repo is deprecated. For other code for Blacklight and EDS, see:
This repository contains a full Blacklight instance. You can use it, or if you have an existing Blacklight instance, you can simply download these files and make the following changes.
Add the following files in the noted locations:
articles FOLDER to app/views/articles articles_helper.rb to app/helpers/articles_helper.rb articles_helper_behavior.rb to app/helpers/blacklight/articles_helper_behavior.rb articles_controller.rb to app/controllers/articles_controller.rb APIauthentication.txt to root of blacklight token.txt to root of blacklight
_default_ebsco_theme.css.scss containts the required CSS styling to show EDS pubtype icons and "loading" circle when a checkbox is clicked
Append the following to Blacklight’s Gemfile, then BUNDLE INSTALL:
gem "ebsco-discovery-service-api", "1.0.3" gem "addressable", "2.3.2" gem "htmlentities" gem "Sanitize"
Edit config/routes.rb to include:
match 'articles' => 'articles#index' match 'articles/:dbid/:an' => 'articles#detail', :constraints => { :an => /[^\/]+/ } match 'articles/:dbid/:an/fulltext' => 'articles#fulltext', :constraints => { :an => /[^\/]+/ } match 'articles/switch/' => 'articles#recordSwitch'
Edit app/controllers/application_controller.rb to include:
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource) if session[:session_key].present? connection = connection.end_session(session[:session_key]) session[:session_key] = nil end if session[:results].present? session[:results] = nil end if session[:current_url].present? session[:current_url] end end def after_sign_out_path_for(resource) if session[:session_key].present? connection = connection.end_session(session[:session_key]) session[:session_key] = nil end if session[:results].present? session[:results] = nil end root_path end
Finally, ensure that session information is stored in the DB, not in COOKIES. From the command line…
rake db:sessions:create rake db:migrate
…and then in config/initializers/session_store.rb, change
(App)::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => 'xxx'
(App)::Application.config.session_store :active_record_store
This instance requires authentication (via Blacklight) in order for access to be granted to the “articles” portion, as it provides full text access to articles. Guest mode coming soon.
Finally, you’ll need to have an EDS API profile in EBSCOadmin. You can request this at [email protected], or you can create a new EDS API profile yourself using the PROFILE MAINTENANCE FEATURE. Be sure you add content to your EDS API profile (via the DATABASES tab) so it will return results. Create a userID and password to access your API profile in the AUTHENTICATION tab at the top of the screen. Make sure the GROUP associated with the login you create is the group that contains your EDS API profile. EBSCO Support ([email protected]) can help you set up an EDS API profile and get a userID and password for it if you are unfamiliar with EBSCOadmin.