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Releases: eclipse-ee4j/soteria


14 May 12:49
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4.0.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Resolves #365 AutoCloseable Object instances not being closed after being used. by @darranl in #366
  • Resolves#326 Remove the legacy "if JBoss" code. by @darranl in #364
  • Resolves#327 Use ServiceLoader discovery to discover the CallerDetailsResolver and ResourceAccessResolver. by @darranl in #363
  • Initial support for Jakarta Security 4.0-M1 by @arjantijms in #369
  • Exclude static import for realm by @arjantijms in #370
  • Support for the HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler by @arjantijms in #371
  • Implement support for qualifiers on build-in authentication mechanisms by @arjantijms in #372
  • Update versions in poms by @arjantijms in #376
  • Update authorization to M2 by @arjantijms in #377
  • API to M2 by @arjantijms in #378
  • Update versions in pom to Jakarta EE 11 M2, specifically REST to 4 by @arjantijms in #380
  • Restructure project by @arjantijms in #382
  • Address some usages of deprecated code in dependencies by @arjantijms in #383
  • Replace occurrences of "" missed before. by @arjantijms in #384

Full Changelog: 3.0.3-RELEASE...4.0.0-RELEASE


18 Mar 22:32
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4.0.0-M2 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Resolves #365 AutoCloseable Object instances not being closed after being used. by @darranl in #366
  • Resolves#326 Remove the legacy "if JBoss" code. by @darranl in #364
  • Resolves#327 Use ServiceLoader discovery to discover the CallerDetailsResolver and ResourceAccessResolver. by @darranl in #363
  • Initial support for Jakarta Security 4.0-M1 by @arjantijms in #369
  • Exclude static import for realm by @arjantijms in #370
  • Support for the HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler by @arjantijms in #371
  • Implement support for qualifiers on build-in authentication mechanisms by @arjantijms in #372
  • Update versions in poms by @arjantijms in #376
  • Update authorization to M2 by @arjantijms in #377
  • API to M2 by @arjantijms in #378

Full Changelog: 3.0.3-RELEASE...4.0.0-M2-RELEASE


06 Jun 19:11
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3.0.3 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Synthetic CDI beans should have a beanClass attribute of the CDI extension by @Skyllarr in #338
  • Prevent OpenIdIdentityStore from being enabled by default. by @arjantijms in #357
  • Add preconditions to determine callback for OpenID Connect. by @arjantijms in #358
  • Merge 3.0.2 into main by @arjantijms in #359
  • Update some minor versions in pom and remove overriding versions by @arjantijms in #360
  • Do not require a caller principal obtained from EJB to be assignable from CallerPrincipal by @arjantijms in #361

Full Changelog: 3.0.2-RELEASE...3.0.3-RELEASE


17 Mar 23:26
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.1-RELEASE...3.0.2-RELEASE


17 Mar 23:24
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What's Changed

  • Resolves #330 Build the UriBuilder first and call toString() on the resulting URI. by @darranl in #331
  • Fix for #340 - JNDI lookup returns object or throws exception by @dmatej in #341
  • Master version was still 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT by @dmatej in #342

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-RELEASE...3.0.1-RELEASE


06 Jul 17:17
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Major new version of Soteria implementing Jakarta Security 3.0.

Soteria is an implementation of Jakarta Security. Jakarta Security defines a standard for creating secure Jakarta EE applications in modern application paradigms. It defines an overarching (end-user targeted) Security API for Jakarta EE Applications.

Jakarta Security builds on the lower level Security SPIs defined by Jakarta Authentication and Jakarta Authorization, which are both not end-end targeted.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-RELEASE...3.0.0-RELEASE


26 Apr 08:58
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3.0.0-M5 Pre-release

Milestone version of Soteria implementing Jakarta Security 3.0. Passes TCK.


19 Nov 15:34
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Major new version implementing the javax -> jakarta package change from Jakarta Security 2.0.

2.0.0-M3-RELEASE: Release Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)

14 Oct 20:04
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Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
Java version: 1.8.0_202, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/tools/java/oracle/jdk-8/1.8.0_202/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "3.10.0-1062.el7.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
org.glassfish.soteria:Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
Java version: 1.8.0_202, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /opt/tools/java/oracle/jdk-8/1.8.0_202/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "3.10.0-1062.el7.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"