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20160404 Face to Face Berlin

Dominik Guggemos edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 3 revisions

(Draft) Agenda

NB We can adjust the agenda to our needs/requirements at any time. We will have two separate conference rooms to our avail, each equipped with whiteboard and projector. So, if you think that we should/could split up for certain topics and work in parallel that is always possible!

Monday, April 4th 2016

Time Topic Link to Results
10:30 Welcome
11:00 What Problem is Hono supposed to solve? Slides from EclipseCon NA 2016
11:30 Adjust Agenda
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Functional Scope (short/mid term, out-of-scope) Release Plan
15:00 Break
15:15 Timeline Release Plan
15:45 Security/Privacy Requirements & Domain Model Security
17:15 Break
17:30 Wrap-up Day 1 (bring GE up to date)
19:30 Dinner

Tuesday, April 5th 2016

Time Topic Link(s) to Results
09:00 Telemetry API Review Telemetry API
10:30 Break
10:45 Command & Control API Review Command & Control API
12:15 Lunch
13:15 Group 1: Device Registration Requirements Whiteboard
13:15 Group 2: Access Management Requirements Whiteboard
14:00 Presentation/Review of Results Whiteboard
14:45 Break
15:00 Topology Options Discussion & Design Decision Topology Options
16:00 Who focuses on what? Whiteboard
16:30 Wrap-up
17:00 End
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