Deep learning application for people counting / crowd counting demo based on the detected heads.
Download / clone the repository.
Run the script to install all dependencies for AI application.
sh ./
Create directory structure:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/econ/dlapp
Copy the application into SmarteCam device:
sudo cp -r smartecam-ai-samples/ /opt/econ/dlapp
Download the people counting model file from Google Drive.
Download the crowd demo model file from Google Drive
Copy the model file to the models location:
# people counting model sudo cp /path/to/trt_head_detection_FP16.pb /opt/econ/dlapp/smartecam-ai-samples/models # crowd demo model sudo cp /path/to/trt_nofpn_crowd_v1.pb /opt/econ/dlapp/smartecam-ai-samples/models
Deepstream sample application for People Tracking
Open up a terminal
Run the config file using deepstream-app
deepstream-app -c /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-4.0/samples/configs/deepstream-app/source4_1080p_dec_infer-resnet_tracker_sgie_tiled_display_int8.txt
- The above demo applications support
version of the SmarteCam. - SmarteCam is connected to a 1080P HDMI monitor using a mini HDMI to HDMI cable.
- SmarteCam is connected to a PC using Ethernet cable.
- Demo application can be launched using a SSH session.
- Running both the application simultaneously is not recommended.