What's Changed
This version contains breaking changes in the way how files are structured and how plugins are loaded. The lua/config/plugins.lua
file with all plugins is deprecated and each plugin is managed separately via file inside plugins
- lsp: integrate vtsls for TypeScript language support
- plugins: new external blame setup
- plugins: add new ultimate-autopairs configuration
- plugins: setup for package-info.nvim
- plugins: printer setup
- plugins: refactoring plugin configuration
- plugins: scissors plugin configuration
- plugins: session manager configuration and key mappings
- plugins: setup for Alpha.nvim dashboard plugin
- plugins: spectre plugin with refactor key mappings
- plugins: spider.lua plugin configuration
- plugins: add stay-in-place plugin configuration
- plugins: remove custom telescope pickers and git functions
- plugins: new configuration for todo-comments plugin
- plugins: new NvimTree key bindings and configuration
- plugins: add treesj plugin configuration
- plugins: update trouble plugin configuration
- plugins: Zen Mode setup with custom configurations
- plugins: deprecate plugins.lua file and manage plugins by separate file inside plugins directory
- add buffer search picker to Telescope plugin (a99b13d)
- add initial implementation of codesnap.nvim plugin (d8ad99e)
- autocmds: attach jest commands to *spec.ts/tsx files (89709b6)
- include markdown as a recognized file type for rendering (c3cfd04)
- lsp: integrate vtsls for TypeScript language support (e48d4da)
- neovide: add Neovide specific configurations and keymaps (fa69013)
- neovide: adjust transparency settings for Neovide compatibility (f683a3a)
- plugins: add fidget.nvim plugin for enhanced UI feedback (b44584c)
- plugins: add markdown-preview plugin configuration (c57a840)
- plugins: add marks.nvim plugin with BufEnter event trigger (5883e87)
- plugins: add new smart-splits plugin configuration (9835bbf)
- plugins: add new tabout.lua plugin (bc26910)
- plugins: add new ultimate-autopairs configuration (619c25d)
- plugins: add nvim-bqf (7f1e1d3)
- plugins: add text-case plugin for text manipulation (1be6651)
- plugins: add treesitter configuration for auto closing tags (0a69a4f)
- plugins: add ufo utils handler and update config handler (6a3bc6e)
- plugins: add vim-table-mode plugin for markdown files (bb53b1a)
- plugins: create base plugins initialization file with general plugins & subdirectories config (5753e43)
- plugins: integrate echasnovski mini.align and mini.ai plugins (729cbac)
- plugins: integrate new markdown rendering plugin with dependencies (9a1f758)
- plugins: new external blame setup (10bcb31)
- plugins: remove custom documentcolors and replace colorizer with nvim-highlight-colors plugin (5d411e3)
- plugins: replace null-ls with conform & nvim-lint (8c60d74)
- plugins: setup codeium and copilot AI integrations (ab63e37)
- plugins: update copilot chat to canary version (c2a2b6f)
- plugins: update noice config (91d25cf)
- plugins: update nvim notify plugin (892650e)
- queries: extend jsx element for typescriptreact queries (e8ba48e)
- utils: add is_plugin_loaded function for lazy loading plugins (072aa2d)
- utils: add utility functions for table manipulation (615a01c)
Bug Fixes
- colorscheme: correct 'none' values in highlight definitions (b364497)
- functions: format on save (830e804)
- which-key: wk.add function to registering keymaps in which-key (5632309)
- colorscheme: configure 'FiraCode Nerd Font' and 'tokyonight-night' colorscheme (4ac3eb4)
- consolidate and simplify which-key mappings (1e0974e)
- dap: reorganize DAP setup for modular configuration (e795b60)
- keymappings: change local leader map from ; to , (comma) (c9d6ab2)
- lsp: enable inlay hints & virtual text by default (8e43c71)
- lsp: lsp plugins (dbaa3b6)
- plugins: add flash.nvim with lazy loading in separate file (3be5836)
- plugins: add keymaps and setup for toggleterm plugin (e1d374f)
- plugins: add setup.lua for which-key plugin (e60a2fd)
- plugins: add stay-in-place plugin configuration (ffd8df6)
- plugins: add treesj plugin configuration (30c4731)
- plugins: change barbar to bufferline (450891d)
- plugins: clean up unused cinnamon plugin setup (0c33c86)
- plugins: deprecate plugins.lua file and manage plugins by separate file inside plugins directory (d28830a)
- plugins: general testing plugins file (380264a)
- plugins: move git plugins configuration to a single file (65b843c)
- plugins: move multicursor functionality with smoka7/multicursors.nvim plugin (2cc4567)
- plugins: navic & winbar (7dff7f3)
- plugins: new configuration for todo-comments plugin (8469d63)
- plugins: new NvimTree key bindings and configuration (9aea1c8)
- plugins: printer setup (48c7e22)
- plugins: refactoring plugin configuration (1aae97f)
- plugins: remove custom telescope pickers and git functions (7cff815)
- plugins: remove gps plugin configuration (c57d794)
- plugins: require numb.nvim in separate file (ed3bd2f)
- plugins: require nvim-web-devicons in separate file (1503e34)
- plugins: restructure and enhance indentation plugin configuration (44350b0)
- plugins: scissors plugin configuration (c6817b6)
- plugins: session manager configuration and key mappings (88dc9d7)
- plugins: setup for Alpha.nvim dashboard plugin (a731f11)
- plugins: setup for package-info.nvim (dbf2d29)
- plugins: simplify trouble.nvim configuration (d898ef8)
- plugins: spectre plugin with refactor key mappings (5d7ab3e)
- plugins: spider.lua plugin configuration (8e84f5f)
- plugins: streamline cmp and luasnip configuration (b246919)
- plugins: update trouble plugin configuration (d0a44d3)
- plugins: Zen Mode setup with custom configurations (d4d7e0b)
Full Changelog: v3.9.0...v4.0.0