This is the documentation repository of the ethics committee system.
See the ECS-Hompage for Information about ECS.
- Documentation is written using Sphinx
- Sourcefiles can be restructured text and markdown
- markdown support is using recommonmark
- HTML and PDF documentation is generated as output
- latex is used to generate pdfs
- Available graph support
- plantuml, graphviz with cpp support, actdiag, nwdiag, seqdiag, blockdiag
- Additional available sphinx extensions
- sphinxcontrib-programoutput sphinxcontrib-inlinesyntaxhighlight
- Sourcefiles can be restructured text and markdown
- The Homepage is rendered using Pelican
- Sourcefiles can be restructured text and markdown
- markdown support is using python markdown
- HTML is generated as output
- Sourcefiles can be restructured text and markdown
if you are ok with ~/ecs-docs
cd ~/
git clone ecs-docs
somewhere else:
git clone targetdirectoryyouwant/ecs-docs
ln -sft ~/ targetdirectoryyouwant/ecs-docs
ln -sft ~/bin ~/ecs-docs/scripts/*
sudo scripts/
firefox _build/index.html
evince _build/ecs*.pdf
# activate environment
. _env/bin/activate
cd user-manual-de
make clean html latexpdf
firefox _build/html/index.html
loop: make html; firefox _build/html/index.html