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This package provides WebGPU based GPU computing.

Getting Started


npm install webgpgpu


import createWebGpGpu, { f32, threads } from 'webgpgpu'

async function main() {
	const webGpGpu = await createWebGpGpu()

	const kernel = webGpGpu
			myUniform: f32,
			data: f32.array(threads.x)
		.output({ produced: f32.array(threads.x) })
	produced[thread.x] = myUniform * data[thread.x];

	const { produced } = await kernel({
		myUniform: 2,
		data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
	// produced -> [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]


Basically, WebGpGpu manages purely compute shaders in order to make in-memory GPU computing possible.

The GPU parallelize loops that would be here standardized like

for (thread.x = 0; thread.x < threads.x; thread.x++) {
	for (thread.y = 0; thread.y < threads.y; thread.y++) {
		for (thread.z = 0; thread.z < threads.z; thread.z++) {
			/* here */

The point of the library is to automatize the parallelization and all the configurations and concepts and learning curve that usually come with it. For those who tried a bit, all the bindings, buffer writing/reading, and other things that are necessary to write a GPU program, are hidden from the user.

With real pieces of :

  • TypeScript, and the whole is highly typed.
  • Sizes assertion and even inference.
  • Optimizations
    • buffer re-usage
    • workgroup-size calculation
    • TypedArray optimization js-side (only set() and subarray())
    • etc.
  • Compatibility: browser & node.js (*Many browsers still require some manipulation as WebGPU is not yet completely standardized)

WebGPU code

Example kernel produced :

// #generated
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> threads : vec3u;
@group(2) @binding(0) var<storage, read> a : array<f32>;
@group(3) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> outputBuffer : array<f32>;
// #user-defined

fn myFunc(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32 { return a + b; }

// #generated
@compute @workgroup_size(256,1,1)
fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) thread : vec3u) {
	if(all(thread < threads)) {
// #user-defined

		outputBuffer[thread.x] = myFunc(a[thread.x], 3.);

// #generated

The 2 reserved variables are thread (the xyz of the current thread) and threads (the size of all the threads). There is no workgroup interaction for now.

Pre-function code chunks can be added freely (the library never parses the wgsl code) and the content of the (guarded) main function as well

WebGpGpu class

The WebGpGpu class exposes a root that promises an instance and allows to create sub-instances by specification (the values are never modified as such), so each specification code indeed creates a new instance who is "more specific" than the parent.


This is the only non-chainable function : creates a kernel (in javascript, a function) that can be applied on the inputs. It takes the main code (the one of the main function) as argument.

const kernel = webGpGpu
outputBuffer[thread.x] = a[thread.x] * b;

Note: The kernel function retrieves the whole generated code on toString()


Adds a chunk of code to be inserted before the main function. Plays the role of #define and #include.

webGpGpu.defined(/*wgsl*/ `
fn myFunc(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32 { return a + b; }


Declares inputs for the kernel. Takes an object {name: type}.

	myUniform: f32,
	data: f32.array(threads.x),
	randoms: i32.array(133)


Declares outputs for the kernel. Takes an object {name: type}.

	produced: f32.array(threads.x)


Defines a common input value to all calls (and makes a unique transfer to the GPU)

const kernel = webGpGpu
	.input({ b: f32.array(threads.x) })
	.common({ a: f32.array(threads.x).value([1, 2, 3]) })
	.output({ output: f32.array(threads.x) })
	.kernel('outputBuffer[thread.x] = a[thread.x] + b[thread.x];')
const { output } = await kernel({b: [4, 5, 6]})	// output ~= [5, 7, 9]


If you know what a workgroup is and really want to specify its size, do it here.

webGpGpu.workGroup(8, 8)


The main types from wgsl are available with their wgsl name (f32, vec2f, etc.). Note: These are values who specify a wgsl type - it is not a typescript type. These types (like Input1D<number, Float32Array>) are produced and used automatically.

Types can be array-ed. Ex:

f32.array(3, 4)

Multi-dimensional arrays are represented in the shader as texture_2d or texture_3d. They support only elements of size 1, 2 or 4. Ex.: f32, vec2u, mat2x2f

Arguments (simple, arrays of any dimension) can always be passed as corresponding TypedArray. So, mat3x2f.array(5).value(new Float32Array(3*2*5)) is doing the job! (even if array sizes are still validated)

Types also specify how to read/write elements from/to a TypedArray (Float32Buffer, ...).

  • most (all vec... and mat...) do not copy for read, subarray is used, so each element is an ArrayLike (who access directly the middle of the Xxx##Array)
  • singletons just set/get from the TypedArray without transformation

For convenience, these types have been added:

  • Vector2
  • Vector3
  • Vector4
  • RGB
  • RGBA

These actually encode/decode in order to use their respective interface, ex. {x: number, y: number} for Vector2. These "shaped" types use f16 for the precision


16-bit float is a thing in gpus and should be taken into account as it's a bit the "native" or "optimized" work size (important when working with mobile devices for ex). The big draw back is that all devices don't support it.

Hence, in order to know if it's supported, webGpGpu.f16 tells if it exists and all the f16 types (f16, vec2h, mat2x2h, etc.) will be set to their f32 equivalent until when the first WebGpGpu is ready and confirms their availability.

The system has not yet been completely tested and remains the question of writing f16 immediate values &c.

"Type" objects

These types object offer (if needed) these functions. The functions changing the definition are chainable and have no side effect, they create a new type object from the original one and the given specifications.


Declares an array of something. Ex: f32.array(3, 4)


Declares a transformation to read/write TypedArray.

  • elementConvert gives an array-like (perhaps directly a TypedArray) from a value
  • elementRecover creates a value from an array-like (a TypedArray.subarray)

Note that arrays can be converted! The next code is doing the expected job : MyClass is transferable to an array of float (hence the transform function have a 1-D size parameter) and an array

const myValues: MyClass[] = [...]
const myType = f32.array(threads.x).transform<MyClass>(
	(m: MyClass, [size]: [number])=> [...],
	(o: ArrayLike<number>, [size]: [number])=> new MyClass(o)


Just creates a "typed value" (ex: f32.value(1)) that can be used as argument of many WebGpGpu functions.

The given value can always be a FlatSomethingArray (TypedArray) or some combination (array of D-1 inputs).

Not chainable! A "typed value" is not a type. It wraps it as buffable in { buffable, value }


Creates a TypedArray from the given value. It also manages the size inference.

	workSizeInfer: WorkSizeInfer,
	data: InputXD<OriginElement, InputSpec, Buffer>,
	required?: string

Size inference

threads.x, threads.y and threads.z are internal values (symbols) that can be used as "jokers" - or not. Each WebGpGpu has a state of inference (it knows some sizes and others not) and will infer them as soon as possible.

  1. The first inference will be when specifying commons (define-time)
  2. The second inference will be when specifying inputs (run-time)
  3. The remaining can be given as supplementary arguments of kernel (define-time, but these arguments will be used after input inference)
  4. Lastly, supplementary arguments can be given to the produced kernel
  5. Finally, it is just supposed 1

In 3. & 4., the last arguments if specified are:

  • {x?: number, y?: number, z?: number} the values to default to/require
  • A string combination of 'x', 'y' and 'z' ('z', 'xy') specifying which ones of them are required (otherwise they are ignored if not needed). Defaults to ''

Generate the 10 first squares:

const kernel = webGpGpu
	.output({output: f32.array(threads.x)})
	.kernel('outputBuffer[thread.x] = thread.x*thread.x;', { x: 10 })
const { output } = await kernel({})

Generate the N first squares:

const kernel = webGpGpu
	.output({output: f32.array(threads.x)})
	.kernel('outputBuffer[thread.x] = thread.x*thread.x;')
const { output } = await kernel({}, { x: 10 })



System calls


The library exposes a function createWebGpGpu that creates a root WebGpGpu object.

function createWebGpGpu(
	adapterOptions?: GPURequestAdapterOptions,
	deviceDescriptor?: GPUDeviceDescriptor,
	[...WebGPUOptions: string[]]

Node.js only

The WebGPUOptions are only available to the node.js clients. The library uses node-webgpu who allows giving parameters when creating the GPU object. These parameters can be given to the default creation export.

import createWebGpGpu from 'webgpgpu'

async function main() {
	const webGpGpu = createWebGpGpu({}, {}, 'enable-dawn-features=allow_unsafe_apis,dump_shaders,disable_symbol_renaming', ...)


If you manage to have your own, want to share a device, ... WebGpGpu exposes :

class WebGpGpu {
	static createRoot(root: GPUDevice, options?: { dispose?: () => void }): WebGpGpu
	static createRoot(
		root: GPUAdapter,
		options?: { dispose?: () => void; deviceDescriptor?: GPUDeviceDescriptor }
	): Promise<WebGpGpu>
	static createRoot(
		root: GPU,
		options?: {
			dispose?: () => void
			deviceDescriptor?: GPUDeviceDescriptor
			adapterOptions?: GPURequestAdapterOptions
	): Promise<WebGpGpu>

	get device(): GPUDevice
	dispose(): void

Note: the dispose function disposes the all the WebGpGpu objects from the root (created by createWebGpGpu or WebGpGpu.createRoot)


WebGpGpu exposes:

WebGpGpu.log: {
	warn(message: string): void,
	error(message: string): void,

warn and error can be set separately as the whole library uses it. (mainly for compilation messages) or extreme cases as "uploaded size(0) array", ... Note that a log.error will always have its associated exception throw.


  • CompilationError Has the exact messages in the cause (they are also logged)
  • ArraySizeValidationError Occurs when arguments size are not fitting
  • ParameterError Mainly for parameter names conflicts &c.



  • Texture management (for now, only 0/1-D)
  • structures
  • Perhaps some canvas output ?
  • Chaining (output become input of next kernel without transfer in CPU memory)
    • Even more complex pipeline management?


WebGPU usage for compute-shaders automation






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