- [Fred] AntiGravityDrive: compute scalar product as to avoid escape angle to lead straight to an enemy bot.
- [Fred] Modify power selector so that we stop shooting at power 2 when enemy is far.
- [Fred] Modify radar algorithm to give priority to targets that have a low escape angle (their bearing = the bullet bearing)
- [Fred] Gun: force robot to shoot 0.1 bullet if inactivity time is being reached.
- Spinning Radar: Adapt target locking to RoboVampires cases.
- Build a new radar that mixes Spinning and Locking.
- [Flo] List scenaris (i.e. different phases of the game)
- [Flo] Define scenario to flee to safe area.
- [Cancelled][Eddy] Prepare painting framework
Some vocabulary (references robocode wiki)
Distinguish strategies depending on gane phases:
- Initial: explore
- Robovamp sleeping
- Robovamp awake
- Robovamp killed
- 1-vs-1
Drive tweaks
- Allow to be slightly nearer the robovamps if not their target
- Allow to be nearer our target
Gun tweaks
- Store current target
- Smart target change based on: . Type (robovamp / robovamp target / other) . Snapshot age . target angular distance to gun