This app was developed for the ETHdenver hackathon, February 2019.
Authors: Bryce Doganer, Andy Watt, Gareth Oates, Colin McCrae, Lucas Henning
The final project is stored here on GitHub
It is presumed that the evaluator has the following applications already installed:
- Git
- Node Package Manager (Node v11.9.0, Npm v6.5.0)
- Truffle v5.0.4 (core: 5.0.4)
- Solidity v0.5.0 (solc-js)
- Ganache or Ganache-CLI (v6.3.0 (ganache-core: 2.4.0)
- Google Chrome with Metamask Plug-in installed
- A code editor (e.g. VS Code or Atom)
The following steps will allow the project to be evaluated. The terminal commands are based on using Ubuntu Linux.
Navigate your development folder and clone the project repo from Github. The command below will create a folder 'project' in your chosen development folder.
git clone
Go into the new folder
cd project
Install the npm modules
npm install
To view in a code editor
code .
for VS Code oratom .
for Atom -
To compile the app code
truffle compile
Ensure that you are running Ganache (or Ganache-CLI) on Port 8545 (HTTP://
To migrate the contacts to the Ganache local blockchain
truffle migrate
(if you need to migrate the contract again, you will need to usetruffle migrate --reset
) -
To run the app code tests
truffle test
Run the app's JavaScript React development server locally to bring up the app UI. These commands should automoatically open your default browser
cd app
npm install
npm run start
You should now be able to use the app's UI.
Contract actions will appear in the developer console log in Google Chrome. Press Ctrl + Shift + I to view these. Ctrl+C to exit the development server in Terminal.