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Data Tracking

Valentin Mourot edited this page Aug 5, 2020 · 1 revision

ODE Mobile Framework includes a helper that exports a simple API to track data from the functional modules. For now, this helper is connected to Matomo and App Center.

Track views

Connect views ("screens") to the the trackers with just a simple HOC :

import withViewTracking from "../../infra/tracker/withViewTracking";

class MyScreenComponent extends React.PureComponent<IPropsType, IStateType> { /* ... */ }

export default withViewTracking("moduleName/path")(MyScreenComponent); // Specify the virtual path of your screen component

Note: Only track Screen Components, i.e. components that are a direct child of a Navigator.

Note: The virtual path you pass as a parameter to withViewTracking() must start with you functional module name as mentioned in its config.ts.

Track events

Track a user action with an event. Use event tracking where you cannot use withViewTracking().

import { Trackers } from "../../infra/tracker";

Trackers.trackEvent("Module Name", "ACTION NAME", (optional) "Element name", (optional) number value);

This API is inherited from Matomo's trackEvent function. Always specify "Module Name" and "ACTION NAME" (uppercased).

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