This is a plugin to make sure that you always have the right tool for the job
just a quick-draw away. It allows you to configure a list of commands to be
able to run via
. It includes custom pickers for
The commands are configured per directory.
I write project-specific commands for building, compiling, generating documentation, etc. I was keeping them in my notes file (Neorg, if anyone's wondering) and had written a simple code-runner to execute code-blocks, but I was getting tired of needing to switch to the notes-file and navigating to the correct code-block everytime I needed to run one of the commands. I wanted a tool-belt so that I could keep all of those commands with me without having to move away from what I was working on.
return {
lazy = false,
opts = {},
main = 'holster'
---@class Holster.opts
---@field command_file path name of the file in the current directory for Holster to look for
opts = {
command_file = '.holster.nvim.lua',
Holster checks the current directory for a file matching opts.command_file
(default: .holster.nvim.lua
). This file is expected to return a table
containing a list of command specifications.
return {
commands = {
name = 'hello world',
desc = "echo \"hello world\" using neovim's builtin echo command",
cmd = 'echo "hello world"',
name = 'ola lua',
desc = "echo \"ola lua\" using a lua's print function",
cmd = function()
print('ola lua')
name = 'shell example',
desc = "write a message to ./holster-example.txt using a bash shell",
shell = 'echo "this is Ground Control to Major Tom" > holster-example.txt',
after = 'read holster-example.txt'
If using lazy.nvim, add this to your snacks.nvim config:
dependencies = {
opts = {
picker = {
config = function(opts, defaults)
Snacks.picker.holster_commands = require('holster').pickers.commands
keys = {
-- change these mappings to whatever you want; this is just an example
{ '<leader>hc', '<cmd>lua Snacks.picker.holster_commands()<cr>', desc = 'Pick Holster Commands' },