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Stephane Godbillon edited this page Jul 22, 2012 · 1 revision

A MongoDB Command is a basically a query that is run on the db.$cmd collection and gives back one document as a result.

Use a predefined command

The org.asyncmongo.api.Collection class defines a command method:

def command(command: Command) :Future[command.Result]

This method takes a command and returns a future result of the dependent type command.Result. All the predefined commands are in the org.asyncmongo.protocol.commands package.

Let's examine a concrete example with the FindAndModify command:

    val command = FindAndModify(
      Update(modifier, false))

    val result :Future[Option[BSONDocument]] = collection.command(command)

    result.onComplete {
      case Left(error) => throw error
      case Right(maybeDocument) => println(maybeDocument)

Write your own command

A command should extend the trait Command, set the dependent type Result, define the ResultMaker value (a value that produces an instance of Result from a given Response), and implement the abstract method def makeDocuments :Bson (the documents that are the operands of the command).

 * A MongoDB Command.
 * Basically, it's as query that is performed on any db.\$cmd collection
 * and gives back one document as a result.
trait Command {
   * This command's result type.
  type Result

   * Deserializer for this command's result.
  val ResultMaker :CommandResultMaker[Result]

   * States if this command can be run on secondaries.
  val slaveOk :Boolean = false

   * Makes the [[org.asyncmongo.bson.Bson]] for documents that will be send as body of this command's query.
  def makeDocuments :Bson

   * Produces a [[org.asyncmongo.protocol.commands.MakableCommand]] instance of this command.
   * @param db name of the target database.
  def apply(db: String) :MakableCommand = new MakableCommand(db, this)

 * Handler for deserializing commands results.
 * @tparam Result the result type of this command.
trait CommandResultMaker[Result] {
   * Deserializes the given response into an instance of Result.
  def apply(response: Response) :Result
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