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Eduard Martini edited this page Nov 5, 2013 · 2 revisions
<title>JSDoc: Source: wowapi.js</title>
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<h1 class="page-title">Source: wowapi.js</h1>

        <pre class="prettyprint source"><code>/**
  • @class WOWAPI

  • @classdesc WOWAPI is a javascript wrapper around the World of Warcraft public API (

  • The Blizzard Community Platform API provides a number of resources for developers and Wow enthusiasts to gather data about their characters, guilds and arena teams.

  • This class leverages the usage of that API to the JS developers by wrapping all API calls in simple JS methods.

  • @author eduardm (

  • @license Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

  • @constructor

  • @requires JQuery

  • @description Instantiate a WOWAPI object that can be used to call underlying API methods.

  • The data available through the API is limited to the region that it is in.

  • Hence, US APIs accessed through will only contain data within US battlegroups and realms.

  • @param {string=} [region="eu"] region Specifies the region that will be used for the API calls. May be <code>["us", "eu", "kr", "tw", "ch"]</code>.

  • @param {string=} [locale=First value from selected region] locale Specifies the locale to be used with the request.

  • Support for locales is limited to those supported on the World of Warcraft community sites.

  • Possible values are based on the region: <code>{ "us": ["en_US", "es_MX", "pt_BR"], "eu": ["en_GB", "es_ES", "fr_FR", "ru_RU", "de_DE", "pt_PT", "it_IT"], "kr": ["ko_KR"], "tw": ["zh_TW"], "ch": ["zh_CN"] }</code>

  • @example <code>var wowApiInstance = new WOWAPI("eu", "en_GB");</code> */ function WOWAPI(region, locale) { 'use strict'; var allowedRegions = ["us", "eu", "kr", "tw", "ch"], allowedLocales = { "us": ["en_US", "es_MX", "pt_BR"], "eu": ["en_GB", "es_ES", "fr_FR", "ru_RU", "de_DE", "pt_PT", "it_IT"], "kr": ["ko_KR"], "tw": ["zh_TW"], "ch": ["zh_CN"] }, urlMappings = { "us": "", "eu": "", "kr": "", "tw": "", "ch": "" }; if (allowedRegions.indexOf(region) > -1) { this.region = region; if (allowedLocales[region].indexOf(locale) > -1) { this.locale = locale; } else { this.locale = allowedLocales[region][0] } } else { this.region = "eu" this.locale = "en_GB" } this.API_URL = "http://" + urlMappings[this.region] + "/api/wow/"; }

WOWAPI.prototype = (function () { //private methods /** * @private * @param path * This is private method use internally to call the official API */ function apiCall(path, successCallback, errorCallback) { var url = this.API_URL + path; $.jsonp({ url: url, dataType: "json", callbackParameter: "jsonp", success: function (data) { successCallback(data); }, error: function (err, status) { if (errorCallback) { errorCallback(err, status); } } }); }

return {

//public functions constructor: WOWAPI, /** * @public * @description Returns the achievement data for given achievement. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function} * @param {Integer} achievementId The achievement number * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data * @example <code>wowApiInstance.getAchievement(2144, function(data) {console.log(data)});</code> */ getAchievement: function (achievementId, callbackFunction) { return this._(apiCall)("achievement/" + achievementId, callbackFunction); },

     * @public
     * @description Returns the current auction house data for given realm. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {String} realm The realm name
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getAuctions('medivh', function(data) {console.log(data)});&lt;/code>
    getAuctions: function (realm, callbackFunction) {
        return this._(apiCall)("auction/data/" + realm, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns details about given ability id. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {Integer} abilityId
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getBattlePetAbility(640, function(data) {console.log(data)});&lt;/code>
    getBattlePetAbility: function (abilityId, callbackFunction) {
        return this._(apiCall)("battlePet/ability/" + abilityId, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns details about given species id. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {Integer} speciesId
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getBattlePetAbility(640, function(data) {console.log(data)});&lt;/code>
    getBattlePetSpecies: function (speciesId, callbackFunction) {
        return this._(apiCall)("battlePet/species/" + speciesId, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns details about given battle pet parameters. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {battlePetObject} speciesDetails
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>&lt;pre>
         speciesId: 640,
         level: 25,
         breedId: 3,
         qualityId: 1
     }, function (data) {
    getBattlePetStats: function (speciesDetails, callbackFunction) {
        var speciesId = speciesDetails.speciesId,
            level = speciesDetails.level || 1,
            breedId = speciesDetails.breedId || 3,
            qualityId = speciesDetails.qualityId || 1;
        return this._(apiCall)("battlePet/stats/" + speciesId + "?level=" + level + "&breedId=" + breedId + "&qualityId=" + qualityId, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns the current challenge mode leaderboard for given realm or for region. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {(String|null)} realm The realm name. If it is null, it will return region leaderboard
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getChallengeLeaderboard("steamwheedle-cartel", function (data) {console.log(data);});&lt;br />
     * wowApiInstance.getChallengeLeaderboard(null, function (data) {console.log(data);});
     * &lt;/code>
    getChallengeLeaderboard: function (realm, callbackFunction) {
        if (realm) {
            return this._(apiCall)("challenge/" + realm, callbackFunction);
        } else {
            return this._(apiCall)("challenge/region", callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns character profile based on a characterOptions object. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {characterOptions} characterOptions Contains the options describing what to retrieve
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getCharacterProfile({realm: "steamwheedle-cartel",characterName: "HarapAlb"}, function (data) {console.log(data);});&lt;br />
     * wowApiInstance.getCharacterProfile({realm: "steamwheedle-cartel",characterName: "HarapAlb",fields: "items"}, function (data) { console.log(data); });&lt;br />
     * wowApiInstance.getCharacterProfile({realm: "steamwheedle-cartel", characterName: "HarapAlb", fields: "items, pets, stats, titles"}, function (data) {console.log(data);});&lt;br />
     * &lt;/code>
    getCharacterProfile: function (characterOptions, callbackFunction) {
        var fields = characterOptions.fields,
            realm = characterOptions.realm,
            characterName = characterOptions.characterName
        if (fields) {
            return this._(apiCall)("character/" + realm + "/" + characterName + "?fields=" + fields, callbackFunction);
        } else {
            return this._(apiCall)("character/" + realm + "/" + characterName, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns details about given item id. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {Integer} itemId
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getItem(18803, function(data) {console.log(data)});&lt;/code>
    getItem: function (itemId, callbackFunction) {
        return this._(apiCall)("item/" + itemId, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns details about given item set id. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {Integer} setId
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getItem(1060, function(data) {console.log(data)});&lt;/code>
    getIemSet: function (setId, callbackFunction) {
        return this._(apiCall)("item/set/" + setId, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns guild profile based on a guildOptions object. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {guildOptions} guildOptions Contains the options describing what to retrieve
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>&lt;pre>
         realm: "steamwheedle-cartel",
         guildName: "House of Elements"
     }, function (data) {
     });&lt;br />
         realm: "steamwheedle-cartel",
         guildName: "House of Elements",
         fields: "members, achievements, news, challenge"
     }, function (data) {
     * &lt;/pre>&lt;/code>
    getGuildProfile: function (guildOptions, callbackFunction) {
        var fields = guildOptions.fields,
            realm = guildOptions.realm,
            guildName = guildOptions.guildName;
        if (fields) {
            return this._(apiCall)("guild/" + realm + "/" + guildName + "?fields=" + fields, callbackFunction);
        } else {
            return this._(apiCall)("guild/" + realm + "/" + guildName, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns the PVP leaderboard for given bracket. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {String} bracket The bracket for the leaderborad. One of: "2v2" | "3v3" | "5v5" | "rbg"
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getPVPLeaderboard("3v3", function (data) { console.log(data); });&lt;/code>
    getPVPLeaderboard: function (bracket, callbackFunction) {
        return this._(apiCall)("leaderboard/" + bracket, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns the realm(s) status. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {String|null} realms The list of realms to get status, or null for all realms from region
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>&lt;pre>
      wowApiInstance.getRealmStatus(null, function (data) {
      });&lt;br />
      wow.getRealmStatus("steamwheedle-cartel,medivh", function (data) {
     * &lt;/pre>&lt;/code>
    getRealmStatus: function (realms, callbackFunction) {
        if (realms) {
            return this._(apiCall)("realm/status?realms=" + realms, callbackFunction);
        } else {
            return this._(apiCall)("realm/status", callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns details about given recipe id. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {Integer} recipeId
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getRecipe(33994, function(data) {console.log(data)});&lt;/code>
    getRecipe: function (recipeId, callbackFunction) {
        return this._(apiCall)("recipe/" + recipeId, callbackFunction);

     * @public
     * @description Returns details about spell recipe id. {@linkcode | Wraps this API function}
     * @param {Integer} spellId
     * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
     * @example &lt;code>wowApiInstance.getSpell(8056, function(data) {console.log(data)});&lt;/code>
    getSpell: function (spellId, callbackFunction) {
        return this._(apiCall)("spell/" + spellId, callbackFunction);

    getBattlegroups: function (callbackFunction) {
        if (this.battlegroups) {
        } else {
            return this._(apiCall)("/api/wow/data/battlegroups/");

     * @param callback
     * @return {Function}
     * @private
    _: function (callback) {
        var self = this;
        return function () {
            return callback.apply(self, arguments);
 * @callback responseCallback
 * @param {JSON} data JSON containing requested data
 * */

 * @typedef {Object} battlePetObject
 * @property  {Integer} speciesId SpeciesId for what we want the stats
 * @property  {Integer=} [level=1] Level of the pet to display stats
 * @property  {Integer=} [breedId=3] Specify the breed
 * @property  {Integer=} [qualityId=1] Specify quality

 * @typedef {Object} characterOptions
 * @property  {String} realm Realm name
 * @property  {String} characterName Character name
 * @property  {String=} [fields=""] String with one or more fields from the profile separated by comma.
 * If it is missing, only the summary will be returned.
 * Possible values:
 * &lt;pre>
 * achievements    A map of achievement data including completion timestamps and criteria information.
 * appearance    A map of values that describes the face, features and helm/cloak display preferences and attributes.
 * feed    The activity feed of the character.
 * guild    A summary of the guild that the character belongs to. If the character does not belong to a guild and this field is requested, this field will not be exposed.
 * hunterPets    A list of all of the combat pets obtained by the character.
 * items    A list of items equiped by the character. Use of this field will also include the average item level and average item level equipped for the character.
 * mounts    A list of all of the mounts obtained by the character.
 * pets    A list of the battle pets obtained by the character.
 * petSlots    Data about the current battle pet slots on this characters account.
 * professions    A list of the character's professions. It is important to note that when this information is retrieved, it will also include the known recipes of each of the listed professions.
 * progression    A list of raids and bosses indicating raid progression and completedness.
 * pvp    A map of pvp information including arena team membership and rated battlegrounds information.
 * quests    A list of quests completed by the character.
 * reputation    A list of the factions that the character has an associated reputation with.
 * stats    A map of character attributes and stats.
 * talents    A list of talent structures.
 * titles    A list of the titles obtained by the character including the currently selected title.

 * @typedef {Object} guildOptions
 * @property  {String} realm Realm name
 * @property  {String} guildName Guild name
 * @property  {String=} [fields=""] String with one or more fields from the profile separated by comma.
 * If it is missing, only the summary will be returned.
 * Possible values:
 * &lt;pre>
 * members    A list of characters that are a member of the guild
 * achievements    A set of data structures that describe the achievements earned by the guild.
 * news    A set of data structures that describe the news feed of the guild.
 * challenge    The top 3 challenge mode guild run times for each challenge mode map.


$(function () { /* * jQuery JSONP Core Plugin 2.4.0 (2012-08-21) * * * * Copyright (c) 2012 Julian Aubourg * * This document is licensed as free software under the terms of the * MIT License: */ (function ($) {

    // ###################### UTILITIES ##

    // Noop
    function noop() {

    // Generic callback
    function genericCallback(data) {
        lastValue = [ data ];

    // Call if defined
    function callIfDefined(method, object, parameters) {
        return method && method.apply(object.context || object, parameters);

    // Give joining character given url
    function qMarkOrAmp(url) {
        return /\?/.test(url) ? "&" : "?";

    var // String constants (for better minification)
        STR_ASYNC = "async",
        STR_CHARSET = "charset",
        STR_EMPTY = "",
        STR_ERROR = "error",
        STR_INSERT_BEFORE = "insertBefore",
        STR_JQUERY_JSONP = "_jqjsp",
        STR_ON = "on",
        STR_ON_CLICK = STR_ON + "click",
        STR_ON_LOAD = STR_ON + "load",
        STR_ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE = STR_ON + "readystatechange",
        STR_READY_STATE = "readyState",
        STR_REMOVE_CHILD = "removeChild",
        STR_SCRIPT_TAG = "&lt;script>",
        STR_SUCCESS = "success",
        STR_TIMEOUT = "timeout",

    // Window
        win = window,
    // Deferred
        Deferred = $.Deferred,
    // Head element
        head = $("head")[ 0 ] || document.documentElement,
    // Page cache
        pageCache = {},
    // Counter
        count = 0,
    // Last returned value

    // ###################### DEFAULT OPTIONS ##
        xOptionsDefaults = {
            //beforeSend: undefined,
            //cache: false,
            callback: STR_JQUERY_JSONP,
            //callbackParameter: undefined,
            //charset: undefined,
            //complete: undefined,
            //context: undefined,
            //data: "",
            //dataFilter: undefined,
            //error: undefined,
            //pageCache: false,
            //success: undefined,
            //timeout: 0,
            //traditional: false,
            url: location.href

    // opera demands sniffing :/
        opera = win.opera,

    // IE &lt; 10
        oldIE = !!$("&lt;div>").html("&lt;!--[if IE]>&lt;i>&lt;![endif]-->").find("i").length;

    // ###################### MAIN FUNCTION ##
    function jsonp(xOptions) {

        // Build data with default
        xOptions = $.extend({}, xOptionsDefaults, xOptions);

        // References to xOptions members (for better minification)
        var successCallback = xOptions.success,
            errorCallback = xOptions.error,
            completeCallback = xOptions.complete,
            dataFilter = xOptions.dataFilter,
            callbackParameter = xOptions.callbackParameter,
            successCallbackName = xOptions.callback,
            cacheFlag = xOptions.cache,
            pageCacheFlag = xOptions.pageCache,
            charset = xOptions.charset,
            url = xOptions.url,
            data =,
            timeout = xOptions.timeout,

        // Abort/done flag
            done = 0,

        // Life-cycle functions
            cleanUp = noop,

        // Support vars

        // Request execution vars

        // If we have Deferreds:
        // - substitute callbacks
        // - promote xOptions to a promise
        Deferred && Deferred(function (defer) {
            successCallback = defer.resolve;
            errorCallback = defer.reject;

        // Create the abort method
        xOptions.abort = function () {
            !( done++ ) && cleanUp();

        // Call beforeSend if provided (early abort if false returned)
        if (callIfDefined(xOptions.beforeSend, xOptions, [ xOptions ]) === !1 || done) {
            return xOptions;

        // Control entries
        url = url || STR_EMPTY;
        data = data ? ( (typeof data) == "string" ? data : $.param(data, xOptions.traditional) ) : STR_EMPTY;

        // Build final url
        url += data ? ( qMarkOrAmp(url) + data ) : STR_EMPTY;

        // Add callback parameter if provided as option
        callbackParameter && ( url += qMarkOrAmp(url) + encodeURIComponent(callbackParameter) + "=?" );

        // Add anticache parameter if needed
        !cacheFlag && !pageCacheFlag && ( url += qMarkOrAmp(url) + "_" + ( new Date() ).getTime() + "=" );

        // Replace last ? by callback parameter
        url = url.replace(/=\?(&|$)/, "=" + successCallbackName + "$1");

        // Success notifier
        function notifySuccess(json) {

            if (!( done++ )) {

                // Pagecache if needed
                pageCacheFlag && ( pageCache [ url ] = { s: [ json ] } );
                // Apply the data filter if provided
                dataFilter && ( json = dataFilter.apply(xOptions, [ json ]) );
                // Call success then complete
                callIfDefined(successCallback, xOptions, [ json , STR_SUCCESS, xOptions ]);
                callIfDefined(completeCallback, xOptions, [ xOptions , STR_SUCCESS ]);


        // Error notifier
        function notifyError(type) {

            if (!( done++ )) {

                // Clean up
                // If pure error (not timeout), cache if needed
                pageCacheFlag && type != STR_TIMEOUT && ( pageCache[ url ] = type );
                // Call error then complete
                callIfDefined(errorCallback, xOptions, [ xOptions , type ]);
                callIfDefined(completeCallback, xOptions, [ xOptions , type ]);


        // Check page cache
        if (pageCacheFlag && ( pageCached = pageCache[ url ] )) {

            pageCached.s ? notifySuccess(pageCached.s[ 0 ]) : notifyError(pageCached);

        } else {

            // Install the generic callback
            // (BEWARE: global namespace pollution ahoy)
            win[ successCallbackName ] = genericCallback;

            // Create the script tag
            script = $(STR_SCRIPT_TAG)[ 0 ];
   = STR_JQUERY_JSONP + count++;

            // Set charset if provided
            if (charset) {
                script[ STR_CHARSET ] = charset;

            opera && opera.version() &lt; 11.60 ?
                // onerror is not supported: do not set as async and assume in-order execution.
                // Add a trailing script to emulate the event
                ( ( scriptAfter = $(STR_SCRIPT_TAG)[ 0 ] ).text = "document.getElementById('" + + "')." + STR_ON_ERROR + "()" )
                // onerror is supported: set the script as async to avoid requests blocking each others
                ( script[ STR_ASYNC ] = STR_ASYNC )


            // Internet Explorer: event/htmlFor trick
            if (oldIE) {
                script.htmlFor =;
                script.event = STR_ON_CLICK;

            // Attached event handlers
            script[ STR_ON_LOAD ] = script[ STR_ON_ERROR ] = script[ STR_ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE ] = function (result) {

                // Test readyState if it exists
                if (!script[ STR_READY_STATE ] || !/i/.test(script[ STR_READY_STATE ])) {

                    try {

                        script[ STR_ON_CLICK ] && script[ STR_ON_CLICK ]();

                    } catch (_) {

                    result = lastValue;
                    lastValue = 0;
                    result ? notifySuccess(result[ 0 ]) : notifyError(STR_ERROR);


            // Set source
            script.src = url;

            // Re-declare cleanUp function
            cleanUp = function (i) {
                timeoutTimer && clearTimeout(timeoutTimer);
                script[ STR_ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE ] = script[ STR_ON_LOAD ] = script[ STR_ON_ERROR ] = null;
                head[ STR_REMOVE_CHILD ](script);
                scriptAfter && head[ STR_REMOVE_CHILD ](scriptAfter);

            // Append main script
            head[ STR_INSERT_BEFORE ](script, ( firstChild = head.firstChild ));

            // Append trailing script if needed
            scriptAfter && head[ STR_INSERT_BEFORE ](scriptAfter, firstChild);

            // If a timeout is needed, install it
            timeoutTimer = timeout > 0 && setTimeout(function () {
            }, timeout);


        return xOptions;

    // ###################### SETUP FUNCTION ##
    jsonp.setup = function (xOptions) {
        $.extend(xOptionsDefaults, xOptions);

    // ###################### INSTALL in jQuery ##
    $.jsonp = jsonp;





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