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<h1 class="page-title">Source: wowapi.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>/**
@class WOWAPI
@classdesc WOWAPI is a javascript wrapper around the World of Warcraft public API (http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/).
The Blizzard Community Platform API provides a number of resources for developers and Wow enthusiasts to gather data about their characters, guilds and arena teams.
This class leverages the usage of that API to the JS developers by wrapping all API calls in simple JS methods.
@author eduardm (https://github.com/eduardm/wowjsapi)
@license Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
@requires JQuery
@description Instantiate a WOWAPI object that can be used to call underlying API methods.
The data available through the API is limited to the region that it is in.
Hence, US APIs accessed through us.battle.net will only contain data within US battlegroups and realms.
@param {string=} [region="eu"] region Specifies the region that will be used for the API calls. May be <code>["us", "eu", "kr", "tw", "ch"]</code>.
@param {string=} [locale=First value from selected region] locale Specifies the locale to be used with the request.
Support for locales is limited to those supported on the World of Warcraft community sites.
Possible values are based on the region: <code>{ "us": ["en_US", "es_MX", "pt_BR"], "eu": ["en_GB", "es_ES", "fr_FR", "ru_RU", "de_DE", "pt_PT", "it_IT"], "kr": ["ko_KR"], "tw": ["zh_TW"], "ch": ["zh_CN"] }</code>
@example <code>var wowApiInstance = new WOWAPI("eu", "en_GB");</code> */ function WOWAPI(region, locale) { 'use strict'; var allowedRegions = ["us", "eu", "kr", "tw", "ch"], allowedLocales = { "us": ["en_US", "es_MX", "pt_BR"], "eu": ["en_GB", "es_ES", "fr_FR", "ru_RU", "de_DE", "pt_PT", "it_IT"], "kr": ["ko_KR"], "tw": ["zh_TW"], "ch": ["zh_CN"] }, urlMappings = { "us": "us.battle.net", "eu": "eu.battle.net", "kr": "kr.battle.net", "tw": "tw.battle.net", "ch": "www.battlenet.com.cn" }; if (allowedRegions.indexOf(region) > -1) { this.region = region; if (allowedLocales[region].indexOf(locale) > -1) { this.locale = locale; } else { this.locale = allowedLocales[region][0] } } else { this.region = "eu" this.locale = "en_GB" } this.API_URL = "http://" + urlMappings[this.region] + "/api/wow/"; }
WOWAPI.prototype = (function () { //private methods /** * @private * @param path * This is private method use internally to call the official API */ function apiCall(path, successCallback, errorCallback) { var url = this.API_URL + path; $.jsonp({ url: url, dataType: "json", callbackParameter: "jsonp", success: function (data) { successCallback(data); }, error: function (err, status) { if (errorCallback) { errorCallback(err, status); } } }); }
return {
//public functions constructor: WOWAPI, /** * @public * @description Returns the achievement data for given achievement. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#achievement-api | Wraps this API function} * @param {Integer} achievementId The achievement number * @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data * @example <code>wowApiInstance.getAchievement(2144, function(data) {console.log(data)});</code> */ getAchievement: function (achievementId, callbackFunction) { return this._(apiCall)("achievement/" + achievementId, callbackFunction); },
* @public
* @description Returns the current auction house data for given realm. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#auction-api | Wraps this API function}
* @param {String} realm The realm name
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getAuctions('medivh', function(data) {console.log(data)});</code>
getAuctions: function (realm, callbackFunction) {
return this._(apiCall)("auction/data/" + realm, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns details about given ability id. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#battlepet-api/abilities | Wraps this API function}
* @param {Integer} abilityId
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getBattlePetAbility(640, function(data) {console.log(data)});</code>
getBattlePetAbility: function (abilityId, callbackFunction) {
return this._(apiCall)("battlePet/ability/" + abilityId, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns details about given species id. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#battlepet-api/species | Wraps this API function}
* @param {Integer} speciesId
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getBattlePetAbility(640, function(data) {console.log(data)});</code>
getBattlePetSpecies: function (speciesId, callbackFunction) {
return this._(apiCall)("battlePet/species/" + speciesId, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns details about given battle pet parameters. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#battlepet-api/stats | Wraps this API function}
* @param {battlePetObject} speciesDetails
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code><pre>
speciesId: 640,
level: 25,
breedId: 3,
qualityId: 1
}, function (data) {
getBattlePetStats: function (speciesDetails, callbackFunction) {
var speciesId = speciesDetails.speciesId,
level = speciesDetails.level || 1,
breedId = speciesDetails.breedId || 3,
qualityId = speciesDetails.qualityId || 1;
return this._(apiCall)("battlePet/stats/" + speciesId + "?level=" + level + "&breedId=" + breedId + "&qualityId=" + qualityId, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns the current challenge mode leaderboard for given realm or for region. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#challenge-mode-api | Wraps this API function}
* @param {(String|null)} realm The realm name. If it is null, it will return region leaderboard
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getChallengeLeaderboard("steamwheedle-cartel", function (data) {console.log(data);});<br />
* wowApiInstance.getChallengeLeaderboard(null, function (data) {console.log(data);});
* </code>
getChallengeLeaderboard: function (realm, callbackFunction) {
if (realm) {
return this._(apiCall)("challenge/" + realm, callbackFunction);
} else {
return this._(apiCall)("challenge/region", callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns character profile based on a characterOptions object. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#character-profile-api | Wraps this API function}
* @param {characterOptions} characterOptions Contains the options describing what to retrieve
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getCharacterProfile({realm: "steamwheedle-cartel",characterName: "HarapAlb"}, function (data) {console.log(data);});<br />
* wowApiInstance.getCharacterProfile({realm: "steamwheedle-cartel",characterName: "HarapAlb",fields: "items"}, function (data) { console.log(data); });<br />
* wowApiInstance.getCharacterProfile({realm: "steamwheedle-cartel", characterName: "HarapAlb", fields: "items, pets, stats, titles"}, function (data) {console.log(data);});<br />
* </code>
getCharacterProfile: function (characterOptions, callbackFunction) {
var fields = characterOptions.fields,
realm = characterOptions.realm,
characterName = characterOptions.characterName
if (fields) {
return this._(apiCall)("character/" + realm + "/" + characterName + "?fields=" + fields, callbackFunction);
} else {
return this._(apiCall)("character/" + realm + "/" + characterName, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns details about given item id. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#item-api/individual-item | Wraps this API function}
* @param {Integer} itemId
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getItem(18803, function(data) {console.log(data)});</code>
getItem: function (itemId, callbackFunction) {
return this._(apiCall)("item/" + itemId, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns details about given item set id. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#item-api/item-set | Wraps this API function}
* @param {Integer} setId
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getItem(1060, function(data) {console.log(data)});</code>
getIemSet: function (setId, callbackFunction) {
return this._(apiCall)("item/set/" + setId, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns guild profile based on a guildOptions object. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#guild-profile-api | Wraps this API function}
* @param {guildOptions} guildOptions Contains the options describing what to retrieve
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code><pre>
realm: "steamwheedle-cartel",
guildName: "House of Elements"
}, function (data) {
});<br />
realm: "steamwheedle-cartel",
guildName: "House of Elements",
fields: "members, achievements, news, challenge"
}, function (data) {
* </pre></code>
getGuildProfile: function (guildOptions, callbackFunction) {
var fields = guildOptions.fields,
realm = guildOptions.realm,
guildName = guildOptions.guildName;
if (fields) {
return this._(apiCall)("guild/" + realm + "/" + guildName + "?fields=" + fields, callbackFunction);
} else {
return this._(apiCall)("guild/" + realm + "/" + guildName, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns the PVP leaderboard for given bracket. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#pvp-api | Wraps this API function}
* @param {String} bracket The bracket for the leaderborad. One of: "2v2" | "3v3" | "5v5" | "rbg"
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getPVPLeaderboard("3v3", function (data) { console.log(data); });</code>
getPVPLeaderboard: function (bracket, callbackFunction) {
return this._(apiCall)("leaderboard/" + bracket, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns the realm(s) status. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#realm-status-api | Wraps this API function}
* @param {String|null} realms The list of realms to get status, or null for all realms from region
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code><pre>
wowApiInstance.getRealmStatus(null, function (data) {
});<br />
wow.getRealmStatus("steamwheedle-cartel,medivh", function (data) {
* </pre></code>
getRealmStatus: function (realms, callbackFunction) {
if (realms) {
return this._(apiCall)("realm/status?realms=" + realms, callbackFunction);
} else {
return this._(apiCall)("realm/status", callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns details about given recipe id. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#recipe-api | Wraps this API function}
* @param {Integer} recipeId
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getRecipe(33994, function(data) {console.log(data)});</code>
getRecipe: function (recipeId, callbackFunction) {
return this._(apiCall)("recipe/" + recipeId, callbackFunction);
* @public
* @description Returns details about spell recipe id. {@linkcode http://blizzard.github.io/api-wow-docs/#spell-api | Wraps this API function}
* @param {Integer} spellId
* @param {responseCallback} callbackFunction A callback function that will be triggered when we have the data
* @example <code>wowApiInstance.getSpell(8056, function(data) {console.log(data)});</code>
getSpell: function (spellId, callbackFunction) {
return this._(apiCall)("spell/" + spellId, callbackFunction);
getBattlegroups: function (callbackFunction) {
if (this.battlegroups) {
} else {
return this._(apiCall)("/api/wow/data/battlegroups/");
* @param callback
* @return {Function}
* @private
_: function (callback) {
var self = this;
return function () {
return callback.apply(self, arguments);
* @callback responseCallback
* @param {JSON} data JSON containing requested data
* */
* @typedef {Object} battlePetObject
* @property {Integer} speciesId SpeciesId for what we want the stats
* @property {Integer=} [level=1] Level of the pet to display stats
* @property {Integer=} [breedId=3] Specify the breed
* @property {Integer=} [qualityId=1] Specify quality
* @typedef {Object} characterOptions
* @property {String} realm Realm name
* @property {String} characterName Character name
* @property {String=} [fields=""] String with one or more fields from the profile separated by comma.
* If it is missing, only the summary will be returned.
* Possible values:
* <pre>
* achievements A map of achievement data including completion timestamps and criteria information.
* appearance A map of values that describes the face, features and helm/cloak display preferences and attributes.
* feed The activity feed of the character.
* guild A summary of the guild that the character belongs to. If the character does not belong to a guild and this field is requested, this field will not be exposed.
* hunterPets A list of all of the combat pets obtained by the character.
* items A list of items equiped by the character. Use of this field will also include the average item level and average item level equipped for the character.
* mounts A list of all of the mounts obtained by the character.
* pets A list of the battle pets obtained by the character.
* petSlots Data about the current battle pet slots on this characters account.
* professions A list of the character's professions. It is important to note that when this information is retrieved, it will also include the known recipes of each of the listed professions.
* progression A list of raids and bosses indicating raid progression and completedness.
* pvp A map of pvp information including arena team membership and rated battlegrounds information.
* quests A list of quests completed by the character.
* reputation A list of the factions that the character has an associated reputation with.
* stats A map of character attributes and stats.
* talents A list of talent structures.
* titles A list of the titles obtained by the character including the currently selected title.
* @typedef {Object} guildOptions
* @property {String} realm Realm name
* @property {String} guildName Guild name
* @property {String=} [fields=""] String with one or more fields from the profile separated by comma.
* If it is missing, only the summary will be returned.
* Possible values:
* <pre>
* members A list of characters that are a member of the guild
* achievements A set of data structures that describe the achievements earned by the guild.
* news A set of data structures that describe the news feed of the guild.
* challenge The top 3 challenge mode guild run times for each challenge mode map.
$(function () { /* * jQuery JSONP Core Plugin 2.4.0 (2012-08-21) * * https://github.com/jaubourg/jquery-jsonp * * Copyright (c) 2012 Julian Aubourg * * This document is licensed as free software under the terms of the * MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ (function ($) {
// ###################### UTILITIES ##
// Noop
function noop() {
// Generic callback
function genericCallback(data) {
lastValue = [ data ];
// Call if defined
function callIfDefined(method, object, parameters) {
return method && method.apply(object.context || object, parameters);
// Give joining character given url
function qMarkOrAmp(url) {
return /\?/.test(url) ? "&" : "?";
var // String constants (for better minification)
STR_ASYNC = "async",
STR_CHARSET = "charset",
STR_ERROR = "error",
STR_INSERT_BEFORE = "insertBefore",
STR_JQUERY_JSONP = "_jqjsp",
STR_ON = "on",
STR_ON_CLICK = STR_ON + "click",
STR_ON_LOAD = STR_ON + "load",
STR_ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE = STR_ON + "readystatechange",
STR_READY_STATE = "readyState",
STR_REMOVE_CHILD = "removeChild",
STR_SCRIPT_TAG = "<script>",
STR_SUCCESS = "success",
STR_TIMEOUT = "timeout",
// Window
win = window,
// Deferred
Deferred = $.Deferred,
// Head element
head = $("head")[ 0 ] || document.documentElement,
// Page cache
pageCache = {},
// Counter
count = 0,
// Last returned value
// ###################### DEFAULT OPTIONS ##
xOptionsDefaults = {
//beforeSend: undefined,
//cache: false,
//callbackParameter: undefined,
//charset: undefined,
//complete: undefined,
//context: undefined,
//data: "",
//dataFilter: undefined,
//error: undefined,
//pageCache: false,
//success: undefined,
//timeout: 0,
//traditional: false,
url: location.href
// opera demands sniffing :/
opera = win.opera,
// IE < 10
oldIE = !!$("<div>").html("<!--[if IE]><i><![endif]-->").find("i").length;
// ###################### MAIN FUNCTION ##
function jsonp(xOptions) {
// Build data with default
xOptions = $.extend({}, xOptionsDefaults, xOptions);
// References to xOptions members (for better minification)
var successCallback = xOptions.success,
errorCallback = xOptions.error,
completeCallback = xOptions.complete,
dataFilter = xOptions.dataFilter,
callbackParameter = xOptions.callbackParameter,
successCallbackName = xOptions.callback,
cacheFlag = xOptions.cache,
pageCacheFlag = xOptions.pageCache,
charset = xOptions.charset,
url = xOptions.url,
data = xOptions.data,
timeout = xOptions.timeout,
// Abort/done flag
done = 0,
// Life-cycle functions
cleanUp = noop,
// Support vars
// Request execution vars
// If we have Deferreds:
// - substitute callbacks
// - promote xOptions to a promise
Deferred && Deferred(function (defer) {
successCallback = defer.resolve;
errorCallback = defer.reject;
// Create the abort method
xOptions.abort = function () {
!( done++ ) && cleanUp();
// Call beforeSend if provided (early abort if false returned)
if (callIfDefined(xOptions.beforeSend, xOptions, [ xOptions ]) === !1 || done) {
return xOptions;
// Control entries
url = url || STR_EMPTY;
data = data ? ( (typeof data) == "string" ? data : $.param(data, xOptions.traditional) ) : STR_EMPTY;
// Build final url
url += data ? ( qMarkOrAmp(url) + data ) : STR_EMPTY;
// Add callback parameter if provided as option
callbackParameter && ( url += qMarkOrAmp(url) + encodeURIComponent(callbackParameter) + "=?" );
// Add anticache parameter if needed
!cacheFlag && !pageCacheFlag && ( url += qMarkOrAmp(url) + "_" + ( new Date() ).getTime() + "=" );
// Replace last ? by callback parameter
url = url.replace(/=\?(&|$)/, "=" + successCallbackName + "$1");
// Success notifier
function notifySuccess(json) {
if (!( done++ )) {
// Pagecache if needed
pageCacheFlag && ( pageCache [ url ] = { s: [ json ] } );
// Apply the data filter if provided
dataFilter && ( json = dataFilter.apply(xOptions, [ json ]) );
// Call success then complete
callIfDefined(successCallback, xOptions, [ json , STR_SUCCESS, xOptions ]);
callIfDefined(completeCallback, xOptions, [ xOptions , STR_SUCCESS ]);
// Error notifier
function notifyError(type) {
if (!( done++ )) {
// Clean up
// If pure error (not timeout), cache if needed
pageCacheFlag && type != STR_TIMEOUT && ( pageCache[ url ] = type );
// Call error then complete
callIfDefined(errorCallback, xOptions, [ xOptions , type ]);
callIfDefined(completeCallback, xOptions, [ xOptions , type ]);
// Check page cache
if (pageCacheFlag && ( pageCached = pageCache[ url ] )) {
pageCached.s ? notifySuccess(pageCached.s[ 0 ]) : notifyError(pageCached);
} else {
// Install the generic callback
// (BEWARE: global namespace pollution ahoy)
win[ successCallbackName ] = genericCallback;
// Create the script tag
script = $(STR_SCRIPT_TAG)[ 0 ];
script.id = STR_JQUERY_JSONP + count++;
// Set charset if provided
if (charset) {
script[ STR_CHARSET ] = charset;
opera && opera.version() < 11.60 ?
// onerror is not supported: do not set as async and assume in-order execution.
// Add a trailing script to emulate the event
( ( scriptAfter = $(STR_SCRIPT_TAG)[ 0 ] ).text = "document.getElementById('" + script.id + "')." + STR_ON_ERROR + "()" )
// onerror is supported: set the script as async to avoid requests blocking each others
( script[ STR_ASYNC ] = STR_ASYNC )
// Internet Explorer: event/htmlFor trick
if (oldIE) {
script.htmlFor = script.id;
script.event = STR_ON_CLICK;
// Attached event handlers
script[ STR_ON_LOAD ] = script[ STR_ON_ERROR ] = script[ STR_ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE ] = function (result) {
// Test readyState if it exists
if (!script[ STR_READY_STATE ] || !/i/.test(script[ STR_READY_STATE ])) {
try {
script[ STR_ON_CLICK ] && script[ STR_ON_CLICK ]();
} catch (_) {
result = lastValue;
lastValue = 0;
result ? notifySuccess(result[ 0 ]) : notifyError(STR_ERROR);
// Set source
script.src = url;
// Re-declare cleanUp function
cleanUp = function (i) {
timeoutTimer && clearTimeout(timeoutTimer);
script[ STR_ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE ] = script[ STR_ON_LOAD ] = script[ STR_ON_ERROR ] = null;
head[ STR_REMOVE_CHILD ](script);
scriptAfter && head[ STR_REMOVE_CHILD ](scriptAfter);
// Append main script
head[ STR_INSERT_BEFORE ](script, ( firstChild = head.firstChild ));
// Append trailing script if needed
scriptAfter && head[ STR_INSERT_BEFORE ](scriptAfter, firstChild);
// If a timeout is needed, install it
timeoutTimer = timeout > 0 && setTimeout(function () {
}, timeout);
return xOptions;
// ###################### SETUP FUNCTION ##
jsonp.setup = function (xOptions) {
$.extend(xOptionsDefaults, xOptions);
// ###################### INSTALL in jQuery ##
$.jsonp = jsonp;
- getAchievement
- getAuctions
- getBattlePetAbility
- getBattlePetSpecies
- getBattlePetStats
- getChallengeLeaderboard
- getCharacterProfile
- getGuildProfile
- getIemSet
- getItem
- getPVPLeaderboard
- getRealmStatus
- getRecipe
- getSpell
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.3.0-dev on Mon Nov 04 2013 17:42:41 GMT+0100 (CET) <script> prettyPrint(); </script> <script src="scripts/linenumber.js"> </script>