This was a project for a course, "Programming and Implementation of Equipment for Mechatronics Applications", back then in 2015, one of the most interesting courses as a student in my career, Mechatronics Engineering.
Code was written in C, executed in a Raspberry Pi 2 running a modified Raspbian OS with RTLinux kernel.
Sync two DC motors to make them able to couple their "gears". The main DC motor, which has a fixed position on the rail, is setted up to rotate at a specific speed (hardcoded). The secondary DC motor, will receive the angular position of the main DC motor as input and will try to sync using a simple PID algorithm.
You can watch the project working on Youtube:
Model: DSE38BE27-001 Voltage (Máx): 24V Encoder: 90 HIGH and 90 LOW pulses per rev.
Wiring Pi allows you to access Raspberry Pi's GPIO through a C/C++ interface. To compile programs using Wiring Pi library use -lwiringPi To use Gertboard, MaxDetect, etc. add -lwiringPiDev Source:
PD: Comments in the code are in Spanish.