Python Bindings for the Flutterwave Payment APIs.
To install the flutterwave python package, run the command below:
pip install --upgrade flutterwave
easy_install --upgrade flutterwave
See for instructions on installing pip. If you are on a system with easy_install but not pip, you can use easy_install instead.
To install from source, run:
python install
- Charge Accounts
- Charge Cards
- Disburse to Accounts
- Account Number Lookup
- Card BIN Lookup
- Card Balance Enquiry
- Foreign Bank Account Transfers (ACH)
- BVN Validation
- IP Check
To debit an account, in two steps: first, tokenize the account, then charge the account using the returned token:
from flutterwave import Flutterwave flw = Flutterwave("<api_key>", "<merchant_key>", {"debug": True}) payload = { "token": "FZeDswE6ju0ONCL3864", # Token returned from account tokenization request "amount": "100", # Amount to debit from account "narration": "payment for coffee", # Description for this payment "country": "NG" # country of debit source } r = flw.account.charge(payload) print "{}".format(r.text) # Response # { # { # "transactionreference":"FLW00292801", # "responseMessage":"Approved or Completed Successfully", # "responseCode":"00" # }, # "status":"success" # }
Tokens are valid means of charging an account or card subsequently. Find more examples here .
Sign up at for API keys.
Flutterwave-Python is written in python version 2.7 and can be tested by running the command below from the package folder:
python -m unittest discover