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Statistics Netherlands ( opendata API client for R

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Retrieve data and spatial maps from the open data interface (dutch) of Statistics Netherlands ( with R.




The latest development version of cbsodata can installed using devtools.



Retrieve a table of contents with all SN tables.

ds <- cbs_get_datasets("Language" = "en")
## # A tibble: 6 × 25
##   Updated             Identifier Title       ShortTitle ShortDescription Summary
##   <dttm>              <chr>      <chr>       <chr>      <chr>            <chr>  
## 1 2023-11-30 00:00:00 80783eng   Agricultur… Agricultu… "\nThis table c… "Agric…
## 2 2023-11-30 00:00:00 80784eng   Agricultur… Agricultu… "\nThis table c… "Agric…
## 3 2023-12-12 00:00:00 85636ENG   Arable cro… Arable cr… "\nThis table p… "area …
## 4 2023-04-03 00:00:00 37738ENG   Vegetables… Vegetable… "\nThis table p… "Area …
## 5 2023-06-30 00:00:00 83981ENG   Livestock … Livestock… "\nThis table c… "Manur…
## 6 2023-10-12 00:00:00 84952ENG   Livestock … Livestock  "\nThis table c… "Lives…
## # ℹ 19 more variables: Modified <dttm>, MetaDataModified <dttm>,
## #   ReasonDelivery <chr>, ExplanatoryText <chr>, OutputStatus <chr>,
## #   Source <chr>, Language <chr>, Catalog <chr>, Frequency <chr>, Period <chr>,
## #   SummaryAndLinks <chr>, ApiUrl <chr>, FeedUrl <chr>,
## #   DefaultPresentation <chr>, DefaultSelection <chr>, GraphTypes <chr>,
## #   RecordCount <int>, ColumnCount <int>, SearchPriority <chr>

or do a search:

res <- cbs_search("apple", language="en")
res[1:3, c(1:4)]
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##    score Updated             Identifier Title                                   
##    <dbl> <dttm>              <chr>      <chr>                                   
## 1 0.0503 2023-12-07 00:00:00 85680ENG   Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (…
## 2 0.0356 2023-12-07 00:00:00 85683ENG   Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (…
## 3 0.0337 2023-12-07 00:00:00 85682ENG   Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (…

Use the Identifier from tables to retrieve table information

## 71509ENG: 'Yield apples and pears, 1997 - 2017', 2017
##   FruitFarmingRegions: 'Fruit farming regions'
##   Periods: 'Periods' 
## Retrieve a default data selection with:
##  cbs_get_data(id = "71509ENG", FruitFarmingRegions = c("1", "2", 
## "4", "3", "5"), Periods = c("1997JJ00", "2012JJ00", "2013JJ00", 
## "2016JJ00"), select = c("FruitFarmingRegions", "Periods", "TotalAppleVarieties_1", 
## "CoxSOrangePippin_2", "DelbarestivaleDelcorf_3", "Elstar_4", 
## "GoldenDelicious_5", "Jonagold_6", "Jonagored_7", "RodeBoskoopRennetApple_10", 
## "OtherAppleVarieties_12", "TotalPearVarieties_13", "Conference_15", 
## "DoyenneDuComice_16", "CookingPears_17", "TriompheDeVienne_18", 
## "OtherPearVarieties_19", "TotalAppleVarieties_20", "CoxSOrangePippin_21", 
## "DelbarestivaleDelcorf_22", "Elstar_23", "GoldenDelicious_24", 
## "Jonagold_25", "Jonagored_26", "RodeBoskoopRennetApple_29", "OtherAppleVarieties_31", 
## "TotalPearVarieties_32", "Conference_34", "DoyenneDuComice_35", 
## "CookingPears_36", "TriompheDeVienne_37", "OtherPearVarieties_38"
## ))

Or download data.

library(dplyr) # just for example's sake
apples <- cbs_get_data("71509ENG") 

apples |> 
## # A tibble: 105 × 4
##    FruitFarmingRegions Periods  TotalAppleVarieties_1 CoxSOrangePippin_2
##    <chr>               <chr>                    <int>              <int>
##  1 1                   1997JJ00                   420                 43
##  2 1                   1998JJ00                   518                 40
##  3 1                   1999JJ00                   568                 39
##  4 1                   2000JJ00                   461                 27
##  5 1                   2001JJ00                   408                 30
##  6 1                   2002JJ00                   354                 17
##  7 1                   2003JJ00                   359                 17
##  8 1                   2004JJ00                   436                 14
##  9 1                   2005JJ00                   359                 12
## 10 1                   2006JJ00                   365                 11
## # ℹ 95 more rows

add label columns:

apples |> 
  cbs_add_label_columns() |> 
## # A tibble: 105 × 4
##    FruitFarmingRegions FruitFarmingRegions_label Periods  Periods_label
##    <chr>               <fct>                     <chr>    <fct>        
##  1 1                   Total Netherlands         1997JJ00 1997         
##  2 1                   Total Netherlands         1998JJ00 1998         
##  3 1                   Total Netherlands         1999JJ00 1999         
##  4 1                   Total Netherlands         2000JJ00 2000         
##  5 1                   Total Netherlands         2001JJ00 2001         
##  6 1                   Total Netherlands         2002JJ00 2002         
##  7 1                   Total Netherlands         2003JJ00 2003         
##  8 1                   Total Netherlands         2004JJ00 2004         
##  9 1                   Total Netherlands         2005JJ00 2005         
## 10 1                   Total Netherlands         2006JJ00 2006         
## # ℹ 95 more rows

For more information, see vignette("cbsodataR")

Python user? Use cbsodata.