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CloudConvert-Ruby is a ruby wrapper for the Cloud Convert api. It takes an object oriented approach to using the API, allowing you to quickly execute and access your conversions.

This gem is in an early stage of development. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cloudconvert-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Basic Example

@client = "Your API Key")
@process = @client.build_process(input_format: :jpg, output_format: :pdf)
@process_response = @process.create
if @process_response[:success]
    @conversion_response = @process.convert(
        input: "download",
        outputformat: :pdf,
        file: "link to image",
        download: "false"
if @conversion_response[:success]
     path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "output")
     @download =

Basic Usage

We will start by creating a client. You will need to pass your API key to the initializer.

@client = "Your API Key")

Once the client object is created, we can build a process for our conversion. In this example, we will convert a jpg image into a pdf.

Note: You can build as many processes as you want, just make sure that you are aware of any limitations placed on your account by Cloud Convert before you start converting files.

@process = @client.build_process(input_format: :jpg, output_format: :pdf)

We now need to tell Cloud Convert that we are creating a process. To do this, we will use the create method.

   @process_response = @process.create

The response returned will be a hash containing all the information provided to us by Cloud Convert. (

Note: All the keys for the response hash are symbolized.

To start a conversion, you can execute the convert method. For all the parameters supported, visit the Cloud Convert API Doc here

@conversion_response = @process.convert(
          input: "download",
          outputformat: :pdf,
          file: "link to image",
          download: "false"

If you want to upload a file directly to Cloud Convert, pass the file object to the file argument. Make sure that the file object you are passing responds to the read method. Examples: File, Tempfile, ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile, etc.

Cloud Convert does a great job of quickly converting files. For coversions that might take longer, you can use the status method to check the progress of the conversion (

@status_response = @process.status

Once the conversion finishes, you can use the download method to grab the converted file. You will need to pass the directory where you want the file to be downloaded. The method will return the full path where the file was downloaded. If the file has yet to be converter, it will return the current status of the conversion as a hash.

Note: If you indicated that you want your files to be uploaded directly to another service, like S3, the file will start uploading once the conversion is finished. There is no need to download the file (

   path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "output")
   @download =

If you would like to handle the download process, you can use the download_url method to grab the url of the file.

   @download_url = @process.download_url

There might be a time when you will want to cancel a conversion. To cancel a conversion, use the delete method (

   @delete_response = @process.delete

Diving Deeper

Accessing API responses throughout the life-cycle of a process

Each time a request is made to Cloud Convert, a copy of the response is saved to the process object. You can access them by using the following attributes.

   @process.process_response     # Response returned by @process.create
   @process.conversion_response  # Response returned by @process.convert
   @process.status_response      # * Response returned by @process.status and

If you try to download a file before the conversion is completed, the response will be the current status of the conversion. This response wil update the status_response attribute.

Converting objects that outputs multiple files

If a conversion produces multiple files, like converting pdf to html when the css files are not embedded, you will obtain a zip file from the download method. If you want to download an individual file, pass the name of the file when executing the download method.

   @css_path ="base.min.css")

Keeping track of the current step

Every Process object keeps the state of the conversion in the step attribute. All the steps are documented in the Cloud Convert API ( Keep in mind that there are two steps that are unique to this gem.

  • :awaiting_creation - Initial state of the process before it is sent to the API.
  • :awaiting_conversion - The state after the executing the create method before starting the conversion process.

Also note, the step attribute is local and might not up to date unless you communicate to the API. If you want the most up-to date step, call the status method before you call step.

Changing the return type of response from Hash to Net::HTTPResponse

You can change the return type of responses by changing the return_type of the client.

   @client.return_type = :response
   @process.status     # Will return a Net::HTTPResponse object
   @client.return_type = :hash
   @process.status     # Will return a Hash object


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A ruby wrapper for the Cloud Convert API.



Code of conduct





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