This is the code of the website hosting the bioinformatic tools of the Ecological & Evolutionary Genomics research group group.
Access the website here.
The code of most tools available on the website have moved to independent repositories. The following tools are currently available:
Name of the tool | URL | Code | Corresponding paper |
Champuru | | | Flot (2007) Flot J-F (2007) Champuru 1.0: a computer software for unraveling mixtures of two DNA sequences of unequal lengths. Molecular Ecology Notes 7(6):974–977 |
HaplowebMaker | | | Spöri Y, Flot J (2020) HaplowebMaker and CoMa: two web tools to delimit species using haplowebs and conspecificity matrices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11(11):1434-1438 |
SeqPHASE | | | Flot (2010) SeqPHASE: a web tool for interconverting PHASE input/output files and FASTA sequence alignments Molecular Ecology Ressources 10(1):162-166 |