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eggNOG mapper v2.1.0 v2.1.1

Carlos P Cantalapiedra edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents


EggNOG-mapper (a.k.a. or just emapper) is a tool for fast functional annotation of novel sequences. It uses precomputed orthologous groups (OGs) and phylogenies from the eggNOG database ( to transfer functional information from fine-grained orthologs only.

Common uses of eggNOG-mapper include the annotation of novel genomes, transcriptomes or even metagenomic gene catalogs.

The use of orthology predictions for functional annotation permits a higher precision than traditional homology searches (i.e. BLAST searches), as it avoids transferring annotations from close paralogs (duplicate genes with a higher chance of being involved in functional divergence).

Benchmarks comparing different eggNOG-mapper options against BLAST and InterProScan are available at

EggNOG-mapper is also available as a public online resource:

What's new in eggNOG-mapper v2


  • Bug fix: in some cases, tmp files from search step won't close properly, raising an error when trying to delete them. Now, files should close properly and/or the error should be correctly handled.
  • --trans_table will also be applied when --translate is used.
  • --allow_overlaps and --overlap_tol options for --itype genome|metagenome blastx-based Diamond/MMseqs2 searches.
  • Bug fix: PFAM realignment is performed on predicted proteins when --itype genome|metagenome
  • Bug fix: reverse strand hits with blastx-based search (--itype genome|metagenome --genepred search) should be correctly handled.
  • Sequences in output file .emapper.genepred.fasta, will be translated when --translate is used.
  • By default, --seed_ortholog_score is not used.


  • Version 5.0.2 of the eggnog.db sqlite DB.
  • --resume currently resumes most eggNOG-mapper stages: HMMER searches, seed orthologs from search hits, annotation, PFAM realignment, orthologs report, and creation of GFF with --decorate_gff yes. Diamond searches and MMseqs2 searches are atomic though, and GFF file decoration with --decorate_gff FILE will override the previous file if it exists.
  • NCBI-based taxa DB is loaded into memory.
  • eggNOG-mapper runs now as a pipeline of generators, which should allow annotating more records in a single run without memory issues related to this, except when creating GFF (--decorate_gff yes/FILE) or when realigning to PFAM (--pfam_realign realign/denovo).
  • --tax_scope_mode option added, as a second layer of taxonomic scope control. --tax_scope narrowest option removed; --tax_scope none option added.
  • --tax_scope (and --tax_scope_mode) can now read user-defined and also pre-defined files.
  • The --pfam_transfer options were removed in favor of centralizing everything around --tax_scope
  • --decorate_gff_ID_field option added to control the GFF field used to link with annotations, and therefore to annotate GFF records. Now, --decorate_gff FILE does not accept the format FILE:FIELD.
  • Bug fixes, minor changes.
  • Output file with search hits from HMMER/Diamond/MMseqs2 is now preserved among the output files.


Software Requirements

  • Python 3.7 (or greater)
  • BioPython 1.76 (python package)
  • psutil 5.7.0 (python package)
  • wget (linux command, required for downloading the eggNOG-mapper databases with, and to create new Diamond/MMseqs2 databases with

Storage Requirements

  • ~40 GB for the eggNOG annotation databases (eggnog.db and eggnog.taxa.db)
  • ~9 GB for Diamond database of eggNOG sequences (required if using -m diamond, which is the default search mode).
  • ~11 GB for MMseqs2 database of eggNOG sequences (~86 GB if MMseqs2 index is created) (required if using -m mmseqs).
  • ~3 GB for PFAM database (required if using --pfam_realign options for realignment of queries to PFAM domains).
  • The size of eggNOG diamond/mmseqs databases created with is highly variable, depending on the size of the chosen taxonomic groups.
Databases for specific taxonomic ranges can be downloaded (for HMMER) or created (for Diamond and MMseqs2). The size of these databases is highly variable. For the size of HMMER databases, check For Diamond and MMseqs2 databases, DB size will depend on the number of proteins which are from those taxonomic ranges. Also, these proteins need to be downloaded to create the databases, and can be removed afterwards.

Other Requirements

  • Using --dbmem loads the whole eggnog.db sqlite3 annotation database during the annotation step, and therefore requires ~44 GB of memory.
  • Using the --num_servers option when running HMMER in server mode (a.k.a. hmmgpmd, which is used for -m hmmer --usemem, --pfam_realign denovo or loads the HMM database as many times as specified in the argument (e.g. --pfam_realign denovo --num_servers 2 loads the PFAM database into memory twice, with up to roughly 2 GB per instance).


Pypi version

pip install eggnog-mapper

GitHub release

  • Download the latest version of eggnog-mapper from the next link:
  • Decompress the .tar.gz or .zip file
  • Enter the decompressed directory and install the dependencies, either with:
    • setuptools: python install
    • pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • conda: conda install --file requirements.txt

Cloning a GitHub repository

  • Download (clone) the repository: git clone
  • Enter the repository directory and install the dependencies, either with:
    • setuptools: python install
    • pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • conda: conda install --file requirements.txt


If you want to be sure that eggNOG-mapper is using the bundled binaries for external tools (prodigal, hmmer, diamond, mmseqs), it may help adding the emapper scripts and binaries to your environment or PATH variable. If, for example, your eggnog-mapper path was /home/user/eggnog-mapper:

export PATH=/home/user/eggnog-mapper:/home/user/eggnog-mapper/eggnogmapper/bin:"$PATH"

Also, if you want to store eggNOG-mapper databases in a specific directory, you may wish to create an environment variable to avoid using --data_dir in all your commands. For example:

export EGGNOG_DATA_DIR=/home/user/eggnog-mapper-data

Next step would be downloading the eggNOG-mapper databases, running the next script: 

This will download the eggNOG annotation database (along with the taxa databases), and the database of eggNOG proteins for Diamond searches.

If no EGGNOG_DATA_DIR variable was defined and no --data_dir option was given to, the latter will try to download the files to the data/ directory within your eggnog-mapper directory.

Note that the Diamond DB is optional. You may decide to perform instead HMMER or MMseqs2 searches, or you may wish to create a Diamond or MMseqs2 DB specific of a taxonomic range. To do so, check --help (for downloading HMMER databases or whole Diamond or MMseqs2 databases), and check --help (to create taxa-specific Diamond/MMseqs2 databases). Also, you may wish to download the PFAM database to be able to run PFAM realignemnts with --pfam_realign realign or --pfam_realign denovo.

For example, some options of are:

  • The -P flag is required to download the PFAM database.
  • The -M flag is required to download the MMseqs2 database. The whole MMseqs2 database includes eggNOG proteins which do not belong to any eggNOG Orthologous Group (OG), whereas the Diamond database only includes those which belong to an OG. Also, note that no MMseqs2 index is provided. To create it, you could use the mmseqs createindex "$EGGNOG_DATA_DIR"/mmseqs tmp command (see for more details).
  • The -H -d taxID flag is required to download a HMMER database for a given taxID (check list of databases at
Similarly, use For example, to create a diamond database for Bacteria only: -m diamond --dbname bacteria --taxa Bacteria

This will create a bacteria.dmnd diamond database in the default data directory or the one specified in EGGNOG_DATA_DIR environment variable. Such database can be used with --dmnd_db bacteria.dmnd. Note that the first time is used it will take time to download the eggNOG proteins and create the Diamond or MMseqs2 database. Next calls to (to the same data directory pointed by EGGNOG_DATA_DIR, or --data_dir, or data/ by default) will not need to download the eggnog5 proteins again. If no more databases are going to be created, the proteins can be removed. For further info, check --help.

Optional tools

Depending on the workflow being used with eggNOG-mapper you will need different external tools. Nonetheless, all of them are actually included, bundled, along with eggNOG-mapper. If you are running eggNOG-mapper fine, you may not need to install anything else.

However, the bundled tools are compiled binaries and could cause trouble in some systems, or could not be the most optimized compiled binaries for your system. In such cases, you may wish to install some or all of these tools independently. The tools are:

  • Prodigal: required if using --itype genome or --itype metagenome along with the option --genepred prodigal. Current bundled version is V2.6.3: February, 2016.
  • Diamond: required to run the search steps with -m diamond. Current bundled version is 2.0.4.
  • MMseqs2: required to run the search steps with -m mmseqs. Current bundled version is 113e3212c137d026e297c7540e1fcd039f6812b1.
  • HMMER: required to run the search steps with -m hmmer, to run the HMMER based scripts (,,, and to perform realignments to PFAM with --pfam_realign realign or --pfam_realign denovo. Current bundled version is HMMER 3.1b2 (February 2015).
Basically, whether eggNOG-mapper uses the one you installed or the bundled one will depend on what tool is found in your environment (PATH) first. If none are found in the environment, eggNOG-mapper will try to use the bundled ones.

Basic usage

To start an annotation job, provide a FASTA file containing your query sequences (-i option), specify a project name which will be used as a prefix for all the output files (-o option), and run -i FASTA_FILE_PROTEINS -o test
This basic example will run a diamond blastp search, and for those queries with hits to eggNOG proteins, will carry out functional annotation.

A few recipes

- Run search and annotation, using Diamond in blastx mode -m diamond --itype CDS -i FASTA_FILE_NTS -o test

- Run search and annotation, using MMseqs after translating input CDS to proteins. Add the search and annotation results to the attributes of an existing GFF file (GFF decoration), using the GeneID field to link features from the GFF to the annotation results. -m mmseqs --itype CDS --translate -i FASTA_FILE_CDS -o test \
--decorate_gff MY_GFF_FILE --decorate_gff_ID_field GeneID

- Run search and annotation for assembled contigs, using MMseqs2 "blastx" hits for gene prediction -m mmseqs --itype metagenome -i FASTA_FILE_NTS -o test

- Run search and annotation for a genome, using Diamond search on proteins predicted by Prodigal, changing the output directory. -m diamond --itype genome --genepred prodigal \
-i FASTA_FILE_NTS -o test --output_dir /home/me/mydir

- Run gene prediction using a genome to train Prodigal -m mmseqs --itype genome --genepred prodigal -i FASTA_FILE_NTS -o test \
--training_genome FASTA_FILE --training_file OUT_TRAIN_FILE

- Perform a 2-step (search + annotation) run, using Diamond in more-sensitive mode and loading the annotation DB into memory (--dbmem; requires ~44 GB free mem) -m diamond --sensmode more-sensitive --no_annot -i FASTA_FILE_PROTS -o test -m no_search --annotate_hits_file test.emapper.seed_orthologs -o test_annot_1 --dbmem

- Repeat the annotation step, using specific taxa as target and reporting the one-to-one orthologs found -m no_search --annotate_hits_file test.emapper.seed_orthologs -o test_annot_2 --dbmem \
--report_orthologs --target_orthologs one2one --target_taxa 72274,1123487

- Use HMMER to search a database of bacterial proteins, using current directory for temporary files, and using a "scratch" directory to write output on a different hard drive than the one used to read. Once finishes, output files in the scratch dir will be moved to the actual output dir, and the scratch dir will be removed. -m hmmer -d bact -i FASTA_FILE_PROTS -o test --scratch_dir /scratch/test --temp_dir .

- Perform a Diamond search, and annotation also realigning queries to the PFAM domains found on the Orthologous Groups -i FASTA_FILE_PROTS -o test --pfam_realign realign

- Perform a Diamond search, and annotation also realigning queries to the whole PFAM database -i FASTA_FILE_PROTS -o test --pfam_realign denovo

- Perform a Diamond search and annotation, constraining the Orthologous Groups from which to retrieve annotations to the Bacteria taxon: -i FASTA_FILE_PROTS -o test --tax_scope Bacteria

- Perform a Diamond search and annotation, constraining the Orthologous Groups from which to retrieve annotations to a predefined tax scope (defined in the file eggnogmapper/annotation/tax_scopes/bacteria) for Bacteria and its descendants. The difference with the previous example is that here the bacteria file used as tax scope contains a list of taxa instead of only Bacteria. If several OGs intersect with the scope, for a given protein, the narrowest will be used to transfer annotations to the query: -i FASTA_FILE_PROTS -o test --tax_scope bacteria

- Perform a Diamond search and annotation, constraining the Orthologous Groups from which to retrieve annotations to the Gammaproteobacteria tax scope. Also, from those OGs, force to retrieve annotations at the Bacteria level: -i FASTA_FILE_PROTS -o test --tax_scope Gammaproteobacteria --tax_scope_mode Bacteria


General Options

  • --version
show version and exit.
  • --list_taxa
List available taxonomic names and IDs for OGs and exit. These are valid tax names and IDs for --tax_scope/--tax_scope_mode

Execution Options

  • --cpu NUM_CPU
number of CPUs to be used whenever possible (diamond, annotation tasks, etc). --cpu 0 to run with all available CPUs. Default is 1.
  • --resume
resumes a previous emapper run, skipping results in existing output files.
  • --override
overwrites output files if they exist. By default, execution is aborted if conflicting files are detected.

Input Data Options

  • -i FILE
input FASTA file containing query sequences (proteins by default; see --itype and --translate). Required unless -m no_search.
  • --itype INPUT_TYPE
Type of sequences in the input (-i) file. Default is --itype proteins. All INPUT_TYPE options are shown the next table:
INPUT_TYPE description
proteins Input sequences are used directly for the search step.
CDS Input sequences are used directly for Diamond and MMseqs2, which will run in "blastx" mode and will report the best hit, unless --translate is used, in which case input sequences will be translated to proteins and searched "blastp" mode. For HMMER, the input CDS are always translated to proteins (--translate is internally activated).
genome Input sequences are considered chromosomes/contigs, and gene prediction will be performed (see --genepred).
metagenome The same as genome, except that when --genepred prodigal Prodigal will be run in a different mode.
  • --translate
When --itype CDS --translate, input sequences will be translated to proteins before search. If -m hmmer and --itype CDS, input sequences will be translated to proteins, as if --translate was automatically activated. If -m diamond or -m mmseqs and --itype CDS but no --translate option is given, searches will be performed in "blastx" mode, and the best hit will be annotated. Note that this is different than using --itype genome or --itype metagenome, where more than one hit pero query could be annotate.
  • --annotate_hits_table FILE
annotate TSV formatted table with at least 4 fields: query, hit, evalue, score. Usually, FILE is a emapper.seed_orthologs file from a previous eggNOG-mapper run. Required if -m no_search.
  • -c FILE, --cache FILE
Annotations file with md5 checksums of sequences. Required if -m cache.
  • --data_dir DIR
Specify a path to the eggNOG-mapper databases. By default, data/ folder or the one specified by the EGGNOG_DATA_DIR environment variable. The annotation DBs must be always present in this directory, whereas HMMER, Diamond and MMseqs2 DBs could be in a different directory when using -d/--database, --dmnd_db and --mmseqs_db, respectively.

Gene Prediction Options

  • --genepred search|prodigal
When --itype genome or --itype metagenome is used, gene prediction is carried out. There are 2 gene prediction modes:
    • The default is --genepred search, which means that either Diamond or MMseqs2 (depending on -m argument) is run in blastx mode. As of now, we cannot recommend using Diamond for complete genomes, unless the assembly is rather fragmented and/or contigs are not very large. MMseqs2 is faster than Diamond for assembled genomes, and it is the recommended other than for CDS.
    • If --genepred prodigal is specified, Prodigal is run for gene prediction, and the proteins predicted by Prodigal are used in the subsequent search and annotation steps. Prodigal will be run in a different mode depending whether --itype genome or --itype metagenome is used.
  • --trans_table TRANS_TABLE_CODE
Option to change the translation table used for CDS translation and gene prediction. It corresponds with Diamond's --query-gencode, MMseqs2's --translation-table and Prodigal's -g/--trans-table). Usually the value is an integer corresponding to a specific translation table (e.g. Check each program's documentation for more info. It is also applied when --translate is used, both for input and output sequences.
  • --training_genome FASTA_FILE
FASTA file of the genome to be used for Prodigal's training mode. Requires --itype genome --genepred prodigal and also requires --training_file FILE. Note training will be run only if the training file does NOT exist. If the training file already exists, the latter will be used directly for gene prediction, and training will be skipped.
  • --training_file FILE
Training file to be created and/or used by Prodigal. If the training file does not exist, the training genome (--training_genome option) will be used to create a training file, and then immediately perform gene prediction from such training file. If the training file already exists, the training is skipped, the --training_genome option is ignored, and gene prediction is performed using the existing training file.
  • --allow_overlaps none|strand|diff_frame|all
When --genepred search --itype genome/metagenome, this option controls whether overlapping blastx hits are annotated or not. By default, --allow_overlaps none best hit is annotated among overlapping hits. If --allow_overlaps strand, best non-overlapping hit from each strand is annotated. If --allow_overlaps diff_frame, best non-overlapping hit from each frame in each strand is annotated. If --allow_overlaps all, all hits are annotated.
  • --overlap_tol FLOAT
Overlap tolerance (0.0 - 1.0). Two hits are considered to overlap if (overlap_size / hit length) > overlap_tol for at least one of the hits. By default, 0.0, any overlap is considered as such. In contrast, --overlap_tol 1.0 means that one of the hits must overlap entirely to consider that hits do overlap to each other.

Search Options

  • -m MODE
how input queries will be searched against eggNOG sequences. Default is -m diamond. All MODE options are shown in the next table:
MODE description Notes
diamond search queries against eggNOG sequences using Diamond. Requires -i FILE.
hmmer search sequences/hmm against sequences/hmm using HMMER. Requires -i FILE and -d DB_NAME.
mmseqs search queries against eggNOG sequences using MMseqs2. Requires -i FILE.
cache annotate queries using a previously annotated file (-c) which includes md5 hashes of the annotated sequences. Requires -i FILE and -c FILE.
no_search skip search stage. Annotate an existing emapper.seed_orthologs file. Requires --annotate_hits_table FILE, unless --no_annot is used.

Search filtering common options

  • --pident FLOAT
report only alignments equal or above this percentage of identity threshold (0.0 - 100.0). Default None. No effect if -m hmmer.
  • --evalue FLOAT
report only alignments equal or above this e-value threshold. Default 0.001.
  • --score FLOAT
report only alignments equal or above this bit score threshold. Default None.
  • --query-cover FLOAT
report only alignments equal or above this query coverage fraction threshold (0.0 - 100.0). Default None. No effect if -m hmmer.
  • --subject-cover FLOAT
report only alignments equal or above this target (eggNOG sequence) coverage fraction threshold (0.0 - 100.0). Default None. No effect if -m hmmer.

Diamond search options

  • --dmnd_db FILE
path to diamond-compatible database. Useful to specify a location different than data/, EGGNOG_DATA_DIR or --data_dir.
  • --sensmode DIAMOND_SENS_MODE
either fast, mid-sensitive, sensitive, more-sensitive, very-sensitive or ultra-sensitive. Default is sensitive (to be sure, check the default for your version in --help).
  • --matrix MATRIX_NAME
which substitution matrix to be used by diamond, among BLOSUM62,BLOSUM90,BLOSUM80,BLOSUM50,BLOSUM45,PAM250,PAM70,PAM30.
  • --gapopen INT
gap open penalty used by diamond. Default is Diamond's default.
  • --gapextend INT
gap extend penalty used by diamond. Default is Diamond's default.
  • --block_size FLOAT
Diamond's -b/--block-size option. Default is Diamond's default.
  • --index_chunks INT
Diamond's -c/--index-chunks option. Default is Diamond's default.
  • --outfmt_short
Diamond will produce only the query, subject, evalue and score fields in its output, and seed_orthologs file will have only those fields also. This option could be useful to obtain better performance when no thresholds for pident, and query and subject coverages are used (for more info, see Diamond docs about traceback).

MMseqs2 search options

  • --mmseqs_db FILE
path to MMseqs2-compatible database. Useful to specify a location different than data/, EGGNOG_DATA_DIR, or --data_dir.
  • --start_sens FLOAT
Starting sensitivity for MMseqs2 iterative searches. Default 3.
  • --sens_steps INT
Number of iterative searches with different sensitivities for MMseqs2. Default 3.
  • --final_sens FLOAT
Final sensitivity for MMseqs2 iterative searches. Default 7.
  • --mmseqs_sub_mat MMSEQS_SUB_MAT
Matrix to be used for --sub-mat option of MMseqs2. Default: the default one used by MMseqs2.

HMMER search options

  • -d DB_NAME, --database DB_NAME
specify the target database for sequence searches. DB_NAME should be the name of a database downloaded using -H -d taxID, or such a database loaded in a server (e.g. db.hmm:host:port; see --help)
  • --servers_list FILE
A FILE with a list of remote hmmpgmd servers. Each row in the file represents a server, in the format host:port. If --servers_list is specified, host and port from -d option will be ignored.
  • --qtype QUERY_TYPE
hmm or seq. Type of input data (-i).
  • --dbtype DB_TYPE
hmmdb or seqdb. Type of data in DB (-db).
  • --usemem
Use this option to allocate the whole HMMER database in memory. If --dbtype hmmdb, the database must be a hmmpress-ed database. If --dbtype seqdb, the database must be a HMMER-format database created with esl-reformat. Database will be unloaded after execution. Note that --usemem is different than --dbmem, which is used to load into memory the annotation DB.
  • -p INT, --port INT
Port used to setup HMM server, when --usemem. Also used for --pfam_realign modes.
  • --end_port PORT
Last port to be used to setup HMM server, when --usemem. Also used for --pfam_realign modes.
  • --num_servers INT
When using --usemem, specify the number of servers to fire up. By default, only 1 server is used. Note that cpus specified with --cpu will be distributed among servers and workers. Also used for --pfam_realign modes. It is important to consider that, for each server instance, the HMM database will be loaded into memory, and therefore memory consumption will grow as --num_servers increases.
  • --num_workers INT
When using --usemem, specify the number of workers per server to fire up. By default, cpus specified with --cpu will be distributed among servers and workers. Also used for --pfam_realign modes. In our tests --num_workers has not the expected impact on performance, and increasing --num_servers is required to get an actual speed boost, although the memory requirements must be met. However, this could be different in other systems, compilations, or versions of hmmpgmd.
  • --hmm_maxhits INT
Max number of hits to report (0 to report all). Default=1.
  • --report_no_hits
Whether queries without hits should be included in the output table.
  • --hmm_maxseqlen INT
Ignore query sequences larger than this length. Default=5000"
  • --Z FLOAT
Fixed database size used in phmmer/hmmscan allows comparing e-values among databases. Default=40,000,000
  • --cut_ga
Adds the --cut_ga to HMMER commands (useful for Pfam mappings, for example). See HMMER documentation for more info.
  • --clean_overlaps CLEAN_OVERLAPS_MODE
Removes hits which overlap, keeping only the one with best e-value. Default none. Use the all and clans options when performing a hmmscan type search (i.e. domains are in the database). Use the hmmsearch_all and hmmsearch_clans options when using a hmmsearch type search (i.e. domains are the queries). The clans and hmmsearch_clans options will only have effect for hits to/from PFAM.'

Annotation Options

  • --no_annot
perform only the search stage and skip functional annotation, reporting only seed orthologs (emapper.seed_orthologs file).
  • --dbmem
Store the whole eggNOG sqlite DB into memory before retrieving the annotations. This requires ~44 GB of RAM memory available, but can increase annotation speed considerably. Database will be unloaded after execution.
  • --seed_ortholog_evalue FLOAT
min e-value expected when searching for seed eggNOG ortholog. Queries not having a significant seed orthologs will not be annotated. Default=0.001
  • --seed_ortholog_score FLOAT
min bit score expected when searching for seed eggNOG ortholog. Queries not having a significant seed orthologs will not be annotated. Default=60
fix the taxonomic scope used for annotation, so only speciation events from a particular clade are used for functional transfer. More specifically, the --tax_scope list is intersected with the seed orthologs clades (i.e. the taxa from seed orthologs' OGs), and the resulting clades are used for annotation based on --tax_scope_mode. Note that those seed orthologs without clades intersecting with --tax_scope will be filtered out, and won't be annotated. Possible arguments for --tax_scope are shown in the following table. Default is auto, which is a PREDEFINED_FILENAME.
tax_scope description
FILE A path to a file which contains a list of tax IDs and/or tax names.
PREDEFINED_FILENAME The filename of a file stored in eggnogmapper/annotation/tax_scopes/, and which contains a list of tax IDs and/or tax names. Available ones are: auto (synonym all), auto_broad (synonym all_broad), all_narrow, archaea, bacteria, bacteria_broad, eukaryota, eukaryota_broad, and prokaryota_broad.
LIST_OF_TAXA A comma-separated list of tax IDs and/or tax names. For example, --tax_scope 2759,2157,2,1 for Eukaryota, Archaea, Bacteria and root.
none Do not filter out annotations based on taxonomic scope.
  • --tax_scope_mode broadest|inner_broadest|inner_narrowest|narrowest|FILE|PREDEFINED_FILENAME|LIST_OF_TAXA
A second layer to control taxonomic scope from which to retrieve annotations. If --tax_scope acts as a filter, --tax_scope_mode determines which taxonomic level (i.e. which Orthologous Group) from the seed ortholog is used to retrieve annotations. Default is inner_narrowest. Possible arguments are:
tax_scope_mode description
broadest Use the OG with the broadest clade.
inner_broadest From the OG which intersect --tax_scope, use the one with the broadest clade.
inner_narrowest From the OG which intersect --tax_scope, use the one with the narrowest clade.
narrowest Use the OG with the narrowest clade.
FILE, PREDEFINED_FILENAME, LIST_OF_TAXA The same values accepted by --tax_scope, except none. If this option is used, the taxa from OGs is intersected first with --tax_scope, to filter out seed orthologs outside the taxonomic range. Secondly, taxa from OGs are intersected with --tax_scope_mode. From the remaining OGs, the one with the narrowest clade is used (as in inner_narrowest). This is useful when we want to filter out queries using a different taxonomic scope than the one to use for annotation. For example, we want to annotate only queries within the Gammaproteobacteria range, but use the Bacteria level OGs for annotation of those queries: --tax_scope Gammaproteobacteria --tax_scope_mode Bacteria should work.
  • --target_orthologs one2one|many2one|one2many|many2many|all
defines what type of orthologs (in relation to the seed ortholog) should be used for functional transfer. Default: all
  • --target_taxa all|LIST_OF_TAX_IDS
Comma-separated list of taxa to be used for annotation. Note that this option interacts with the Ortholgous Group chosen due to the --tax_scope/--tax_scope_mode options. First, speciation events are identified among the OGs based on --tax_scope/--tax_scope_mode. Then, annotation will be transferred from the orthologs found within those speciation events: from all the orthologs if --target_taxa all (default), or only from the taxa from LIST_OF_TAX_IDS, when --target_taxa LIST_OF_TAX_IDS.
  • --excluded_taxa none|LIST_OF_TAX_IDS
the opposite behaviour than --target_taxa. Default is none (no species are excluded for annotation).
  • --report_orthologs
as a first step in functional annotation, eggNOG-mapper identifies the orthologs of each query, using seed orthologs from the search stage as an anchoring or starting point. A list of these orthologs is not reported by default. Use this option get the list of orthologs found for each query ('emapper.orthologs' file).
  • --go_evidence experimental|non-electronic|all
defines what type of GO terms should be used for annotation. experimental = Use only terms inferred from experimental evidence. non-electronic (default) = Use only non-electronically curated terms. all = all GO terms will be retrieved.
  • --pfam_realign none|realign|denovo
Defines how PFAM annotation will be performed.
  • none
A list of PFAMs, directly transferred from orthologs, will be reported.
  • realign
PFAMs from orthologs will be realigned to the query, and a list of PFAMs and their positions on the query will be reported.
  • denovo
Each query will be realigned to the whole PFAM DB, and a list of PFAMs and their positions on the query will be reported.
  • --md5
Adds a column with the md5 hash of the query sequences in the annotations output file. An annotations output file created this way can be used as cache file (-c CACHE_FILE) for the -m cache mode.

Output options

  • --output,-o FILE_PREFIX
base name for output files
  • --output_dir DIR
where output files should be written. default is current working directory.
  • --scratch_dir DIR
write output files in a temporary scratch dir, move them to the final output dir when finished. Speed up large computations using network file systems.
  • --temp_dir DIR
where temporary files are created. Better if this is a local disk.
  • --no_file_comments
no header lines nor stats are included in the output files
  • --decorate_gff no|yes|FILE
Option to create/decorate a GFF file with emapper hits and/or annotations. Default is no.
  • no: no GFF decoration will be performed. If running gene prediction with Prodigal, its GFF will be among the output files anyway. If running blastx-based gene prediction, the GFF with CDS of hits will be among output files anyway.
  • yes: a new GFF will be created including hits and/or annotations.
  • FILE: a new GFF will be created, adding hits and/or annotations to the attributes already existing in the specified FILE. --decorate_gff_ID_field can be used to specify a GFF attribute (see --decorate_gff_ID_field).
  • --decorate_gff_ID_field ID
ID or name of the GFF attribute to be used to link GFF features and annotation results, when using --decorate_gff FILE. Default is ID.

Output format

Output files

  • Search hits (prefix.emapper.hits)
A file with the results from the search phase, from HMMER, Diamond or MMseqs2.
  • Seed orthologs (prefix.emapper.seed_orthologs)
A file with the results from parsing the hits. Each row links a query with a seed ortholog. This file has the same format independently of which searcher was used, except that it can be in short format (4 fields), or full.
  • Annotations (prefix.emapper.annotations)
A file with the results from the annotation phase. Therefore, each row represents the annotation reported for a given query.
  • Orthologs (prefix.emapper.orthologs)
A file with the list of orthologs found for each query. This file is created only if using the --report_orthologs option.
  • Sequences of predicted CDS (prefix.emapper.genepred.fasta)
A FASTA file with the sequences of the predicted CDS. It is generated when gene prediction is carried out, with --itype genome or --itype metagenome.
  • GFF of predicted CDS (prefix.emapper.gff)
A GFF (version 3) file, with the search and/or annotation results. See --decorate_gff.
  • Sequences without annotation (prefix.emapper.no_annotations.fasta)
A FASTA file with the sequences of queries for which an existing annotation was not found using the -m cache mode. This file can be used as input of another eggNOG-mapper run without using the cache, trying to annotate the sequences.
  • PFAM hits (prefix.emapper.pfam)
A file with the positions of the PFAM domains identified. Only created if --pfam_realign realign or --pfam_realign denovo.

Output fields

All files contain rows with tab-separated columns or fields.

Seed orthologs file

  • query
  • target
The target is what is also known, in eggnog-mapper, as 'seed ortholog'. It is the eggNOG sequence representing the best hit found for a given query during the search phase, and it will be used, during the annotation phase, to retrieve orthologs from which to transfer annotations.
  • e-value
  • bit-score
The e-value and bit-score fields are the values returned by the search tool being used (diamond by default, see -m option).
  • pident
Percentage of identity between the query and the subject.
  • qstart
First position of query in the alignment.
  • qend
End position of query in the alignment.
  • sstart
Start position of subject (a.k.a. target) in the alignment.
  • send
End position of subject (a.k.a. target) in the alignment.
  • qcov
Percentage of the query length which is part of the alignment.
  • scov
Percentage of the subject (a.k.a. target) length which is part of the alignment.
The --outfmt_short option can be used to output only the first 4 fields of the seed orthologs file, when running searches with Diamond (see --outfmt_short option above).

Annotations file

Search hit fields
  • query_name
  • seed_eggNOG_ortholog
  • seed_ortholog_evalue
  • seed_ortholog_score
Orthologous Groups fields
  • eggNOG OGs
a comma-separated, clade depth-sorted (broadest to narrowest), list of Orthologous Groups (OGs) identified for this query. Note that each OG is represented in the following format: OG@tax_id|tax_name
  • narr_og_name
OG@tax_id|tax_name for the narrowest OG found for this query.
  • narr_og_cat
COG category corresponding to narr_og_name
  • narr_og_desc
Description corresponding to narr_og_name
  • best_og_name
OG@tax_id|tax_name for the OG chosen based on --tax_scope.
  • best_og_cat
COG category corresponding to best_og_name
  • best_og_desc
Description corresponding to best_og_name
Transferred annotations fields
  • Preferred_name
  • GOs
  • EC
  • KEGG_ko
  • KEGG_Pathway
  • KEGG_Module
  • KEGG_Reaction
  • KEGG_rclass
  • CAZy
  • BiGG_Reaction
  • PFAMs
  • md5 (only when --md5 is used)

Orthologs file

  • query
  • orth_type
Type of orthologs in this row. See --target_orthologs.
  • species
  • comma-separated list of orthologs
If an ortholog shows a "*", such ortholog was used to transfer its annotations to the query.

HMMER hits file

  • query
  • hit
  • evalue
  • sum_score
  • query length
  • HMM position "from"
  • HMM position "to"
  • Sequence position "from"
  • Sequence position "to"
  • query coverage

Diamond hits file

Depends on --outfmt_short. See Diamond documentation for more info.

MMseqs2 hits file

See MMseqs2 documentation for more info.

Sequences of predicted CDS

If gene prediction is performed using search hits (diamond or mmseqs "blastx" hits), sequence identifiers include the identifier of the original sequence from which the CDS has been found, followed by an underscore and a number to differentiate among CDS from the same original sequence (e.g. A CDS found in >query_seq will be named >query_seq_1. A second one will be >query_seq_2, ...). If gene prediction is performed using prodigal, this output file is the one generated by Prodigal (check Prodigal documentation for output formats).


All eggNOG-mapper attributes will be prefixed with "em_". If gene prediction is performed using Prodigal and --decorate_gff no is used, this output file is the one generated by Prodigal (check Prodigal documentation for more info).

Sequences without annotation

Just a FASTA file with the same identifiers as the original sequences.

PFAM hits

  • query_name
  • hit (i.e. PFAM domain)
  • evalue
  • sum_score
  • query_length
  • hmmfrom
  • hmmto
  • seqfrom
  • seqto
  • query_coverage

Setting up large annotation jobs

The following recommendations are based on the different experiences annotating huge genomic and metagenomic datesets (>100M proteins).

eggNOG mapper works at two phases: 1) finding seed orthologous sequences 2) expanding annotations. 1 is mainly cpu intensive, while 2 is more about disk operations. You can therefore optimize the annotation of huge files, but running each phase on different setups.

Phase 1. Homology searches

1) Split your input FASTA file into chunks, each containing a moderate number of sequences (1M seqs per file worked good in our tests). We usually work with FASTA files where sequences are in a single line, so splitting is very simple.

split -l 2000000 -a 3 -d input_file.faa input_file.chunk_

2) Use diamond mode. Each chunk can be processed independently in a cluster node, and you should tell `` not to run the annotation phase yet. This way you can parallelize diamond searches as much as you want, even when running from a shared file system. Assuming an example with 100M proteins, the above command will generate 100 file chunks, and each should run diamond using 16 cores. The necessary commands that need to be submitted to the cluster queue can be generated with something like this:

# generate all the commands that should be distributed in the cluster
for f in *.chunk_*; do
echo ./ -m diamond --no_annot --no_file_comments --cpu 16 -i $f -o $f; 

Phase 2. Orthology and functional annotation

The annotation phase needs to query `data/eggnog.db` intensively. This file is a sqlite3 database, so it is highly recommended that the file lives under the fastest local disk possible. For instance, we store `eggnog.db` in SSD disks or, if possible, under `/dev/shm` (memory based filesystem).

3) Concatenate all chunk_*.emapper.seed_orthologs file.

cat *.chunk_*.emapper.seed_orthologs > input_file.emapper.seed_orthologs

4) Run the orthologs search and annotation phase in a single multi core machine (10 cores in our example), reading from a fast disk. --annotate_hits_table input.emapper.seed_orthologs --no_file_comments -o output_file --cpu 10
We usually annotate at a rate of 300-400 proteins per second using a 10 cpu cores and having `eggnog.db` under the `/dev/shm` disk, but you can of course run many of those instances in parallel. If you are running `` from a conda environment, check [these](

and _voilà_, you got your annotations.

Even larger jobs in large memory computers

Use MMseqs for the search step. If possible, create the MMseqs2 index first.

# generate all the commands that should be distributed in the cluster
for f in *.chunk_*; do
echo ./ -m mmseqs --no_annot --no_file_comments --cpu 16 -i $f -o $f; 

Load the annotation database into memory for the annotation step (~44 GB mem required) --annotate_hits_table input.emapper.seed_orthologs --no_file_comments -o output_file --cpu 10 --dbmem

Also when running Diamond for the search step (-m diamond) it can benefit from using large memory computers, by tuning the --block_size and the --index_chunks options. Also --index_chunks could be required by diamond when running in computers with over 64GB RAM.


 Please cite the following two papers if you use eggNOG-mapper v2
[1] Fast genome-wide functional annotation through orthology assignment by
      eggNOG-mapper. Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Damian Szklarczyk, Lars Juhl Jensen,
      Christian von Mering and Peer Bork. Submitted (2016).

[2] eggNOG 5.0: a hierarchical, functionally and phylogenetically annotated
      orthology resource based on 5090 organisms and 2502 viruses. Jaime
      Huerta-Cepas, Damian Szklarczyk, Davide Heller, Ana Hernández-Plaza, Sofia
      K Forslund, Helen Cook, Daniel R Mende, Ivica Letunic, Thomas Rattei, Lars
      J Jensen, Christian von Mering, Peer Bork Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jan 8;
      47(Database issue): D309–D314. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky1085