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Releases: egk696/VHDL_FSM_Visualizer

VHDL FSM Visualizer v0.1-alpha

02 Jun 11:38
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  • Real-time VHDL file tracking and auto-update
  • Recognizes conditional and unconditional transitions and notifies when a transition to an unknown state occurs
  • Options for customizing the layout of the graph

How to: Use the application

  1. Fill in the 3 textboxes Enum type, Current State Variable Name, Next State Variable Name with the respective names found in the .vhd file you wish to load.
  2. Load a .vhd file, either from the those provided or one of your own.
    Note: Make sure the file contains an FSM named accordingly to the parameters specified in Step 1
  3. Now the file you loaded is automatically tracked and any changes you perform will also update the FSM graph in the VHDL FSM Visualizer application.

How To: Use the provided VHDL files to test the application

There are 4 demo files provided for using along with the application and they are located in Demo

  • sdram_ctrl_de2_tb.vhd has an enum type for FSM defined as fsm_state_type. There is only one variable that controls the transitions of the FSM (Moore), named state.
  • video_composer_fsmd.vhd has an enum type for FSM defined as State_Type. There are two variables that control the transitions of the FSM (Latched Mealy), named current_state and next_state respectively.
  • mealy_4s.vhd has an enum type for FSM defined as state_type. There is only one variable that controls the transitions of the FSM, named state.
  • moore_4s.vhd has an enum type for FSM defined as state_type. There is only one variable that controls the transitions of the FSM, named state.