AiMySearch is a tool for fuzzy search. This is useful for detecting typos.
The good point is that you don't have to split your texts.
In case of Japanese sentences, this tool is most effective.
install it yourself as:
pip install aimysearch
target = "コンピューター"
text = "昨日コンピューターを買ったので、古いコンピュータは友人にあげた。"
s = search.AiMySearch(target, text)
# [{'text': '古いコンピュータは友', 'index': 16, 'length': 7}]
A third argument is used for choosing the length N-character string fragments. The minimum length of fragments is the same as target word.
A forth argument is match rate in texts.
target = "hogehoge"
text = "hogehogfugafugapiyopihogehugepiyo"
s = search.AiMySearch(target, text, 0, 0.8)
# [{'index': 0, 'length': 8, 'text': 'hogehogf'}, {'index': 21, 'length': 8, 'text': 'hogehuge'}]