Releases: eic/epic
Releases · eic/epic
What's Changed
- .github/labeler.yml: fix yaml syntax by @veprbl in #269
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #279
- Fix issue #277 - error due to hits hitting nHCal corners by @wdconinc in #284
- SciGlassCalorimeter: fix a small (1e-4) extrusion by @veprbl in #292
- rm configurations/sciglass.yml by @veprbl in #297
- Change separation of imaging layers by @mariakzurek in #273
- feat: updated magnetic field map by @wdconinc in #300
- drop mention of the ip6 repo by @veprbl in #298
- solenoid.xml: use magentic field versioned in eic/epic-data by @veprbl in #303
- fix: define Birks constants in materials definition by @wdconinc in #307
- fix for endcap TOF coordinate conversion by @nschmidtALICE in #294
- Add some of the baseline luminosity detector components: by @dhevang in #295
- fix: curl --location to follow github raw redirect by @wdconinc in #311
- epic_SciGlassCalorimeter -> epic_EcalBarrelSciGlass, BarrelSciGlassCa… by @veprbl in #291
- SciGlassCalorimeter: revert back to sector-row-tower readout by @veprbl in #188
- SciGlassCalorimeter: specify tower material in the compact file by @veprbl in #296
- Separate field from solenoid material geometry by @veprbl in #314
- SciGlassCalorimeter: place towers in a sector volume by @veprbl in #293
- 288 edit lowq2 detector and vacuum geometries by @simonge in #290
- Add LGPL license (as already used by juggler and eicrecon) by @wdconinc in #285
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #322
- dRICH: add airgap volume between aerogel in filter by @JunhuaiXu in #324
- feat!: remove redundant
constants by @c-dilks in #320 - fix:
CI job by @c-dilks in #330 - BarrelCalorimeterSciGlass: allow specifying azimuthal flaring angle for towers by @veprbl in #325
- fix: labeler for RICHes by @c-dilks in #329
- fix: clarify error on failing download or link; fail when empty file downloaded by @wdconinc in #312
- labeler.yml: properly detect compact/far_{forward,backward}/** by @veprbl in #327
- Modification of ZDC (ecce-style) placement. by @shimasnd in #316
- Extend far bwd magnets by @dhevang in #323
- Uncomment settings for high-acceptance, comment out high-divergence. by @ajentsch in #335
- Refactor DD4hep/Acts integration by @rahmans1 in #283
New Contributors
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #279
- @dhevang made their first contribution in #295
- @simonge made their first contribution in #290
- @JunhuaiXu made their first contribution in #324
Full Changelog: 22.11.0...22.12.0
What's Changed
- fix: split overlap check jobs for barrel hcal by @wdconinc in #261
- fix: remove debugging output in EndcapTOF by @wdconinc in #267
- .github: add actions/labeler for automatic PR labeling by @veprbl in #268
- fix: use printout DEBUG in EndcapTOF plugin (minor) by @wdconinc in #262
- Simplified tile shapes for outer HCAL by @johnlajoie in #266
- BUGFIX: SciGlassCalorimeter: fix cutout margins by @veprbl in #264
- ecal_barrel_sciglass.xml: update material budget for the outer support by @veprbl in #265
- Hcal backward segmentation r by @lkosarz in #255
- update the silicon tracker service cable thickness along the cone by @ShujieL in #237
- SciGlassCalorimeter_geo: implement double walls for wedge box and 6 mm gap by @veprbl in #258
- hotfix: synchronize IP6 ID numbers again by @wdconinc in #270
Full Changelog: 22.10.0...22.11.0
What's Changed
- fix(dRICH): increase gap between sensors by @c-dilks in #247
- hotfix: restore tracker in default epic.xml by @wdconinc in #251
- feat: de-duplicate imaging/sciglass EcalBarrelHits by @wdconinc in #252
- hotfix: re-add also vertex barrel by @wdconinc in #253
- Update insert hole parameters, fix backplate attribute bug by @rymilton in #254
- EndcapTOF_geo: remove unused variables by @veprbl in #256
- feat: define default features inside jinja template, and assume features are file names by @wdconinc in #244
- redesigned detailed endcap tof for ACTS compatibility by @nschmidtALICE in #260
- starting point with HCAL sector steel by @johnlajoie in #117
New Contributors
- @johnlajoie made their first contribution in #117
Full Changelog: 22.10_rc1...22.10
22.10_rc1: October 2022 Simulation Campaign Geometry
What's Changed
- treewide: use explicit getAttrOrDefaultstd::string by @veprbl in #4
- GitHub Actions: enable workflow dispatch by @wdconinc in #7
- update git pull to point to by @wdconinc in #3
- feat: only build-test LCG for ubuntu 20.04 by @wdconinc in #8
- feat: limit workflows with concurrency by @wdconinc in #9
- fix: concentrate sed drops into build-fast-eic-shell artifact by @wdconinc in #10
- ecce -> epic by @veprbl in #17
- ecce -> epic by @veprbl in #15
- docs: improved README for configure, build, install, load by @wdconinc in #22
- dRICH: Parse modified drich xml files by @c-dilks in #14
- feat: install using GNUInstallDirs by @wdconinc in #30
- add macOS support by @veprbl in #36
- add macOS support by @veprbl in #37
- bin: use python3 in shebangs by @veprbl in #41
- bin: use python3 in shebangs by @veprbl in #39
- suggest -DEPIC_ECCE_LEGACY_COMPAT=OFF by @veprbl in #35
- ci: actions/checkout v2 -> v3 by @c-dilks in #44
- .gitignore: only ignore xml files in the repository root, not in compact/ by @veprbl in #46
- ci: generate slides for Wednesday meetings by @wdconinc in #48
- ci: add weekly meeting slide config by @wdconinc in #49
- feat*: remove the need for symlinks by using two variables by @wdconinc in #31
- fix: cmake option
by @c-dilks in #55 - Reparametrize tracker and update to latest EPIC design by @sly2j in #20
- fix:
readout bitsx:32:-12,y:-20
by @wdconinc in #58 - test: post commit status with eicweb pipeline by @wdconinc in #32
- fix (dRICH): correct z-position after recent tracker updates by @c-dilks in #57
- fix (dRICH): swap mirror and sensor construction order by @c-dilks in #51
- Split HCal systems into different files by @rymilton in #61
- updated resolutions in mpgd_barrel.xml from 50um to 150um by @mposik1983 in #67
- Bugfix: Tracker bar triangular CarbonFiber frame thickness by @ShujieL in #69
- fix(dRICH): improve optics by @c-dilks in #24
- fix(dRICH): add sensor coverage for high theta along sector boundaries by @c-dilks in #73
- Modified material in mpgd_barrel.xml by @mposik1983 in #72
- Added POC info to mpgd_barrel.xml by @mposik1983 in #78
- ci: use recursive xmllint by @wdconinc in #80
- updated silicon tracker geometry to LBL design with symmetric disks by @ShujieL in #77
- fix(dRICH): initialize
object pointers by @c-dilks in #101 - A few adjustments for material map by @ShujieL in #96
- fix(dRICH): remove
tables from dRICH sensor optical surfaces by @c-dilks in #89 - ci: add 'since' input; scheduled run Monday 16:30Z by @wdconinc in #88
- ci: from github-action-cvmfs@v2 to v3 with apt caching by @wdconinc in #82
- fix: non-zero return for plugin success as of dd4hep-1.22 by @wdconinc in #86
- ci: use epic.xml instead of ecce.xml by @wdconinc in #85
- ci: workflow_dispatch with inputs by @wdconinc in #74
- ci: allow repository+sha worklow_dispatch inputs by @wdconinc in #104
- ci: auto-update pull requests by @wdconinc in #102
- cmake: use EPIC_ECCE_LEGACY_COMPAT=OFF by @veprbl in #107
- fix: remove SupportServiceMaterial debug output by @wdconinc in #112
- fix(dRICH): correct the sensor segmentation offset and grid size by @c-dilks in #113
- feat(dRICH): remove IRT
and add constants to facilitate geometry access from reconstruction by @c-dilks in #84 - Implement forward HCal insert and simplified ECCE LFHCAL by @rymilton in #65
- fix: calculate MGPD stave width based on envelope rmin, not mid-module rmin by @wdconinc in #121
- feat: run epic_sciglass and _imaging benchmarks by @wdconinc in #115
- fix: revert to a single Hits collection for tracker by @wdconinc in #52
- feat: Remove fake DIRC until real DIRC is ready by @wdconinc in #129
- TOF geometry update by @yezhenyu2003 in #136
- doc(dRICH): generation of dRICH and pfRICH material property tables by @c-dilks in #131
- Modifications for ZDC replacement by @shimasnd in #143
- remove Outer MPGD from EcalBarrel envelope by @veprbl in #139
- Add SciFi/Pb materials by @mariakzurek in #137
- Imaging Barrel Calorimeter Geometry and Readout Update by @Chao1009 in #120
- Imaging Barrel Calorimeter Geometry and Readout Update by @wdconinc in #157
- Update the forward ECal to leave the space for ECal insert by @jizhongling in #145
- ci: use a dedicated PAT for auto-update resubmit by @wdconinc in #163
- replace compact/elements.xml with one from DD4hep by @veprbl in #47
- Updated nHCal with segmentation based on STAR EEMC by @lkosarz in #132
- feat(ci): new check-tracking-geometry job by @wdconinc in #162
- Extend forward hcal system length to 140 cm by @rymilton in #153
- TOF endcap layer implementation by @nschmidtALICE in #144
- Updated SciGlass barrel ECal design by @veprbl in #45
- Implement forward ECal insert by @rymilton in #156
- feat: run geometry checks by @wdconinc in #183
- Ensure magnetic fields and other artifacts are retrieved from cache by @wdconinc in #182
- fix(dRICH): slightly increase envelope radii to be consistent with menagerie by @c-dilks in #173
- feat: include 1.7 T fieldmap for MARCO by @wdconinc in #164
- fix: add explicit NTP (NIST) conditions (20 °C, 1 atm) by @wdconinc in #151
- TOF disk overlap fix for PR 191 by @nschmidtALICE in #192
- Hotfix: Add B0ECal system id to definitions by @wdconinc in #199
- remove PANDA-inspired design for SciGlass EcalBarrel by @veprbl in #193
- drop EPIC_ECCE_LEGACY_COMPAT by @veprbl in #198
- ecal_barrel_sciglass.xml: add 2 towers in a separate family by @veprbl in #190
- SciGlassCalorimeter: fix for running without <carbon_fiber_support> by @veprbl in #189
- Electron-going endcap ECal: geometry updates by @johnny8266 in #141
- feat: introduce MPGD DIRC bars and update hpDIRC model and parameters by @wdconinc in #122
- 194 ensure correct config file yml format by @rahmans1 in #197
- feat: update solenoid offset and length by @wdconinc in #205
- ci: deploy views to by @wdconinc in #210
- Add TOF hits into tracking by @yezhenyu2003 in #155
- fix: introduce DIRC_thickness parameter by @wdconinc in #170
- doc: use the correct (main) image in the by @wdconinc in #218
- MPGDDIRC: fix compilation error and some format strings by @veprbl in #209
- Updates of mRICH positioning to avoid overlaps by @wdconinc in #148
- Moved InnerMPGDBarrel to R = 55 cm position by @mposik1983 in #174
- fix(dRICH): increase snout entrance radius from 95 -> 110 cm by @c-dilks in #217
- update backward disks position, and reduce disk inner radii. by @ShujieL in #212
- Adding versioning to run with 275 (arches) or 41 (brycecanyon) GeV beam with B0 ECal by @rahmans1 in #186
- new material map by @ShujieL in #221
- ecal_barrel_sciglass.xml: increase wedge box thickness from 2 to 3 mm by @ve...