Releases: eic/epic
Releases · eic/epic
What's Changed
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #818
- build(deps): bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 7 to 8 by @dependabot in #828
- add scaled field files for the early science magnet settings by @ajentsch in #832
- Bug fix on Barrel TOF sensors having incorrect segmentation. by @ssedd1123 in #834
- Gapless beam pipe vacuum by @simonge in #831
- Add Q3eR field rotation by @simonge in #837
Full Changelog: 25.02.0...25.03.0
What's Changed
- DIRC: avoid hardcoding number of glued bars by @veprbl in #824
- fix(ci): rm generate-weekly-meeting-slides.yml by @wdconinc in #825
- build(deps): bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #814
- build(deps): bump cvmfs-contrib/github-action-cvmfs from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #816
- update material map script for acts v35.2 by @ShujieL in #826
- Update material map by @ShujieL in #827
Full Changelog: 25.01.1...25.02.0
What's Changed
- fix: jug_xl -> eic_xl by @wdconinc in #813
- convert-to-step.yml: fix for the new container by @veprbl in #820
- update to acts 34.1.0 by @veprbl in #821
- Revert "convert-to-step.yml: fix for the new container" by @veprbl in #822
- Barrel MPGDs: 2D-strip segmentation. Outer Barrel MPGD: UV segmentation. by @ybedfer in #819
- backward_PbWO4: adjust geometry to match latest CAD design by @veprbl in #815
Full Changelog: 24.12.0...25.01.0
What's Changed
- modify MPGD BOT ACTS tolerance by @mposik1983 in #800
- calibrations.xml: add calibrations/onnx/EcalEndcapN_pi_rejection.onnx by @veprbl in #802
- New b0 ecal geo by @michael-pitt in #788
- Add configuration file for eHe3 by @Meatbally2 in #807
- feat(ci): run npsim in gprofng, upload calltree by @wdconinc in #809
- Special debug configuration of the BIC with only the first layer by @sly2j in #808
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #799
- calibrations.xml: remove a deprecated
by @veprbl in #805 - drop GeometryHelper, a copy of GeometryHelpers by @veprbl in #810
- Updated LumiSpecCAL segmentation by @aranyagiri in #804
New Contributors
- @Meatbally2 made their first contribution in #807
Full Changelog: 24.11.0...24.12.0
No changes.
Full Changelog: 24.11.1...24.11.2
What's Changed
- [Backport 24.11] modify MPGD BOT ACTS tolerance by @epic-capybara in #801
Full Changelog: 24.11.0...24.11.1
What's Changed
- fix(ci): use v33.1.0 scripts by @wdconinc in #779
- Add functionality to track in a BeamPipeChain by @simonge in #768
- Update sensor geometry for rp by @ajentsch in #791
- Add fEMCal to the inner_detector config by @veprbl in #793
- Tof new geom by @ssedd1123 in #796
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #789
- Lfhcal geoupdate by @FriederikeBock in #798
- fix(ci): don't trigger geoviewer directly by @wdconinc in #794
Full Changelog: 24.10.0...24.11.0