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eifinger committed Jul 11, 2019
1 parent 3e5071d commit ffbe180
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
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name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project


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**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
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name: Issue
about: Create a report to help us improve


<!-- Before you open a new issue, search through the existing issues to see if others have had the same problem.
Issues not containing the minimum requirements will be closed:
- Issues without a description (using the header is not good enough) will be closed.
- Issues without debug logging will be closed.
- Issues without configuration will be closed

## Version of the custom_component
<!-- If you are not using the newest version, download and try that before opening an issue

## Configuration


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private: false
has_issues: true
has_projects: false
has_wiki: false
has_downloads: false
default_branch: master
allow_squash_merge: true
allow_merge_commit: false
allow_rebase_merge: false
- name: "Feature Request"
color: "fbca04"
- name: "Bug"
color: "b60205"
- name: "Wont Fix"
color: "ffffff"
- name: "Enhancement"
color: a2eeef
- name: "Documentation"
color: "008672"
- name: "Stale"
color: "930191"
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# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale
daysUntilStale: 14
# Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed
daysUntilClose: 7
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# Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable
closeComment: false
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# Contribution guidelines

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- Reporting a bug
- Discussing the current state of the code
- Submitting a fix
- Proposing new features

## Github is used for everything

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Pull requests are the best way to propose changes to the codebase.

1. Fork the repo and create your branch from `master`.
2. If you've changed something, update the documentation.
3. Make sure your code lints (using black).
4. Issue that pull request!

## Any contributions you make will be under the MIT Software License

In short, when you submit code changes, your submissions are understood to be under the same [Apache License 2.0]( that covers the project. Feel free to contact the maintainers if that's a concern.

## Report bugs using Github's [issues](../../issues)

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## Write bug reports with detail, background, and sample code

**Great Bug Reports** tend to have:

- A quick summary and/or background
- Steps to reproduce
- Be specific!
- Give sample code if you can.
- What you expected would happen
- What actually happens
- Notes (possibly including why you think this might be happening, or stuff you tried that didn't work)

People *love* thorough bug reports. I'm not even kidding.

## Use a Consistent Coding Style

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## License

By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its Apache License 2.0.
154 changes: 149 additions & 5 deletions
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# here_travel_time

Homeassistant Custom Component for Travel Time using the HERE API
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## Configuration
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_Homeassistant Custom Component sensor provides travel time from the [HERE Routing API](

**This component will set up the following platforms.**

Platform | Description
-- | --
`sensor` | Show travel time between two places.


## Installation

1. Using the tool of choice open the directory (folder) for your HA configuration (where you find `configuration.yaml`).
2. If you do not have a `custom_components` directory (folder) there, you need to create it.
3. In the `custom_components` directory (folder) create a new folder called `here_travel_time`.
4. Download _all_ the files from the `custom_components/here_travel_time/` directory (folder) in this repository.
5. Place the files you downloaded in the new directory (folder) you created.
6. Add `here_travel_time:` to your HA configuration.

Using your HA configuration directory (folder) as a starting point you should now also have this:


## Setup

You need to register for an API key by following the instructions [here](

HERE offers a Freemium Plan which includes 250.000 free Transactions per month. For the Routing API, one transaction equals one request with one starting point (no multistop). More information can be found [here](

By default HERE will deactivate your account if you exceed the free Transaction limit for the month. You can add payment details to reenable your account as described [here](

## Configuration

To enable the sensor, add the following lines to your `configuration.yaml` file:

# Example entry for configuration.yaml
- platform: here_travel_time
name: Travel Time
app_id: "secret"
app_code: "secret"
app_id: "YOUR_APP_ID"
app_code: "YOUR_APP_CODE"
origin: "51.222975,9.267577"
destination: "51.257430,9.335892"
## Configuration options
Key | Type | Required | Description
-- | -- | -- | --
`app_id` | `string` | `true` | Your application's API id (get one by following the instructions above).
`app_code` | `string` | `true` | Your application's API code (get one by following the instructions above).
`origin` | `string` | `true` | The starting point for calculating travel distance and time.
`destination` | `string` | `true` | The finishing point for calculating travel distance and time.
`name` | `string` | `false` | A name to display on the sensor. The default is "HERE Travel Time".
`travel_mode` | `string` | `false` | You can choose between: `car`, `pedestrian`, `publicTransport` or `truck`. The default is `car`.
`route_mode` | `string` | `false` | You can choose between: `fastest`, or `shortest`. This will determine whether the route is optimized to be the shortest and completely disregard traffic and speed limits or the fastest route according to the current traffic information. The default is `fastest`
`traffic_mode` | `string` | `false` | You can choose between: `true`, or `false`. Decide whether you want to take the current traffic condition into account. Default is `false`.

## Dynamic Configuration

Tracking can be set up to track entities of type `device_tracker`, `zone`, `sensor` and `person`. If an entity is placed in the origin or destination then every 5 minutes when the platform updates it will use the latest location of that entity.

# Example entry for configuration.yaml
# Tracking entity to entity
- platform: here_travel_time
app_id: "YOUR_APP_ID"
app_code: "YOUR_APP_CODE"
name: Phone To Home
origin: device_tracker.mobile_phone
destination: zone.home
# Tracking entity to zone friendly name
- platform: here_travel_time
app_id: "YOUR_APP_ID"
app_code: "YOUR_APP_CODE"
name: Home To Eddie's House
origin: zone.home
destination: Eddies House # Friendly name of a zone

## Entity Tracking

- **device_tracker**
- If the state is a zone, then the zone location will be used
- If the state is not a zone, it will look for the longitude and latitude attributes
- **zone**
- Uses the longitude and latitude attributes
- Can also be referenced by just the zone's friendly name found in the attributes.
- **sensor**
- If the state is a zone or zone friendly name, then will use the zone location
- All other states will be passed directly into the HERE API
- This includes all valid locations listed in the *Configuration Variables*

## Updating sensors on-demand using Automation

You can also use the `homeassistant.update_entity` service to update the sensor on-demand. For example, if you want to update `sensor.morning_commute` every 2 minutes on weekday mornings, you can use the following automation:

- id: update_morning_commute_sensor
alias: "Commute - Update morning commute sensor"
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: '/2'
- condition: time
after: '08:00:00'
before: '11:00:00'
- condition: time
- mon
- tue
- wed
- thu
- fri
- service: homeassistant.update_entity
entity_id: sensor.morning_commute

## Contributions are welcome!

If you want to contribute to this please read the [Contribution guidelines](


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