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hughsimpson edited this page Nov 14, 2013 · 7 revisions

#Here are our pointcuts

Actor creation pointcuts

Pointcut for the actorOf(..) methods in ActorRefFactory implementations, extracting the Props being used

    private static pointcut unnamedActorOf(Props props) :
            execution(**)) && args(props);

Pointcut for the actorOf(..) methods in ActorRefFactory implementations where actor is named on creation, extracting the Props being used

    private static pointcut namedActorOf(Props props) :
            execution(**,*)) && args(props, *);

Public pointcut for combining the pointcuts of named-actor and unnamed-actor usages of actorOf(..) in ActorRefFactory implementations

    static pointcut anyActorOf(Props props) : namedActorOf(props) || unnamedActorOf(props);

Actor death pointcuts

Pointcut for ActorCell.stop(actor), extracting the ActorRef of the actor being stopped

    static pointcut actorCellStop(ActorRef actor) : execution(* && args(actor);

Pointcut for ActorCell.stop(), extracting the ActorCell whose stop() method is being executed

    static pointcut actorCellInternalStop(ActorCell actorCell) : target(actorCell) && execution(*;

Receive message pointcuts

Pointcut for ActorCell.receiveMessage(msg), extracting the ActorCell receiving the message, and the Object message being received

    static pointcut actorCellReceiveMessage(ActorCell actorCell, Object msg) : target(actorCell) &&
            call(* && args(msg);

Failure pointcuts

Pointcut for ActorCell.handleInvokeFailure(_, failure), extracting the ActorCell handling the failure, and the Throwable cause of the failure

    static pointcut actorCellHandleInvokeFailure(ActorCell actorCell, Throwable failure) : target(actorCell) &&
            execution(* && args(*, failure);

EventStream pointcuts

Pointcut for the EventStream.publish(event) method, extracting just the Object event

    static pointcut eventStreamPublish(Object event) :
            execution(* akka.event.EventStream.publish(..)) && args(event);

References: <- this is useful. A cheatsheet for aspectJ syntax.