gazebo simulation for rtmros robots
Please refer rtmros_common for installing these packages.
This package consists iob.cpp which is low-level interface of RobotHardware on hrpsys and IOBPlugin.cpp which is gazebo plugin to comunicate with iob.cpp.
- ROS node name of hrpsys(RobotHardware) node. (default: "hrpsys_gazebo_iob")
- ROS namespace of configuration parameters. (default: "hrpsys_gazebo_configuration")
- Robot Name
- Synchronized mode between hrpsys step and gazebo step. (default: false)
- Number of substeps. Controlling command will be sent in every substeps. (default: 1)
This package is a collection of examples for using hrpsys_gazebo system and utility scripts.
- You should prepare robot model file. Supported types of model file are collada(openrave) and VRML(openhrp3). URDF and OpenRAVE xml can be used by converting to collada.
- <robot_name>.yaml for configurating gazebo setting and hrpsys setting
- (automatically generated) <robot_name>.urdf under robot_models/<robot_name> directory
- (automatically generated) hrpsys settings (you should have a collada or VRML robot model file)
- <robot_name> under robot_models/<robot_name> directory, this is for adding description used by gazebo (such as sensor settings, collision and friction setting)
This is yaml file for configuring gazebo setting.
# top level name space()
# velocity feedback for joint control, use parameter gains/joint_name/p_v
use_velocity_feedback: true
# synchronized hrpsys and gazebo
use_synchronized_command: false
# name of robot (using for namespace)
robotname: SampleRobot
# joint_id (order) conversion from gazebo to hrpsys, joint_id_list[gazebo_id] := hrpsys_id
joint_id_list: [0, ... , 28]
# joints list used in gazebo, sizeof(joint_id_list) == sizeof(joints)
# joint gain settings
# Torque feedback mode
# effort := p * error + d * d/dt error + i * sigma (error) + vp * velocity_error
# error := reference_position - current_position
# velocity_error := reference_velocity - current_velocity
# Velociy feedback mode
# desired_velocity := p_v * error + reference_velocity
LLEG_HIP_R: {p: 12000.0, d: 4.0, i: 0.0, vp: 6.0, i_clamp: 0.0, p_v: 250.0}
RARM_WRIST_R: {p: 20.0, d: 0.1, i: 0.0, vp: 0.0, i_clamp: 0.0, p_v: 100.0}
# force sensor settings
# list of force sensorname
- lfsensor
- rfsensor
# configuration of force sensor
# key of force_torque_sensors_config should be a member of force_torque_sensors
lfsensor: {joint_name: 'JOINT_NAME0', frame_id: 'LINK_NAME0', translation: [0, 0, 0], rotation: [1, 0, 0, 0]}
rfsensor: {joint_name: 'JOINT_NAME1', frame_id: 'LINK_NAME0', translation: [0, 0, 0], rotation: [1, 0, 0, 0]}
# IMU sensor settings
# configuration of IMU sensor
# key of imu_sensors_config should be a member of imu_sensors
- imu_sensor0
imu_sensor0: {ros_name: 'ros_imu_sensor', link_name: 'LINK_NAME0', frame_id: 'LINK_NAME0'}
You can use robot_models/ for installing urdf model file. This scripts converts collada file in hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/models directory to urdf file.
./ ROBOT_NAME (model directory) (output directory) (collada_to_urdf_binary) (additional_ros_package_path)